Saturday, 16 November 2013

Ufo News Mysterious Ufo Spotted Flying Over Texas

Ufo News Mysterious Ufo Spotted Flying Over Texas
These mysterious UFO's spotted flying over Texas, the eyewitness states "I noticed that the multicolored flickering light was hovering in the clouds then seconds later it was hovering above me."

Eyewitness Testimony -

"First about 8-830 my tv got extremely loud for no apparent reason and sounded kinda statically with voices like interference. Lasted about 30 seconds and me and my husband just looked at each other. The tv turned back to normal like nothing happened and the picture was clear the whole time just the voice was different and loud, like the volume turned up all the way on its own and had a different channels voice going, female i think. Well my husband left and I went to get something to eat and did not see any lights were I seen them yesterday as I went down the street. When I turned east onto the main drag I seen a flickering light in the clouds that looked faint.

After the clouds cleared it got brighter and was aligned up with the road pretty much well I pilled over to take a video and it dimmed and I didn't see it again. After waiting a few minutes I left and headed east again towards a food joint when I seen it flickering faintly but now t was a lil north of the road. well I proceeded to find a dark spot to take a video and it dimmed and i couldn't see it anymore. so i turned south to get on the main drag and seen it infront of me so I pulled over and was able to get a video this time. It was just above a single story building but further back. As I was taping i thought it was moving but my camera must have wavered while I was filming it.

So I stopped to head home and headed west then turned south onto my street and I seen another multicolored flickering light that was just west of the road about 80 feet, so I pulled into the church parking lot and faced south and started filming this one as well. Same one from a few minutes ago i don't know. Well I got back into the car and turned south onto my street and noticed that the multicolored flickering light was now directly in line with my street instead of to the west of it a few seconds ago. I go a couple blocks to my house and start to take another video of it and called my daughter and her boyfriend out to look at it. Well I finished filming and went inside to look at them.

I noticed that they all from the last 4 days have one single white flashing light either above it or below it either flickering faster than the big light or just a short glimp of a light. They all had that in common."


DATE - 2015-01-19 10:30PM


COLOUR - Blue / Orange / Purple



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