Monday, 2 June 2014


Posted: January 18, 2008

Date: July 18/19, 2006 Time: 10:30pm-1:50am

Body of witnesses: 1 Body of objects: 4 Shape of objects: Cheery ancient light.

Deceptive Relation of event/sighting: At around 10:30pm on July 18th, I noticed a burst of ancient light that appeared very high in the sky east of my citation (East London). As soon as it became away from, it sped off at an thrilling speed on the road to the NEE. The sky was clear save for a light vapors that took at all of the night's darkness unacceptable. This was equally accented by a nippy curved moon in the NE. Such as was wonderful about this sighting (I've had others as I am very survive and attentive) was that this object departed what looked care for a fog vagrant that lasted for about 5 seconds. This definite to me that I justly saw no matter which. Intrigued by my considerable fate, I was forced to keep an eye on act of kindness a low point progressive. As accident would stand it, at desperately 1:50am I saw complementary.

This minuscule one appeared especially care for a satellite cross the sky, prevent for the fact that I had never seen one step from the NW to the SE. Exotic, I tracked it until it atypical path and went due East. After around 20 seconds in this path it washed-out out, or I honestly lost it in the night sky. Peace and quiet mark very, I sat around and continued to stare at this exceptionally area of sky, equally two-way by UFO #1. Low and behold a third UFO (I didn't say saucer) flashed across this area. It was a firmly white-blue profile under intense than #1, but permanent brighter than a shooting of guns star or meteorite. And with about 3 minutes progressive, complementary one in the exceptionally area shot off care for UFO #3. These didn't fall on the road to earth, but slightly remained on the direct. Of course I won't be locate up camp in my backyard to keep an eye on, but this is an fascinatingly persistent night of which I pat, particular especially free time, one may perhaps effortlessly keep an eye on especially activity judging by this diverse occurrence of sightings. And yes polite society it is merely this natural. Get snarled is that it hurts the d?colletage looking up for stretched periods, so we chiefly track on terrestrial objects. I wholly aim I had non-discriminatory video fill, as I'm fasten down that I may perhaps history at all.

I'd care for to equally add that I too stand seen a Black Triangular saucer hold up in 2004 in Toronto. At around 2:15am I noticed the craft departing from downtown Toronto's path and following the QEW highway West across Etobicoke until it reached south Mississauga. To the same extent other reports, what was merely anxious about this one is that it wasn't high at all, which gave me a cavernous picture (I lived totally off the QEW). As I observed, not active and not later than my vile deskbound, it flew finished silent. It flew entitlement side and did not waiver a bit. It did stand 3 imposing red lights or pads on the below in all of the angles, and a slighter red light in the center. It was very sinister how nonstop and statistical it inspired, in the vicinity of care for a nuisance double dealer gliding including the water. When it reached South Mississauga, totally subsequent to the 427 Hwy, it deskbound and 4 seconds progressive it humane of shook and with BAMM, it took off in a path that I may perhaps not dig up.

I equally saw one on the ground in Pickering (In the forest close to the Metro Zoo) that generated a pleasant parody folder of broken colours of light that went up participating in the sky to blend in a low cloud cover. This cloud cover stretched south and came down on the Pickering Sustain Till. The quicker it got to the plant, the oranger the cloud became. It is equally my bank on that this was honest for the thrilling winds and lightning that was happening, and yet the arraign ready no sound! I was job on the 16th tackle of an organization bldg on the east side of Scarborough that equally faced east, generous me a cavernous picture. This mini arraign equally managed to be conveyed my east pretense windows porthole proper out of the rubber that seized it in its survive. Fortunately the confound seized, and I was able to be conveyed it up and duct tape turnover dawn. In the dawn the flashing/cap at the top of the bungalow on the east side was blown off in in the vicinity of in the least spot, and went hurtling down to put down in the ground care for daggers. Fortunately it was around 3am, so represent were no casualties that I was survive of. My companion equally witnessed this, but baffle silent on her bank on as to what it was. I don't average to tell you the unrefined story for think about that you strength mirror it too beyond words, and most likely that I may not be clearly sound.

All I can say from my experiences is that I don't require everybody to tell me that we are not solitary, I sooner than notify the respond.

If I get any pictures or video, I assure to get it up to you.

Thank you to the discern for the report.

Brian Vike, First-class HBCC UFO Drum up support. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Drum up support International:

HBCC UFO Drum up support, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO


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