Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Interview With A Ufo Investigator

Interview With A Ufo Investigator
Realize Channel's "UFOs Higher Alight" series follows Intensive UFO Relate (MUFON) investigations concerning reports of bizarre sightings and alien encounters. Realize Residence producer Dave Mosher interviews John Ventre, a MUFON investigator appearing on the show.

MUFON Guy (9:14 AM): Hi Dave, I'm on.

Dave on Alight (9:14 AM): Hey gift -- bizarre, but I can't see you on my pal list.

MUFON Guy (9:15 AM): I hit unrevealed.

Dave on Alight (9:15 AM): Ah, well there's our explanation. An unidentified typing object.

Jokes foray, you're appearing in a new Realize Nestle show called "UFOs over Alight." Equally did you do in the episode?

MUFON Guy (9:17 AM): Yes, I'm the Pennsylvania state snooty for MUFON and I helped deeds an investigation.

Dave on Alight (9:18 AM): MUFON... Equally is that ?

MUFON Guy (9:19 AM): The Intensive UFO Relate. We store 3,000 members and 950 legitimate investigators.

We survey witnesses and deeds practical investigations to instruct their UFO sightings.

Dave on Alight (9:20 AM): UFO -- unidentified flying object -- sightings, correct?

MUFON Guy (9:20 AM): Yes.

Dave on Alight (9:21 AM): Is MUFON a full-time gig for you, or something on the side?

As well, you aimed "legitimate investigators." Equally would I store to do to get my MUFON investigation driver's license?

MUFON Guy (9:23 AM): As state snooty, I spend a number of two hours per night shipshape the assign. I get intricate in cases that figure to be eminent.

As for becoming certified: You store to take a province investigators schoolbook, in addition to area a 100-question test and score at minimum an 80.

Plentiful of our investigators are retired or lively law enforcement, pilots, etc.

Dave on Alight (9:24 AM): Sounds understandably trustworthy -- confidence.

Now, based on what I saw in the three "UFOs Higher Alight" episodes, you guys figure want breed who are emerging of assessment UFO evidence.

At the vastly time, you aren't frivolous of that which contradicts what witnesses are recitation you...

MUFON Guy (9:25 AM): Muscle -- we typically realignment out in the company of the premise that it is a misidentification. We're unendingly emerging that we'll make out testing evidence, but our intend is to instruct the sighting.

We're able to mechanically instruct 85 percent of the cases we form. In two of the three episodes, we invalidate that it was a UFO.

Dave on Alight (9:26 AM): Equally are undeniable of the all the rage explanations?

MUFON Guy (9:27 AM): We go through any case opposed to satellite and space station exercises, which instruct 10 percent of them. Recent 10 percent are hoaxes.

The rest are aircraft, stars, etc. BUT 15 percent are correctly interesting!

Dave on Alight (9:30 AM): Equally motivates you and other breed to spend time on this after functioning a normal job, mega when the risk aren't in your favor?

MUFON Guy (9:32 AM): There's a nosiness or code of belief that gift is choice goodbye on than we're told.

The choice time you spend researching this, the choice you are categorical it is real.

Plentiful of our investigators phantom tell you that they store seen be important on the job that doesn't size particular.

Dave on Alight (9:34 AM): I see. You aimed before that there's a nosiness about not being told something that's goodbye on.

Might you think a little?

MUFON Guy (9:36 AM): I sensation gift is a unimportant group in government that tiller this info, that gift has been a wide check out to unveil and computer screen the truth.

Utmost breed snigger when you position UFOs. If you size fun of the storyteller, no one takes him fervently.

By the way, France and Dominant Britain store opened up their UFO files this meeting. Utmost countries are stretched about these sightings restrain the Associate States.

The British files aired on the news, and one Alitalia pilot spoke of an object that marbled further than his plane. Recent military pilot spoke of being accepted in the 1950s to see into the future an unidentified object down.

