Thursday, 20 March 2014

The Day After Roswell

The Day After Roswell
Tony Bragalia's revelations within the event of a Nitinol connection to the Roswell story are greatly bizarre.

However, at this operate I force warning - not being I fight that Tony has exposed numeral data on the preliminary lifetime of Nitinol research - he most clearly has. And not being accounts of crashed UFOs inhibit been through in connection among this story - they have: see, for paradigm, the story of Elroy John Heart as amalgamated by Tony.

The elucidation why I force warning is that this is not the first time that a Nitinol connection has been through to Roswell. Yes, I was provided among a story within crashed UFOs and Nitinol on February 20, 2004, and which was published in July 2005, in my book Cost Snatchers in the Unload.

The claim of this post is not to search every one features of Tony's report (I determination work that to others) but to add force to the fact that existing is an modification angle to this unrefined chronicle that few inhibit from this time far realized.

I determination be the very first to with good cheer sign over that ill at ease is the fact the suitably of the story as amalgamated to me had no yearn for to articulate on-the-record; and so, as a verdict, classified the pages of "Cost Snatchers" he was referred to as "The Colonel."

That does not mean, even so, we be obliged to dismiss evidence unruffled being it comes from a suitably that elected to stay in the dimness. Character find again Deep-Throat?

So, for that elucidation, I introduce the ensuing. My desire is not to state among out-and-out girth that the ensuing data is squeeze and Tony is wrong (just if the relatable store that Tony is chasing down ultimately surfaces and confirms his suspicions, or fails to help them, determination we be able to expansion that disagreement in one self-control or the other).

Fairly, I introduce the data so inhabitants can see both sides of the build.

The first thing I would inhibit to say is that we can true just render the prose of the Colonel among two scenarios in mind: (1) that his story is the truth; or (2) that his story is disinformation that was clearly released in plan of somebody to the same degree Tony at last uncovering a Nitinol-crashed-UFO-Roswell connection.

The small thing I would say is that whether the story of the Colonel is level or not, the fact that he provided it to me 5 lifetime ago, and it was initial published 4 lifetime ago (crave with this current Nitinol-Roswell escalation surfaced), does greatly ruminate he had insider impression of everything that coupled Nitinol to the Roswell story and crashed UFOs - and which is now just unruffled commencing to surface on a wider and outsized figure.

As you determination now see, even so, the Colonel's consider on the Nitinol-crashed UFO distribute to all intents and purposes takes slightly amusing turns, and is ultimately not on to inhibit vitality to do among real, literal crashed UFOs. Yes, his charge is one of a far more down-to-earth skin tone.

And, among that all assumed, acquaint with is the relatable allude to from my book", Cost Snatchers in the Desert:"


"...according to the Colonel, in the preliminary 1960s a Soviet spy accepted to be committed in Washington, D.C. was suspected of having acknowledged classified data from somebody connected among the U.S. Army's Funny Technology Working out (FTD). "


"A plan was hatched to discover slightly very for one person but charade information to the traitor that could be effortlessly traced to the Soviet contact behind it was lawfully agreed on - from this time identifying the traitor as well. "


"The concocted story, states the Colonel, was that, in 1961, the FTD had got its hands on a quantity of amusing, presumptuous rubble from a crashed UFO that was being analyzed under cover of the strictest argument. "


"This story was lawfully and absorbedly leaked to the suspected Soviet sympathizer and, purportedly, the guile worked: the traitor agreed on the information to his Russian handler and arrests were tight and quietly through without any real secrets having been compromised."


"Fascinatingly the Colonel states that this led to rumors among officials that the Army's FTD had gotten its hands on crashed UFO possessions. "


"Most likely of signify to this incident is the 1997 simulate of one of the most put forward UFO books of all time: The Day While Roswell, co-written by Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso, who was a foremost carter in the Army's Funny Technology Working out in the preliminary 1960s. Corso claimed that what he was among the FTD he had upbeat admission to outdo rubble from the Roswell crash of 1947 - rubble that Corso asserted until his concluding day was extraterrestrial in tumble. "


"The Colonel believes that, knowingly or unintentionally, Corso's story can be traced wager to the guile laid down to seethe out the Soviets' foundation. "


"The Colonel states that, in reality, the odd metal topic that the FTD obtained and utilized in its running was Nitinol. "


"In 1961, Nitinol, which stands for Nickel Titanium Nautical Weaponry Laboratory, was open to hold close the secluded terrestrial of having shape reminder (returning to its in the beginning shape behind fervent), which a character of people claimed the outdo possessions on the Brazel cattle farm mad."


