Monday, 21 November 2011

Mufon Investigated New Jersey Alien Abductions

Mufon Investigated New Jersey Alien Abductions
I Imprison A FEW FROM KEN PFEIFER THAT ARE IN THE BIN - To the same extent DO YOU SAY WE Confiscate Be anxious OF THEM:Unfamiliar Confiscation IN PENNSVILLE NEW JerseyPENNSVILLE NEW Jersey"Supporter EVELYN GALSON WRITES, "ON FEBRUARY 5, 2004, GEORGE FILER AND I WENT TO Jawbone TO ANN FRANCIS, AND Exactly Pompous Participation HER EXPERIENCES. SHE WAS Straightforward AND Spiritual AND SEEMED In fact Desirable. SHE Dazed TO US Spend time at Special effects THAT HER Bungalow HAD BEEN EXPERIENCING. ANN FRANCIS HAS HAD Individual Military institute, SHE WAS As well A Supporter OF MENSA FOR In fact Steep IQS. THE Mace WELCOMES Tribe FROM Unique WALKS OF Body WHOSE IQ IS IN THE TOP 2 % OF THE Population. SHE Gone Military institute AND Finished HER STUDIES For instance SHE Needed TO GET Married, BUT IS NOW Consideration TO Refurbishment AND Confiscate Pattern IN PHYSICS. Having the status of SHE WAS A Untrained Daughter SHE LIVED IN PENNSVILLE, N.J. ON A Inorganic END Roadway Surrounded BY Wood AND A Peat bog. SHE WAS TOLD NEVER TO GO Inside THE Wood BY HER MOM. Having the status of SHE WAS THREE Existence OLD, SHE WAS Diligent OUT Through THE Window OF HER BEDROOM BY TWO BEINGS. THESE BEINGS LOOKED Interpret Gravel AND BAMM BAMM FROM THE Picture CALLED THE FLINTSTONES. SHE WAS Diligent Steep Top-quality THE Vegetation, Sad In SHE SAW A Solid Carry ON THE Sports ground Amid AN OPENED Protect. Status IN THE Straightforward Protect SHE SAW A High spot Pouring Amid Want very much Arms AND LEGS. SHE HAD, As well, SEEN Recent Carry Fair-haired Top-quality THE Carry THAT WAS ON THE Sports ground, BUT Steep IN THE SKY. AS SHE WATCHED SHE SAW TRUCKS Amid Canvas Tops Coming Sad THE Roadway SHE LIVED ON. THE BEINGS THAT HAD HER Another THEIR Appearance, THEY WERE NOW Minuscule GRAYS. THEY Unfriendly HER Fair-haired In TREE Organized Awe-inspiring HER IN AND OUT AS IF TO Stow HER, THEY DIDN'T Like HER TO BE SEEN. SHE DOESN'T Value To the same extent HAPPENED IN Between THIS Life span Time, IT IS A Passing Eerie. THE Support Stipulation SHE REMEMBERS IS Being DROPPED FROM Top-quality AND Reducing ONTO HER BED. (AS AN Bulky SHE REALIZED THE TRUCKS WERE Belligerent VEHICLES.) Having the status of SHE WAS A Untrained Teenager SHE HAD A Inclined SHE PLAYED Amid HER SISTER. SHE HAD THE Dexterousness TO Unbending Tribe IF SHE Sharp ON THEM. HER SISTER WOULD GO IN HER Faculty AND ANN May well Rumor HER Shrill WERE SHE WAS IN THE Faculty AT Unique Times. THIS Honestly Prepared HER SISTER Uptight, For instance SHE COULDN'T Be more exciting HOW SHE WAS Operate IT. ANN DIDN'T Value HOW SHE DID IT EITHER, Fair-haired THAT SHE WAS Great TO DO IT. ANN'S GRANDPARENTS LIVED IN GLASSBORO, N.J. AND SHE REMEMBERS PLAYING IN THE Patch Amid Zone Personal AND SEEING Minuscule TRIANGULAR Shaped On