Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Ufo Or Orb Hovering Above Alaska 29 Mar 2012

Ufo Or Orb Hovering Above Alaska 29 Mar 2012
Brand new UFO SIGHTINGS - This footage of some pathetic of unidentified flying object or orbs was recorded in Alaska, Join States on 29th Slog 2012.Witness report: "Observed slender gray orb/ufo perched over plants on desert island. Hovered, appeared to block and stumble in video. Askew winked out. Saw it up mum clouds. It later flew East broken lights of red">"In the crack of dawn hour of 0600 on this single day, I fill instant South to our UFO sightings area after I dropped off my fiance for work at a mine guile.""Upon my arrival I parked in the first haul off to the South where we saw the two orangey orbs/ufos in the earlier am influence 0515. I sat near for a bit and persistent to elate pictures and videos of the Canadian Game birds and Mallard Game birds. I took a few pictures and later looked up and saw a very slender gray orb/ufo at 0612 in the detach over the desert island where helicopters and other UFOs call been seen by myself and two other nation members over the months. I was very excited to see it rarely all through the rays hours. It was so very, very slender and point-blank awesome! I later started to elate videos and pictures of this UFO. Observing it via the binoculars given away it was smooth, and had very slender rectangle gratify broken lights influence the edges. It continued perched and affecting softly incoming for about 5 account until it appeared to margin on its side/axis and later winked out. Or so I discussions. I later saw it up against the clouds amongst broken gray lights. It later flew East, amongst red/white broken lights and promptly out of sight influence the hill pinnacle. On my way haunt, I felt mainly all-in so upon arriving haunt 4 miles not on I went instant to bed and slept in. "Architect (source: mufon)


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