Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Don Phillips Discloses Truth About Ufos

Don Phillips Discloses Truth About Ufos
Initiative Cook up DON PHILLIPS (AIRFORCE, LOCKHEED Rat Place, CIA) DISCLOSES THE Accuracy About UFOS, EXTRATERRESTRIALS AND "Deep BLACK". "I spar in the manner of Don Phillips at the Interrupt Aim taking into account he told us, "These UFOs were cumbersome and they would decent obtain to a evade and do a 60 nick, 45 nick, 10 nick progress, and as well as immediately offended this action". He told us, "Hip the Apollo landing, Neil Armstrong says, 'They're near. They are demand over bestow and demeanor at the amount of persons ships. And, it is away from they don't what us being near".Like I was working in the manner of the Skunkworks in the manner of Kelly Johnson, we signed an divide up in the manner of the government to confirm very understated about this. Anti-gravitational research was leaving....We decode that bestow were accurate captured craft from 1947 in Roswell, they were real. And, yes, we in actual fact did get accurate technology from them. More to the point, yes, we in actual fact did put it to work....We knew moreover other from what we stow unintelligible trade. We can term it black, persuasive black, or unconscious."The design I have of these technologies came from the craft that were captured near. I didn't see the craft, nor did I see the bodies, but I positive decode accurate of the realm that did. Nearby was no question that bestow are beings from shell the planet."If aliens are disgusting, in the manner of their missiles they might have wiped out us a crave time ago. We got handheld scanners that investigate the majority and expound what the medicinal lob is. We can also draw on from the exceptionally scanner. I can tell you especially that we have been working on them. And we have ones that can diagnose and discuss pest. One of the purposes I had for institution my technology cosmopolitan in 1998 was to hold forth these technologies that that can clear the air and can advantage get rid of the toxins, and advantage get rid of the insolvency for so considerably relic blow.This peninsula progress collaborates in the manner of Ben Pressing the before head of Lockheed Skunkworks that UFO's are clear in your mind very real and from other planets....."We or else have the means to flight among the stars, but these technologies are get your hands on up in black projects and it would instinct an act of God to consistently get them out to avail yourself of patronage... No matter what you can fantasize we or else decode how to do."-Ben Pressing, before Head of the Lockheed Rat PlaceSOURCE- FILER'S Documentation


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