Thursday, 9 October 2008

Justice For Military Personnel Dawn Of Ufo Disclosure

Justice For Military Personnel Dawn Of Ufo Disclosure
Sue for for an Government OrderJustice for Aggressive Personnel - "Gain of UFO Frighten Honey Mr Leader, The CIA has made a make fun of out of our organize. Our special compilation embrace no revelation of what we in the military embrace undamaged and are uniform feign, the same as the CIA resolute that 'they do not embrace a appetite to be familiar with. Hence, we in J.M.P. blab you, the Leader, to organization an Government Have an effect, conception it regular for all of us in the military and government, every one short-term and retired, who embrace knowledge a propos UFOs to statement then work on omission before a special Congressional order... The UFO cover-up is not in our national defense occupation. It neediness be stopped, for instance it hurts military morale. Our group, Correctness for Aggressive Personnel (JMP), consists of retired military staff who were grandiose by, or working in unfamiliar capacities then the UFO cover-up. Base advice of the CIA, in the "occupation of national defense", we took single in on purpose lying the nation, manipulating the press, the bench and most politicians. The CIA UFO cover-up is being perpetrated unwilling the American speed and not our have potential enemies. The Russians embrace a unspoiled town wholeheartedly for UFO research. The CIA insists that the UFO cover-up indigence be cool at all costs; or else the military confer on be powerless. The CIA duly maintains that military staff confer on collapse advice the same as confronted by UFOs. For relationship, trendy the Vietnam War, pilots refused advice to fly night missions unwilling UFOs. To the same extent infested accidents, UFO attached, are fairly unprepared (then the invulnerability of the Vietnam War), the CIA prefers to contain the cover-up. NSA, NASA, CIA, Rand and AFOSI ancestors embrace sentient us that UFOs embrace compound beginning. Accurate manifestly characterize civilizations thousands of sparkle leader higher than we are. Roundabouts everything about them, their motives and operations are inquisitive and mysterious to us. Contemporary is little we can do to keep ourselves from them. The Air Nation-state is very ineffective to touch on the perception, for instance of UFOs' inconceivable flight comprehension. The CIA and Pentagon are puzzled by UFOs' outward unplanned to jam all our ground and air electronic technology, or at once work out all our weapons control systems. The CIA has resolute to try to read and facsimile UFO propulsion systems at all rank. This means that pilot lives embrace been sacrificed in UFO chases to get spacecraft samples' for research... We in JMP upset that too compound military staff suffered or died as a result of not being sentient about UFOs. It is time to tell our hardheaded armed forces the truth. "It is unconscionable" to grip to use military staff as guinea domestic animals. Crimes We Fixed Base CIA Stimulus Forty sparkle ago, the cover-up was narrow to a very few individuals stylish the military and government. Today, compound thousands are grandiose or working. This disloyal CIA reinforce is proliferation sharpness in the navy, for we were habitual to act wrongly unwilling our man military staff and our nation. Our JMP group has compound military staff and others who are waiting to statement. The after are a few examples of ostensible behavior we carried out on thriving duty: 1. We on purpose habitual pilots to predict at UFOs, then the hope of acquiring a UFO for research purposes. These resulted sometimes in immediate 'disappearances' of pilot and plane. The UFOs' occupants seemed to be monitoring all of our pilot's whereabouts. We analysed hundreds of UFO gun camera films and it seems that assured UFOs are remotely banned. 2. We embrace seriously silenced military pilots who reported UFOs. We do not assent pilots to dispute UFO chases "steady among themselves." 3. We interrogated, frightened and stressed military staff who saw UFOs to bring round them (staff pilots and astronauts) that they 'did not monitor what they saw; overcome them then the vision of fancy put in prison sentences if they told personality what they saw; transferred them individually to bases impart the world, where, steady if they were to talk, secret message would think them; goaded assured of them featuring in emotional institutions; jailed them; ruined their military careers; did everything latent to intimidate UFO witnesses by fear featuring in underlying incredulity and stillness. 4. We distributed illegal information complete military and government spokesmen or scientists, to reveal all avow UFO sightings. 5. We goaded the FAA, NASA and other Focus agencies to mind to CIA UFO policies. 6. We degraded the Sovereignty of Loud noise Act by trouncing documents. 7. We muddy billboard pilots who publicly reported UFOs and goaded their companies to stillness them. 8. We did not endorse the same as inhabitant planes impart the world as well in the short term lost control or openly not here the same as UFOs were sign over. 9. We slandered horridly assured of our most noticeable and skilled individuals, who dared to report UFO sightings, moment we knew all eat that they were informer the truth... 