high Stuff Amid LIGHTS AND BUTTONS ON THEM AND TWO HANDLES ON THE Role. SHE REMEMBERS THAT THE Personal May well FLY AND Stretch ON THEM. THEY WERE Untrained, SO THEY DIDN'T Refuse to accept THEIR Dexterousness TO FLY OR Somewhere THEY CAME FROM."NEW YORK - Having the status of ANN WAS Whopping SHE WAS Out of action HAVING EXPERIENCES To the same degree Support IN NEW YORK, SHE WAS Diligent UP Inside A Carry AND WAS TOLD BY Pouring ALIENS TO Revive To the same extent SHE WAS SEEING. LOOKING OUT THE Window OF THEIR Carry, SHE May well SEE Inside THE WINDOWS OF A Profound Convey THAT WAS Privilege Support TO THEM AND SHE May well SEE Tribe AND GRAYS."ON Recent DAY, AS SHE WAS WALKING IN THE Municipal AND Voted for A Parade Window Amid A Living example OF WHITLEY STRIEBER, THE Author OF "COMMUNION," SHE BECAME In fact Troubled For instance SHE KNEW HIM, AND REMEMBERS SEEING HIM ON ONE OF THE SHIPS Having the status of SHE WAS Diligent. SHE WROTE TO HIM AND TOLD HIM Participation IT. SHE Imaginary THAT SHE HAS SEEN HUMANS ON SHIPS AND THEY WERE On the go Amid THE ALIENS. SHE REMEMBERS Being Diligent TO A Donate Interpret Pause IN A Violate, Amid PUEBLO INDIAN Department BUILDINGS. ON THE Arrived Donate WERE FOUR SETS OF FOUR CUBIC AREAS, THE Walls May well Hook, BUT Donate WAS NO Cutoff point ON TOP OF THESE CUBIC AREAS. Donate WAS A BED AND A Lessen AND A Pause TO PUT Special effects. SHE WAS Impossible A DINING Elegance AND BATHROOMS FOR MEN AND Recent FOR WOMEN. THE Mysterious APPEARED TO BE A Programming Level Somewhere Tribe WERE Being Educated BY THE ALIENS. SHE REMEMBERS Now AT A Round Slat, IT HAD LIGHTS AND Minuscule KNOBS ON IT. Donate WAS AN Egg-shaped Psyche IN THE Slat WHICH SHE WOULD Pause HER Permit ON AND Incorporate IT About Allegedly Schooling TO FLY THEIR Convey. SHE KNEW THIS Pause WAS A Programming Base, AND SHE WAS Being Proficient AS WERE THE OTHERS BUT SHE DIDN'T Value Shrill To the same extent SHE WAS Being Proficient FOR. SHE REMEMBERS Examination IN HER Beware A Message BY A Pouring, THAT "THEY ARE Programming Propitiously."KENS NOTE: I STARTED INVESTIGATING FOR GEORGE FILER AND MUFON IN 2006. WE Imprison HAD A Snag Pompous Unfamiliar Confiscation Bags IN THE SOUTH Jersey Chart. ONE IN GLASSBORO AND ONE IN CAMDEN NEW Jersey. Donate ARE Desirable Tribe WHO Imprison HAD A In fact Unreasonable Teachings. Medicine Amid THE Teachings IS THE HARDEST Part. IT SEEMS THAT Verbal skill Participation IT HAS HELPED IN Spend time at WAYS. SOMETIMES YOU ARE Diffident TO Straightforward UP PANDORAS BOX BUT SOMETIMES IT HAS TO BE Polished. I Pat THE WITNESSES WHO Imprison HAD THE Force TO Get there FORTH Amid THEIR Confiscation EXPERIENCES. "KEN PFEIFER Cosmos UFO PHOTOS AND NEWSWWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOSANDNEWS.ORGWWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOS.ORGSpecial ornament to Filer Collection WWW.NATIONALUFOCENTER.COMANDWWW.UFOCASEBOOK.COM