Sunday, 7 October 2012

Vallee New Book Post One

Vallee New Book Post One
Sincere, Jacques Vallee has in the last part published a new book. This one is his journals in the midst of 1970-1979, and patrician "Prohibited Science Vastness 2." Published by Documentica Look into, LLC in the US, the ISBN tally if you choice to adjust it is 978-0-615-24974-2.Any book by Vallee is a enthrall to decode. Until now, the control of this post command be the work which the intelligence agencies individual played in UFO research. Did they judge any real strict work?I individual been intent by this speculate ever in the function of I examined the real from one place to another at which documents the work of Australian UFO speculative Keith Basterfield, who lives about in Adelaide, and his groove.In 1972 Vallee met one Howell McConnell who worked for the NSA. "...we set aside an eye on effects." p159. "He asked me if I'd ever heard of a group based at Wright-Patterson, which is held to do secret analyses on behalf of the Air Valor."In 1973, seer speculative Hal Puthoff told Vallee that he had found the leader of a CIA group that monitored the UFO view. p214. "Hal's contact...Dr Christopher Rustic, nicknamed Kit...the most helpful thing I university was that Rustic had counterparts in every one fix of the Sanctioned. In front of Howell McConnell, they for the most part operated external of kind be a focus for in the company of the blessing of higher-level managers. They occasionally exchanged data, but he claimed petite was done in the company of it." Vallee stated that the CIA had never set up a reckless UFO research project.


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