Friday, 31 January 2014

Raw Glowing Ufo Over Michigan During Night Dece Ber 2012

Raw Glowing Ufo Over Michigan During Night Dece Ber 2012
A new sighting of a UFO has alarm bells ringing in the state of Michigan (USA). Holko Jeff, a resident of Grand Blanc Township, recorded last Tuesday night mysterious lights that were visible from his home.

The recording has spread like wildfire on the Internet and caused even more commotion by the proximity of the possible end of the world on 21 December. Nevertheless, some voices say the alleged UFO is not so but it is a plane landing phase.

On Tuesday night, Jeff noticed something strange in the sky of Grand Blanc (Michigan). Therefore, he did not hesitate with his mobile phone to record the mysterious lights that were seen in the recording cielo.La, two and a half minutes, shows how many lights move slowly at first and then intermittently.

Nevertheless, Marc Dantonio, a UFO expert quoted by the Huffington Post, says that the video has nothing to do with aliens but with a simple plane was preparing to land at a nearby airport.

However, the video author denies the possibility that the lights come from an airplane as in the past "have seen planes with similar trajectories but with more speed and altitude and engine noise."


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