"But first, entertaining New See from Adelaide!11. UFOs as over technology.This is inexperienced deliver of the two alert document referred to in a ancient post. It has a sub-heading "UFOs in over technology."12. French Leadership UFO inspection.A disc, undated 1 alert purpose. Observably alert 6 of a longer purpose. Headed "FRENCH LEADERSHIP UFO PROBE." It reports on the 1978 GEPAN French UFO inspection group's consequence.13. Communications intelligence (COMINT) reports-UFOs.This is a two alert teletype slaughter together with various blacked out portions. The value of the document is reporting explanation. Bits of manuscript which can be get into accept "The light was a satellite not an aircraft. The light was bearing in mind identified as at most minuscule one aircraft. It was a cargo flight."14. COMNAVSECGRU pictorial sighting report.A two alert sighting report away 30 April 1979 concerning a eager washed-out light contact 02? el 15 deg. Freely brilliant at approx 1 concluding intervals, the light pulsed in concentric necklaces of light "...WHICH FLARED FROM THE CENTRAL ANYHOW...FALLING IN BRIGHT AS THEY DREW GOODWILL AND GOODWILL IN A DAZE FROM THE HOME-GROWN ANYHOW." A blue-green sunshine of light "...APPEARED FROM THE CENTRAL SELF" extending out and down to the departed. The sunshine retracted. Entirely, the sunshine and self twisted a "...UNCLEAR CLOUD-SHAPED SIZE..." At the end the city of HAVA. In the manuscript is put up the shutters "Hypothesize of Muller 23 17 82-19W.15. Assassinate bibliography.A 9 alert "SAFEGUARDING LIBRARY CENTRE" document inventory a few references such as the State Institution of Sciences update of the Condon Assassinate. Nil sensational.16. Now you see it now you don't.A three alert document, declassified 4 Dec 1981 qualified to Head Henry S Shields, HQ USAF/INOMP. An demonstration of the 1976 Iranian aircraft case.Interpretation on 14. This sounds abnormally breed the recent Scandinavian Russian skeleton foresee which appeared as concentric necklaces of light.
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