"The Colonel states that presently afterwards a surrender of Nitinol was vacant to the FTD to arrive on the scene smoking out the Soviet suitably among a crashed UFO story. "


"How this all relates to the Corso story is not okay clear; but it is an bizarre make a list on the unrefined rank and it be obliged to be noted that it was all the way through this vulnerable time spell in which Nitinol came to the fore, 1961-2, that Corso served among the FTD."

(Extracted from Cost Snatchers in the Unload by Cut Redfern, published July 2005.)

That in spirit is the story. But the big disbelief remains: is it true? My set a date for is that I bluntly don't identify. I inhibit to stay in agreement and cynic.

But, I determination say this: nil, of course, qualms the existence of Nitinol. The big disbelief is: were its origins (or at smallest its ongoing escalation) coupled to the taking back of bloody possessions from the Assemble Sheep farm, New Mexico in the summer of 1947?

Must we squeeze the event that the stories and rumors of crashed UFOs and their connection to the escalation of Nitinol are not honestly, but instead inhibit their origins in an running thought to smoke-out activities of an espionage-style nature?

At this operate it seems to me that we can say the ensuing among certainty: (1) Tony has exposed numeral information on the preliminary lifetime of Nitinol research; (2) from this time far - in any case the fact that slightly of this research was undertaken in the late 1940s and preliminary 1950s - vitality has surfaced that relations these "Scuttle Intelligence" to the 1947 events at Roswell; and (3) clarification inhibit been through among prevent to Nitinol in a crashed UFO context.

I do, even so, mean to note down on Tony's prose pertaining to Battelle scientist Elroy John Heart. Tony says that Center: "...declared that he analyzed metal from a crashed UFO behind he was employed by the Establishment."

Tony also adds that Heart upbeat his public relations to this metal came in "June of 1960."

And Tony also states that "Heart meant that this rubble topic was retrieved by the US government from the recede crash of a UFO."

The Colonel told me that the plan to smoke-out the Soviet spy among Nitinol and fabricated crashed UFO tales began in "the preliminary 1960s." Heart had admission to bloody possessions and was told the crashed UFO story in June of 1960: the time-frame is very at hand surely.

Tony reports that Heart "meant" that this topic came from a crashed UFO.

"Assumed" is a very compelling have potential to use. Does it mean Heart was to all intents and purposes unruffled told by somebody else that the topic was from a crashed UFO? Does it mean that this was the speak softly flying selected Battelle?

If "meant" means that Heart saw vicious, conclusive evidence of crashed UFOs and alien life, after that all questions are answered.

But if "meant" means as I would render the grow of the have potential - everything that Heart was told and, as a verdict, after that came to acceptable - after that, true this is not that greatly innovative from the story of the Colonel, who declared that the Nitinol running he had an curiosity of "led to rumors among officials that the Army's FTD had gotten its hands on crashed UFO possessions"."

If the Colonel's design is the squeeze one, we could ponder that Heart had admission to a when all's said and done terrestrial Nitinol-type topic, but that this came to be interrelated among rumors of crashed UFOs - unruffled to the same degree persons that the Colonel assumed were in installment in this time classified the allowed world, as a verdict of the espionage-op.

I would stress that having been careless to a Nitinol-crashed UFO story half-a-decade ago, I am to a great extent searching in these new revelations and documents, and stay open-minded on anywhere it determination all ultimately chief.

But whether these exceedingly revelations and documents determination ultimately be not on to inhibit doesn't matter what to do among literal extraterrestrials who met their deaths in the New Mexico in the summer of 1947, or among slightly amusing and knotty Faint War running, is an distribute that I greatly suspect determination stay inaugurate and unclear for a crave time.


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