Posted: June 29, 2008Date: June 29, 2008Time: One time MidnightCiao, Call together night I was scrutiny the stars and enjoying a cigar on my 6th twin bed arcade in Vancouver, B.C. A helicopter got my reflection as it had a search light on nearby English Bay shore, so I got my Hi8 video camera out and shot a bit. I cold the camera together with me and whenever I saw a satellite fly overhead I would tape it. I what's more taped a bit of the planet Jupiter, low to the east.At about a after everything else or two after midnight, June 29/08, I saw a feline pitiful satellite to the south. I rolled my camera on it. I had a clear shot of it, together with a star centered inactive in the framework. It seemed to speed up and then departed. In our time while I watched the footage, I was thunderstruck to see, that what I scrutiny was a satellite, did a penetrating zig zag as it approached the observe of the "inactive" centered star and then sped up a bit and seemed to withdraw off to a outstanding turn and departed.I am now going to try to get, the video untrue onto a file that I can statement and blaze a DVD of. The sighting is about 10 seconds in length and accurately clear. It now makes me delight about whichever of the other "satellites" I restrain seen that inlet to vanish or inflate very dim. I cast-off to just abide it for arranged, that it was the satellite the length of beam of light to calculated. Regards.Thank you to the foresee for the report, and I restrain oral to the man on the mobile phone today and he drive be rescue video footage of what he saw.Brian Vike, Regulator HBCC UFO Poll and territorial army of the Vike Make itself felt UFO Bystander radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Poll International: Neutral spare, the Vike Make itself felt Means of communication Accept Blog. You can honest the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and approaching programs I do. UFO Poll, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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