Thursday, 21 November 2013

Conspiraii Celebre 3 Incidentul Roswell

Conspiraii Celebre 3 Incidentul Roswell
Oamenii au avut ^intotdeauna o ^inclinatie catre conspiratii, iar civilizatia umana nu a dus lipsa de incidente neelucidate ^in ultima suta de ani. REALITATEA.NET va aduce o colectie a celor mai cunoscute si dezbatute teorii conspirationiste. Al treilea episod va prezinta incidentul Roswell si presupusa capturare a unei nave extraterestre: 583062.html

* US Navy X-Files known to Obama's Intelligence Chief:

* Obama predicted to open secret UFO files... A Tale of Extraterrestrial Politics in the White House. Uncover the true history of the US President's ( from Truman to Bush) involvement with UFOs and extraterrestrials in pictures and articles:


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