Sunday, 12 January 2014

Alien Encounters Re Has Anyone Seen One Of These

Alien Encounters Re Has Anyone Seen One Of These
I have seen many different types of beings. I also think they are multidimensional and they exist on a different vibrational frequency than we do. When they come to see us, we have to meet them "half-way"; sometimes they step their frequency down a couple steps and we have to raise ours up.

Similar to what is being described here:

I have seen "Mantis" type star people/aliens who appear to be like a 7 foot tall black praying mantis with a rather flat top head. I saw them one time and they were friendly with me. I have also seen plenty of the little Greys and then others who are similar to Greys but taller with tan colored or cream colored skin.

Here is a great drawing of a star person by a friend of mine who is a contactee:

Statistics: Posted by Bonnie Jean Mitchell - Mon Jan 05, 2015 10:19 am


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