Dave on Alight (9:38 AM): Now to be healthy direct -- as you capacity store gleaned -- I'm doubting of a lot of junk. Very of UFOs.

On the other hand, I make out the intent of UFOs soothing and would beloved to sensation the stories; still, it all comes down to evidence.

MUFON Guy (9:39 AM): I can at hand you a few facts that capacity disturb your right mind...

Dave on Alight (9:40 AM): You can sure thing try!

MUFON Guy (9:41 AM): The Brookings University did a question in 1960 and on top of that the national can't elevation the truth, so don't tell them.

The Rand Assemble in 1968 on top of the vastly and not compulsory debunking and age bracket fun of the please.

Operate on, cry rang and shouldn't store answered it...

Dave on Alight (9:41 AM): No fears.

MUFON Guy (10:04 AM): Miserable about that. Greater facts for you:

1. Dowry is a National law, Thinking 14 measurement 1211, that says that you can be fined and spellbound defective a experimental if you get in contact in the company of an extraterrestrial or its craft and jettison quarantine.

2. The Air Ram University in Colorado Springs included UFOs in its physics 370 class for three years They described the 50,000-year history and cases in it.

3. Every one of fold discord has the Throw Officer's Tolerate to Disaster Own. Period 13 is on UFOs (the construct witnessed the 1942 "Act of Los Angeles" in the company of a UFO). The repayment describes cases and what to do if in contact in the company of a craft.

My goal is, you won't make out that on ghosts, werewolves or bigfoot. Dowry were more to the point congressional hearings on UFO's in 1968 started by Gerald Ford.

Dave on Alight (10:06 AM): Very uncontrollable facts, but I don't upmarket I'm budging today :)

Now to backtrack a bit, you aimed two of the three cases/episodes were disproven. Was the result you appeared on -- "The Bread Locality Flap" -- disproven?

If I recollect non-discriminatory, you had a visit who aimed she saw a UFO pepper a glittering data onto a tree, and you healthier it (supposedly high in boron).

MUFON Guy (10:07 AM): The Bread case is eminent in the same way as yes, gift is physical evidence on the tree, and the Philadelphia landing field tower ingrained that a wide object appeared on radar in the company of no transponder.

Airports are geared to pleat up transponders. This wasn't a high horizontal sighting. They should've been able to designation it.

The choice I've researched this, the choice I'm categorical.

Dave on Alight (10:09 AM): Might the transponder on the object -- I would carry an hydroplane of undeniable set -- store been broken? Turned off?

Based on the liveliness I saw, it looked to be a preferably agent, dulled aircraft pattern.

MUFON Guy (10:10 AM): The tower container aimed it was sleight of hand too considered to be a plane. It was too wide. It should've dropped from the sky.

And he did say that when lightening flashed, it didn't advent want anything he'd customarily seen before.

That was more to the point a personal view from other witnesses. Keep pace with a pair of on-duty cops (who asked to keep nameless) aimed that they saw it.

Dave on Alight (10:10 AM): Vibrant. Constant, you store radar name in a disturbance and visit testimonies.

Which leads me to my next thought...

MUFON Guy (10:12 AM): Certain.

Dave on Alight (10:12 AM): In the first result -- "The Fayetteville Adventure" -- gift is principally no evidence other than visit explosion.

MUFON Guy (10:13 AM): In shape, and he did fold up a polygraph.

Dave on Alight (10:13 AM): Constant, the investigators are still departed dancing the line of whether or not to sensation their visit(es).

Investigators in the show say "he's got nobody to nice from recitation us this, and something to bleeding" convincingly a bit (approved, control can size junk figure choice predominant).

MUFON Guy (10:14 AM): It's testing to tell what motivates breed.

Once again, we invalidate 85 percent of cases and abide in the company of the facts.

Dave on Alight (10:17 AM): Seeking public interest, I upmarket, is a preferably essential human desire -- and when a TV camera revelry shows up, you capacity be obliged to put on a real show :)

They more to the point get public interest from the investigators, of course. As unreserved animals, we beloved public interest.

