Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Ufology 1980 Cigar Shaped Ufo Sighting In Maryland

Ufology 1980 Cigar Shaped Ufo Sighting In Maryland

Portrait by SW/LITS


A Maryland conform to recalls a 1980 encounter considering occupants of a cigar-shaped craft.

Was this perhaps and abduction and the memories that remain are of the craft leaving? The conform to is disappeared wondering if it was in a minute a dream.

"This report has been shortened for flavor. Clap on case suppose for irregular report."


MUFON Selection # 34018

Date: 1980-06-01

Location: Baltimore Realm, Maryland

Shape: Cigar

Duration: 00:15:00

Distance: Insignificant person

Summary: Detection whenever you like I was a kid


Not real sure if it was a dream or it was real but it sure felt real and I stand lived considering it all my life.

We owned a farm in Baltimore Realm Md. on Rising and falling Rd. It was about 18 acres or so. The incident took obtain late at night not sure of the very time but any person was deadened in the house.

All that I can withdraw is that it was a very clear night, considering a few pale distended clouds. I was reputation out-of-the-way of the bank of the house looking up, don't withdraw proportioned going out-of-the-way of the house.

The summon up starts considering me looking up at, I insist on what a few would forename a cigar bent craft. It looked grey on top and twin bed, considering windows that appeared to go sharply the center of the craft. Award was no elucidation ban where the windows were and that was exactly so pale perpetual light that wrapped sharply the craft.

The craft was tipped to its side and a revelry was reputation in the direction of the organize of the craft waving. I withdraw that revelry looking exactly so bearing in mind we do, as far as human challenge and bothersome a assured project encouraging of clothing.

The positive incident didn't last inclination at all and as he was waving the craft leveled up and exactly so unthinkingly drifted shown and as that craft disappeared, I looked up and seen high up in the sky a quantity of crafts going all kinds of speeds. None were super permanent, they were all cruising bizarre shrink speeds.

Some time ago that I exactly so went in and went bank to doze. Its a dream that has stayed considering me for instance I was youngster. I don't pass on how I got out-of-the-way. I wasn't panic-stricken or trifle bearing in mind that. It honestly was a very soften sagacity.

I authority it happened in the summer, such as it was a very comfortable night out. I do withdraw going during and exactly so going to bed bearing in mind trifle happened. It was a sardonic fact but a soften one.

(Term redacted)



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