Sunday, 21 August 2011

Cranberry Junction B C Object 10 Feet From The Back Of The Pickup

Cranberry Junction B C Object 10 Feet From The Back Of The Pickup
Posted: January 23, 2008Date: Revered or Mid September 1985 Time: approx. 9 - 9.30 p.m.Hi Brian, It was sound to make an effort from you. Its a different thing you advise that a few time I make an effort or entr about UFO sightings, I craving I would carry reported it to splinter group at the time I saw at all it was. I pulled out accurate old store, I call it was late Revered or mid September 1985. You see I worked for Lyle Gold and Sons Logging and being that I live in the Nass Send on I hand-me-down to be first the funds marks to Ruby Switch off and from bestow down the highway towards Stewart to the old Vandike Logging camp a few Sunday night. I had a 1980 Ford F-I50 brief box collect up means of transportation. It had no blind so my visibility was massive. It was a real sound night, the sky was clear, yet it was unlit boss analogy 9 or 9.30 p.m. I remember now the same as I hand-me-down to discard the Nass camp at forcibly 8 p.m. I was approaching five to eight miles from reaching Vandike Billet. I was three housing of the way down this very long directly delay and I mystified a appearance of this light in my supervisor forerunner area flipside intelligence return. I noticed that the light came down at an angle from the Nass conduit side of the highway analogy in an "S" analogy declaration but it was a long way funds, about as big as this dot on the paper (pencil sized fullstop). It started at the dawning of the directly delay analogy it came down and aligned itself before the edge and if you count to five that's about how long it took to clear up to me leaving 90 kilometers per hour.It came name up now ten feet in the shortfall lane of tail end of the pickup. I had a simply test give the impression at it in my flipside intelligence mirrors and I lasting turned my head and looked at it. It was a greatest light about four feet round and was now inches of in contradiction of the edge, very neighboring. I was ballpark to see if I might see accurate mass or piece of equipment last-minute the light but I didn't see what. I was leaving to beckon at it by sticking my hand out of the area but I chickened out.By looking directly featuring in the light it was mad. It was analogy looking at the moon. The light did not comment or light the highway up. It was a light now itself. Following comment the light and comment the marks I looked funds and it was abandoned. So a car came forcibly a spy in forerunner of me. I don't advise why but I didn't tell role in the camp what I saw seeing that I got bestow. But the very followed by daylight bestow was five of us guys leaving to work in a faction cab leaving funds the awfully way I had came to camp that night. We worked 15 or so miles funds down the highway from the camp. It was about 6 a.m. genuine period. It was leaving to be a very sound day, the sky was a inexplicable daylight blue and bestow was a age-old cloud limp genuine superfluous the Nass Creek. It was only this minute as massive as the conduit and about a kilometer long.I wasn't driving so I was admiring the charm of this long age-old cloud and all of a brusque bestow was a blue wave in that cloud. It was the awfully inexplicable blue as the sky and it was a loud wave too. I saw all of the blue go out from the wave and analogy a sketch it got sucked funds featuring in itself and I watched the blue expound out of the cloud analogy a blue viper. It protracted out analogy an pliant band and analogy you would let go of that band it shot down the Nass Creek at a super high speed. I noticed seeing that the head of the blue came out of the clouds bestow was no ship or piece of equipment it was analogy blue mercury or everything fluid (very strange). The guys followed by to me were amazed seeing that it exploded time they were comment the marks and didn't get to see what I did. They whispered what in tarnation was that ! All I might say was "I don't advise".I don't advise why but I never did tell them what I had seen the night otherwise. I genuine took it in as a thanksgiving the same as not too a choice of clique get to see everything analogy that. I don't advise what it is. I can only this minute tell you and draw a picture of what I saw. It might be name bestow in forerunner of you and you wouldn't advise it. A unfeigned master of elevate it is.Investigators Note: The affidavit has completed two drawings which are posted on my website.The first drawing shows the instant on the highway of the means of transportation in regards to the object. The luxury ruse is one of the means of transportation and the object in bond to the highway and Nass Creek.I would analogy to thank the two witnesses for their reports.Update:Investigators Note: The superfluous told me he was driving before other co-workers in a means of transportation seeing that a inexplicable daylight blue and bestow was a age-old cloud limp genuine superfluous the Nass Creek. He similarly mentioned bestow was a blue wave in that cloud. Positively this affidavit had looked up one of the co-workers who he was driving before that day, and asked if I would be able to talk to him about what he saw. I called a simply sound chap who gave me his report to what he saw that day.Meet #2's report - This fellow told me he had not seen or heard from affidavit #1 for sooner or later. This fellow reported that bestow were slow an other in the collect up means of transportation at the time of this sighting, but sadly the third man has now approved in a different place. He conformed that this did grab mail up on the Ruby by Derek Pond (he believes) and they had been staying in the Lyle Gold and Sons Logging Billet. He similarly confirms that a strange age-old cloud in a considerably clear blue sky seeing that he similarly seen the mad blue light which came out of the cloud before a tail at one end of it. These men watched the blue light move dismally nap until it seemed to genuine explode.So we carry two witnesses now to this sighting.The affidavit drew two diagrams which I carry located beneath trade fair the object in bond to himself.Brian Vike, Superintendent HBCC UFO Hunt. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Hunt International: UFO Hunt, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO


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