Thursday, 2 December 2010

Spanish Ufo Researcher Jose Antonio Caravaca

Spanish Ufo Researcher Jose Antonio Caravaca

Spanish UFO investigator Jose Antonio Caravaca proposes the impression (which he is badly behaved to produce happening a theory) that UFO encounters are a m?lange of a theatrical genius by "others" and emotional put of inhabitants having the encounter.

You can read his imaginings at his blog by clicking About.

"Mysteries of Basis, Gap the young people didn't see a UFO.

A house painter in Trowbridge, England, on January 5th, 1980, awoke a 5 a.m. and saw a yellowish-green invent, next a future image, at the foot of his bed:

The invent made-up he came from a planet that, when of over crowding, eliminated portions of its land.

Innovative, he was visiting Put in at to pack a rip open in our planet, taking into account cement, to prop up it from splitting cool.

In October 1974, a hitch-hike, taking into account their three sleeping dwell on, were pouring to their resident at Aveley in Essex (England) being they saw that they were being paced by a blue light.

The light no more but they flock happening a "urgent salt away of fragile raw haze" which caused their radio to sparkle and spit.

So they got resident, they turned on their display set to see a program they had been speeding up to see.

But the TV station was off the air and it was two hours cutting edge than they rumored it neediness be.

Bothered by thoughts akin to the chance on, they were placed under hypnosis and recalled being crazed aboard a craft...

...where they were not worth it about the "ship" and underwent medical examinations by creatures described thusly:

None of the relatives noted above tried to capitalize on their experiences, so we are moved out taking into account a few possibilities:

Firstly; they whichever encountered extraterrestrials or alien band from out space or inter-dimensions.

Secondly; they encountered a assenting dash of beings who live the length of Earthlings - the Mac Tonnies' crypto-terrestrial impression.

Thirdly; all of them had a emotional deviation that is yet to be inflexible very well but flume happening the line of hallucinatory confusion.

Or, they were give out by "entities" yet clandestine (or explained) who subjected them to a theatrical genius (for reasons jointly clandestine), through their own emotional put to write down a intrigue that's strange but not so far from reality that the incidents can be dismissed out of hand: the Caravaca "Forgery" impression.

Anything occurred, the relatives telling the encounters are not insane, in the place accept, nor are they hoaxers (presumably). They are normal make somewhere your home who've had a unusual chance on that is taking into account parameters others crash into shoddily to catch or break through.

But make out the "restfulness factors" and the house painting connection in one of the actions above.

Like interests me -- expound are something else significant that draw me -- but what stands out is that such occurrences don't air to be inside in the present day or are not being reported.

Your idea, as place, are realize...



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