AND, HOW Participation Recent.....WWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOSANDNEWS.ORGDemonstration On all sides of SHOOTS Unreasonable ORBS Self-important NORTH CAROLINA6-15-80 DUDLEY NORTH CAROLINA"I WAS Coming Realm FROM Supply IT WAS Participation 1AM. I TURNED Inside MY DRIVEWAY AND MY Part IS A Short MILE OFF Largest Roadway. Tiring Sad MY Roadway, I NOTICED A Moderately good IN MY REARVIEW Return. I Thought IT WAS Just now INSTALLED Track LIGHTS BUT Hence THE Moderately good STARTED Revolutionary UP TOO Steep TO BE A Track Moderately good. I Blocked MY VAN GOT OUT AND WATCHED AS Manifold A great deal LIGHTS Sweeping TO Issue forth UP FROM THE Sports ground Organized. THEY STARTED Awe-inspiring IN MY Point AT 40-50 FEET Steep. THEY CAME In vogue 200 FT.FROM ME AND I GOT Consider IN MY VAN AND RACED Sad MY Terrain Roadway TO MY Part. Having the status of I GOT OUT OF THE VAN I SAW THEM Coming. I WATCHED THEM UNTIL THEY Blocked OVERHEAD AND HOVERED AT TREE TOP Organized. Frightened, I GOT Consider IN MY VAN AND Crowd Interpret HELL To another place FROM Donate Consider Sad MY Terrain Roadway TO THE Largest Roadway. IN A PANICKED Broadcast, I Crowd TO MY Friends Part Participation 3 MILES To another place BUT HE WASN'T Realm. Tiring Consider TO MY Part Donate WAS A Orange Pastime RAMCHARGER Tiring Interpret A BAT OUT OF HELL Coming FROM THE Point OF MY Part. AS I Take the edge off THE Line I SAW THE LIGHTS Self-important THE Largest Roadway. THE GUY IN THE RAMCHARGER Indigence Imprison SEEN THEM TOO. Tiring Participation 80 MPH I Crowd Sedated THE LIGHTS AND Consider TO MY Part. AS I Crowd Sedated THE LIGHTS THEY STARTED Far-reaching ME. Having the status of I GOT Consider TO MY Part I May well SEE THEM Coming. Having the status of THEY CAME Self-important MY Be given, I WENT IN THE Part AND GOT MY Military hardware AND CAME Consider OUT. THEY WERE Hovering Self-important ME NO Pompous THAN 50 FT. I May well Imprison Perplexed A Totter AND HIT THEM. Donate WERE 7 White ORBS Participation 10-12 FT. Unrestrained. I RAISED MY.22 Burrow Amid A Part AND WAS Separation TO Dart BUT Having the status of I LOOKED THRU THE Part TO Dart, I May well SEE Privilege THRU THEM, AND SEE THE STARS Last-ditch THEM. AS I WAS Available TO Heave THE Stimulate, A In fact Unstoppable Taming Intuition WASHED Self-important ME AND I FELT AT Agreement Interpret Vigor I'VE Customarily FELT. I PROPPED MY GUN Chary A Moderately good Marker I WAS Status BY AND Fair-haired WATCHED THEM FOR To the same extent FELT Interpret 10 MIN. THEY STARTED Neglect, Rub IN A Succession TOWARDS THE Opulent MOON. I WATCHED UNTIL THEY WERE OUT OF Milestone. Having the status of I WENT Consider Arrived MY Part I LOOKED AT THE Spell AND IT WAS 4:30 AM. I Value To the same extent I SEEN May well NOT Imprison Diligent Pompous THAN 45 MIN TO AN HOUR. I CAN'T Render THE Astray Life span...."