10. We silenced Congressmen and Senators who requested UFO information for their constituents. These compilation are now however partners to this cover-up... The national UFO debunking run habitual by the CIA in 1953 published books and planted hundreds of articles in the press to onset an ambiance of insult impart the quiz of UFOs, falsely creating spacecraft associates and spacecraft hoaxes. This run, which is uniform in produce today, infiltrated whole inhabitant UFO groups to insult them or charm their pains towards "other explanations'. The press... did not probe why the CIA refused to consign UFO information to the hence Senator Barry Goldwater who at the time was chairman of the Parliament Skill Assembly. "If Senator Goldwater (who has been easily upset of the cover-up) did not embrace a high satisfactory defense defrayal to get UFO information, hence who in the government does?" The press spoiled to ask, if UFOs "do not exist", why did the CIA tell Senator Goldwater that UFO data is classified above top trap and "above any other secret in the USA"?... One of the most incautiously ostensible acts by the CIA working Leader Transporter (who himself had sighted a UFO), the same as he looked featuring in the theory of UFO research. Until that argument, all of us who were working then the UFO cover-up alleged that the Leader was sentient by the CIA about UFOs the argument he entered office and that he was easily upset of the huge calculation of keep invested in UFO research the same as 1953. Until that argument, "it was incredible" to us that the Leader of the Colleague States would be cool very uninformed by the CIA. At that time, NASA's professional get into formation fulfilled that the UFO cover-up neediness end for instance the avow or knew that most astronauts in space photographed UFOs or had been followed by UFOs, and that the astronauts were goaded by symbols to lie to the press. Almost immediately before NASA's release of the news to the press, the CIA insisted on lasting to contain the cover-up and pressured NASA to lie to the avow... Title holder Marchetti (leading Government Crew to the Switch Head of the CIA) shamelessly maintains that Leader Transporter conceivably was goaded to diagram in the CIA's UFO cover-up... This influence of American avow look at and the higher consciousness control techniques employed by the CIA, were described by one Air Nation-state doctor as: "Psychiatric fascism exclusion to any free schooling". Now leader than regularly, due to our efficiently sophisticated identification systems, UFOs are being detected as a rule over our bases and shoot down silos and they embrace tampered then our nuclear ammo. They are being photographed in not public areas, monitoring our military experiments. We link them visually and/or on radar with a leg on each side of the USA and Canada more or less newspaper. Large-scale intelligence reports signboard very come together sightings. Many of us objected fancy ago to this peculiar UFO cover-up, for instance it led to a gigantic collapse of professional data. But we may possibly not do whatever, for instance the CIA wheel all our military agencies and has astounding retain over compound government agencies... In imitation of our land wants us in the military to consign up our lives for this land, the smallest number of the government can do is tell us unwilling whom we are warfare and why. We embrace the level out to be familiar with... " JMP members embrace petit mal a program that may considerably breakdown the UFO over-up... This insane CIA UFO cover-up indigence end. It is a 'time-bomb' which can't be disarmed. This 'time-bomb', according to Rand, is firm spread and indigence second one day. Let us expose it now and help save up-to-the-minute unjustifiable collapse of military lives". This memo on purpose omits the most send-up actions in the UFO cover-up. Members of JMP upset that it confer on be leader bag that the Leader himself, in the same way as sentient by the CIA, confer on let know these actions to the nation. We hesitation the anonymity of this memo, but we embrace no other stream for instance the CIA has a clear reinforce of eliminating any insiders who may expose the UFO cover-up. As in a straight line as the Government Have an effect is issued, we confer on be the first to statement... Mr. Leader, you embrace a lonely chance in the history of mankind. As well as the interests of national defense and close association in our hearts, we politely delay for your whereabouts.J.M.P., San Antonio, Texas. "This memo was sent to us at "NEXUS Review" eat then over 6,200 copies to other media outlets conglomerate - very few published it, preferring preferably to pump up people's heads then direct crap to this day. The fresh was mailed to the Ice-covered Assets under the Reagan administration (Ronald Reagan wasn't very pungent, dynasty - his Giving out was a "inborn Contemporary" model for the military/intelligence/corporation-run administration of George II) on September 4th, 1987. "J"MP was the indication to a group that has naked huge amounts of information to a deluded (and specially aloof and disbelieving) avow - the "Frighten Be prominent. "Bizarrely, the most prominent story of all time has been essentially disliked by the media and most of the wage-slave individuals of Come to rest for decades. "Your brainwashed parents and grandparents were happy and thrilled to be lied to - by individuals who uniform get to one side then stealing the wealth and knowledge of the Come to rest (and where else) for themselves - are you? The world you be familiar with is a feudal hive, constructed to hoard a few decadent insect-brained accommodate mongers in control of each one else - keeping us all vulgar, stressed and rough of our crude absolutely. Let's onset a patronizing millennium! ""You can't modernize the system from stylish. Minor road on. Examine in. Opt Out - TODAY!" " - R. Ayana Xtra image - files/Billy Meier 494.bmpSee The Frighten Be prominent For move ahead cultivating information enter a word or pressing out featuring in the search box @ New Illuminati:@ (or crack on any tag at the ground of the beep for height references)And seeThe Her(m)etic Hermit - New Illuminati - New Illuminati on Facebook - The Prince of Centraxis - "This belongings is published under Plentiful Square Copyright (unless an self commentary is stated or else by copyright set of circumstances) - rendering for "non-profit" use is permitted & provoked, if you consign provenance to the work text-indent: 27.0pt;">From the New Illuminati - http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.comFrom the new illuminati @


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