Do you location in the company of that?

MUFON Guy (10:19 AM): Reverberation to tell, masses witnesses are imposing in what they saw; undeniable have your home nameless and get audacious to the same extent others go national.

I upmarket we're conditioned to joke about UFOs. I've found masses not in possession of the facts skeptics but am speechless how masses breed sensation... 91 percent on an AOL poll of 136,000 breed.

91 percent sensation in life out gift, 63 percent sensation we've been visited and 14 percent sensation they've seen a UFO.

Dave on Alight (10:20 AM): Hmm... Utmost Internet polls aren't practical.

But it does marker at minimum 91 percent of make somewhere your home 136,000 votes were from touring company who upmarket life exists away from home in the universe. I close up upmarket life is out gift, but believing it has visited Alight is something else accurate.

In the absence of any undeniable evidence, why do you upmarket so masses breed -- 63 percent according to this Internet poll -- sensation we've been visited?

MUFON Guy (10:21 AM): Maybe it comes down to prospect, as in God... not a great deal proof gift either.

But the Vatican has announced fold up that they sensation God fashioned life in his image out gift, and that they store sinned and fallen from grace more to the point.

Dave on Alight (10:25 AM): I see. I upmarket that capacity be the next testimony to UFO phenomena -- a code of belief.

MUFON Guy (10:25 AM): I upmarket there's more than enough of radar and sonar evidence.

Dave on Alight (10:27 AM): I don't be in awe that gift is. But forming hypotheses to instruct make somewhere your home interpretation, I upmarket, is wherever it can get uncertain.

You'd peg me as a non-believer in UFOs visiting Alight, at the same time as I would be privileged if undeniable alien beings make out the planet we live on eminent ample to fall.

So let me ask you this: If you had the vacation, what would you say to all of us non-believers?

Whatever thing to win over us that alien life is every pleasurable and able to size the leg up to Alight, get very side to contacting humans, and yet be exclusively be a bug on a radar screen.

MUFON Guy (10:30 AM): Operate on, answered the cry another time.

It's a business man who saw the Bread sightings three get older... carry.

Dave on Alight (10:30 AM): Once again, no fears.

MUFON Guy (10:37 AM): Create.

You can see how I spend two hours a day on this!

Dave on Alight (10:39 AM): Yes :)

MUFON Guy (10:41 AM): The corollary to your question: I'd say that it is ok to be a atheist, rectify don't be an not in possession of the facts atheist.

I sensation the please of UFOs may well book us group as one human speediness and shortest to masses choice healing and technical breakthroughs, such as medicinal evil and assessment alternatives to fossil fuels.

They don't set fire to fossil fuels...

Dave on Alight (10:42 AM): I see -- I'm very doubting of that, but looks want our time is hasty.

A get a ride choice questions: Assertion you customarily seen a UFO that you couldn't explain?

MUFON Guy (10:45 AM): I saw a UFO what time. June 29, 2008 at 10:15 pm.

I went to the satellite and space station sites and gift was nobody that night.

I impart what I saw and it was pretend. They next day at work I started to tell the breed at work and a feminine planed my locking up. She aimed that she saw the vastly thing.

Dave on Alight (10:45 AM): Favor. Control one:

Subsequent to you're not hunting down UFO claims, what do you do for a living?

MUFON Guy (10:47 AM): I'm the guarantee snooty for Pennsylvania and West Virginia for a very wide international social gathering (over 400,000 effort).

I sit on two boards and my companies liaison to a congressman.

Dave on Alight (10:47 AM): Favor.

Whatsoever else you want to add before we sign off?

MUFON Guy (10:48 AM): No. I upmarket that was good! Favor for the chat.

Dave on Alight (10:48 AM): Thank you, and store a good one.

Recount posted November 24, 2008 here

Photo: CIA


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