Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Ufo Sighting In Washington Washington On June 12Th 2012 Large Low Altitude White Glowing Orb

Ufo Sighting In Washington Washington On June 12Th 2012 Large Low Altitude White Glowing Orb
In Spokane Washington, was going east on i90 to work mid July in 2012 at a little past 6:30am. I noticed a very large white orb with a faint orange tint. Appearing larger then the sun at the time,south east in the sky. I first thought nothing of it, still finding it odd that its larger then the sun, though not giving off much brightness of light, nor moving. I felt calm & at peace watching the object as a friend drove that morning. I brought the topic up but no one in the car wanted to hear it. So i just watched if for a good 20+ min's. It didn't move, just sat with a non'bright glow' of white light about it, appearing larger then the sun. I looked away for a single moment at something on the road, look'd back and it was gone. Simple as that.

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