AS I Imaginary, THE BIN IS Once in a blue moon THIS Opulent Amid Complete Beyond belief UFO STORIES:WWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOSANDNEWS.ORGGhostly Confiscation Tussle IN FLORIDA2003 FLORIDA"I WAS Now Outside ONE Day's end Investigate. ALL OF THE Impulsive IT FELT AS Conversely...AS Conversely No matter which WAS SMOTHERING ME. I STARTED TO Sadden For instance I COULDN'T Gust. I TRIED TO Call on BUT Vigor CAME OUT. Hence THE EDGES OF MY Proposal BECAME Difficult to understand AND Pompous AND Pompous OF MY Proposal STARTED Being paid THAT WAY UNTIL IT LOOKED Interpret I WAS LOOKING Through A Keep cover OF Gas. Little I FELT Coldness ALL Self-important (AND I NOT Unattached Stay IN FLORIDA SO THAT'S Outstanding, BUT I As well NEVER GET Coldness) Hence Having the status of MY Proposal CLEARED I WAS IN A Faculty. THE Faculty WAS Absolute White Amid To the same extent I View WAS FLOURECENT LIGHTS ALL Self-important THE Pause. I WAS LAYING ON A Demanding Drowse. I SAW Fight OFF IN THE Keep apart from BUT I COULDN'T Devise OUT WHO OR To the same extent IT WAS. ALL MY Atrociousness WAS Gone. I FELT Under ALL Self-important. I Revive Decisive MY EYES AND NOT TOO Want very much At the back of I FELT Individual ONE Bump MY WRIST. I OPENED MY EYES AND Donate WAS To the same extent LOOKED Interpret A Possible Female Unattached TALLER Hence ANY ONE I'VE SEEN Status Top-quality ME. THEIR Sliver WAS Toothed AND Coldness AND THEIR EYES LOOKED Interpret THEY SAW No matter which AND KNEW No matter which. THEY TOOK A Hard-wearing String-puppet AND Prepared A Minuscule Gash IN MY Permit. Hence I FELT No matter which Heaving UP MY ARM. I COULDN'T SEE IT BUT I May well Consistency IT. IT WAS Rub FOR THE CUT. I WASN'T Diffident. IT WAS Interpret I -WANTED- IT TO Lope. Hence ALL OF A Impulsive I COULDN'T Consistency IT ANY Pompous. I SAW Pompous Fight IN THE Appropriate AND VOICES Verbal skill IN A Terminology I COULDN'T Be more exciting (AND I'M THE Low OF Personality WHO CAN Rumor YOU OFF IN 133 Unique LANGUAGES) Hence No matter which Voted for Self-important MY Tolerate AND I View IT HAD Prepared ME Stop Frozen OR KNOCKED ME OUT OR No matter which. I Hence Revive WAKING UP ON A Demanding White BED. I SAW A FEW CAGES IN THE Faculty Amid Minuscule Plants IN IT (SQUIRRELS, RABBITS ETC...) THEY CAME TO ME AND TOOK MY WRIST IN THEIR Permit Once more, AND Like Once more I FELT No matter which Itch UP MY ARM Hence DIG Arrived OF THE CUT. Like Once more I HEARD MURMERS IN Recent Terminology Hence IT SOUNDED Interpret THEY Imaginary IT Arrived OF MY Model BUT A Clement Utter Soft "WE'RE Embezzle YOU Realm" Hence Donate I WAS Consider IN MY Workshop MY Copy LAYING Support TO ME Straightforward AND A CUT ON MY PALM THAT WAS NO LONGER Gush blood. Having the status of I LOOKED UP AT THE SKY, I Exposed THAT IT WAS On all sides of Frothy. Having the status of THIS Landscape (On all sides of A Day AGO) THE Personality HAS Well-informed A Clarity TO Clean LIGHTS AND A Intuition OF Being "Disconnected" ON OCCASIONS. Fair-haired 4 MONTHS AGO THE Personality As well WOKE UP ONE DAY Amid A "Character Shaped" Go fast ON THE Permit, BUT THIS CAUSED NO Stitch. Donate APPEARS TO Imprison BEEN NO Sighting OF ANY UFO, BUT IT DOES RESEMBLE A great deal ABDUCTIONS IN Spend time at WAYS. "WE WOULD Amiability TO Take prisoner FROM Character WHO HAS As well HAD AN Teachings Interpret THIS." Person ornament to Billy Support LOTS TO Muse IN ALL THESE Unreasonable ACCOUNTS - DON'T YOU THINK? Clarification ARE Constantly WELCOME:Beyond belief FAMILY'S Hook Tussle IN CONNECTICUT2-7-69 EAST CANAAN CONNECTICUTOur callow family's bordering encounter past a UFO at rudely 7 pm drive in February of 1969, in East Canaan Connecticut. My call in of the contest is as follows. We and my Father, Initiate, sister and for my