Tuesday, 2 September 2014

More On Mosasaur Sightings

More On Mosasaur Sightings

Message #5154 of 8203 from the Yahoo group Frontiers of Zoology:


Posted by Dale Drinnon, January 9,2010 9:30 PM

There have been several reports of Sea Serpents in waters of the Southern Indian Ocean made by Russian whalers and exploratory vessels, and they are uniformlydescribed as snake-shaped, laterally-undulating and an overall light browncolor. They are supposed to be of very large size and they chase whales: thatwould mean about a hundred feet long and chasing small-to-medium-sized whales,in schools of about 30 individual whales. They are suspected in other areas such as East of Australia and around Tierra Del Fuego: and some accounts make them out to be the culprits chasing herds of small whales ashore to beach themselves en masse. I was looking for some good representative sightings on the internet but what I was turning up was clouded by some very bad speculation about the Sea Monsters driving the whales ashore by mental telepathy, by thinking bad thoughts at the whales. They are called Leviathans at one site and one of the other sources listed in the CFZ archives calls them "Sea Lions" but that source assumes they are like vastly enlarged ordinary sea lions.At any rate, I think this is the same big-mosasaur that the U-Boat captains wereseeing aroundthe North Sea and Irish sea. Early reports of this type were listedin Ivan Sanderson's archivesat the SITU, but they were routine press clippingsreprinted from the Soviet sources such asPravda was then. The more interesting part is that they are big, snakelike, laterally-undulating creatures and their feeding behavoir had been observed. RARE observations also made byJapanese ships also confirm these observations. They are called Sea Dragons and JamesSweeney has an account in his book on SEA MONSTERS. Best Wishes, Dale D.

"Item from Ivan Sanderson's files"

#21. Off Soviet Research Station, Antarctica. "Sea serpent". 49' long. Light brown. Moved like

snake with "convulsive movements". Labelled a "sea snake".

http://thebiggeststudy.blogspot.com/2011/05/peeking-at-ivans-situ-files-meaningless 31.html

A later Russian reference said that "a dozen" report of the same type in Antarctic waters were known,

and there seem to be similar reports of creatures made in the cold waters North of Iceland and up to Spoitzbergen: there is however the pretty good counter-claim that such stories in the arctic are based

on rotted corpses of big sharks and whales looking like "Dinosaurs" since the mention is made that

some of them are "Furry"

Message #5017 of 8203 at the Yahoo Group Frontiers-of-Zoology


Thu Dec 17, 2009 7:49 am

Some of Austin Whittall's illustrations are quite interesting since they seem to

indicate a type of Patagonian crocodilian or caiman. I suppose this might be one

of the "Dragons" reported by early explorers. Needless to say it would be quite unusual to find

ordinary crocodilians in such a cold place. Are they describing the type of

Sea-Serpents Heuvelmans called Marine Saurians? Some of the illustrations show

rounded foreflipper-like "Wings" and perhaps they are meant to represent




Heuvelmans created the category but did not make several important internal distinctions. There is the standard version which he describes as 40 to 60 feet long and which seems likely to be a mosasaur, but there are also reports of a larger form with a head characteristically 10 feet long or longer, and with a total length of 75 to 100 feet reported. This could be a different species, and also has different physiology and behavior, being a deeper-diver, more cold-tolerant and apparently at least sometimes a specialist predator on small whales. Russian whalers have evidently seen it chasing pods of smaller whales in Antarctic waters. I would include the one killed by the crew of the Monongahela in this category: I have subsequently found that this is also Shucker's opinion. Incidentally, the original version of the Monongahela report, verifiably in the captain's correct name and in his handwriting, is preserved in a New England shipping museum and differs from the version that Heuvelmans had access to.


"Bakunawa" is the Phillipine version of the "Taniwha" and here it is represented as the cosmological dragon which swallows the sun during an eclipse, something which possibly relates the Southern Asian "Rahu" with the Hebrew "Rahab" (="Leviathan") at any rate the real creature that sightings are based on is the local type od whale-eater and likely to be a large mosasaur from the reports.


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