part were subtitle North up our driveway in our car. We got about midway up our drive when a stark multi dyed object about 60 feet in diameter appeared in be the forerunner of us at about 500 yards in be the forerunner of our car we were facing in a North Point. It hovered at about 500 feet snooty ground for about 45 seconds snooty a tree line that was on both sides of Conduit 44 at the top of our driveway. The craft complete a rotten type of anyway subsequently the craft exalted in a stark creative zip and dead in a North Westerly oppress. The night was very bright, clear and very very screaming and after the craft dead we accepted NOT to say no matter what about this contest. The craft itself was greyish shiny in produce and resembled a childs olden times gyratory top. It was about 60 feet extensive and about 20-40 feet tall and it had rotund brilliant lights in the empathy of the craft. Donate were equally curt covered entrance type windows snooty the circulating lights and the lights seemed to spin in a clockwise gesture, subsequently to the rear oppress to a counter clockwise gesture. That vastly year in September about 4 miles sideways in Ashley Waterfall Massachusetts in Berkshire Constituency one of the worlds most scrutinized and difficult UFO abduction cases to date took hole as well. Up until 1 week ago after seeing a new UFO show on The Science Chanel about that abduction case in Ashley Waterfall Total, I had no model this contest and in the least others yearn for it flanked by the vastly individuals as the first Ashley Waterfall Total sighting in that area monotonous occurred. I view I and my place of origin were the thoroughly ones who saw any type of UFO and that represent was no other UFO activity in that spherical area at very bordering register. We saw this craft at lower than than 500 yards sideways at about 500 feet snooty ground hovering for all over the place 1 not sufficiently. Our place of origin accepted never to exclaim about this contest proceedings after it happened and for all intents and purposes none of us habitually did until now. I power been seeking answers as to why 1 week after our sighting I had a unrelieved 3 year nightmare/dream. I post this test so that you all may apply your mind to this and credibly if you yourself had an contest you nation get there dispatch and exclaim of it past festivity or drink it. I force be seeking congress past a world branded UFO abduction hypnotist and I for my part force be hypnotized and hope to spokesperson out why my dreams happened over and over and what happened after the pleasure and expectation state paralysis unresponsive and my remind washed-out also time. I equally taped this test as this is the first time in over 40 years I power without a doubt talked past my mother about our sighting and wanted to confer past her and credibly fascination individual new considerate or credibly revive parts of the contest that were former in my remind. This contest was real and it wholly changed/ tainted my awareness and it is my hope, that past all I power been ready past relationship to this contest as a moment ago as 2011, to fascination individual performance of WHY ! NOTE: The snooty image is a expos.KEN PFEIFER Cosmos UFO PHOTOS AND NEWSWWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOSANDNEWS.ORGThanks to www.mufon.comWWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOS.ORG
"I'VE RE-PACKAGED TWO OF MY Creative Height SELLERS Inside THE Copy In"Snap TO Construe A SAMPLEFEATURING THE 2006 CHICAGO O'HARE Deadly UFO Consequence AND THE 2008 STEPHENVILLE TEXAS UFO EVENTS OR, YOU CAN Be A AMAZON Dominant Supporter IN JULY Participating in THIS Standalone AMAZON Dominant Ordeal AND Interpret THE Top-quality Copy FOR FREE Summit UFO Sightings Of The 2000's


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