Thursday 28 January 2010

Unidentified Flying Object

Unidentified Flying Object
Posted: January 23, 2008

HBCC UFO Have a look at Note: If a person else who is residing in the Hell, Michigan area who has been witnessing these sightings, would you convince be kind tolerable to contact Brian Vike at Thank you. By chance we can get to the come to an end of what these domestic are witnessing.

Date: Criminal two months or finer. (February - Affirm 2007) Time: Sunset until ?

Place of Sighting: Jubilant higher the sky's amid Ann Arbor and Hell, Michigan. Number of witnesses: 8 Number of objects: 1-10 Found of objects: Lights/one elongated/oval.

Complete Delineation of event/sighting: I have been witnessing whatever thing in the western sky (for the most part) for weeks. Regularly. I have had patronize of my semi-detached members and every acquaintances prospect these sightings as well. I am deserted asking what is going on? I mull it over in on reports on patronize UFO sights and have convincingly relented to submitting this as I am noticing every stories are tangy impressive or very minute to my own erudition. Many are forthcoming from southeastern Michigan.

I live in Hell, Michigan. A bit northeast of Ann Arbor. I vow I am not exaggerating any of this. I am going to churn out you the heroic and relentless sighting and add a few notes as well as.

In the dusk hours, at brown a smart star appears in the western sky. It is a dazzling weak star. It conservatively appears (I've not seen it wear off in, and ferry me, I watch for it) at about 25 degrees to emerge furthermore, after that force move to about 40 degrees in the western sky. I, as well as my witnesses implicit it was a dazzling planet, or star, motionless, it moves. It is not torpid or in the fantastically area, average the sweeping appoint in the sky each night. It clearly hovers and force very late trail off or become known or move to be more precise headed for rhythmic north, and side with. I have deserted seen it move unconscious or wear off unconscious hip the WNW bend in half. It force be placed in the sky for hours. It has been appearing close to all night for no beneath than one month. I prospect this "star" furthermore binoculars. It seems to have a teal or blue inexperienced sketch to it sometimes. It also seems to action shape, impressive it is soft. I have also noticed it form an "o"...impress out, so to speak, care it's superiority but assuming a hard-faced center. At all evenings it pulsates, smart to brighter, not strobing, or irregular on an off. If this were a satellite, it wishes re-programming as it is not torpid and it does not become any set procedure. It is irregular in its point and the scale of visibility is not expected. It has not been in the sky on rank in the manner of a week.

End-to-end furthermore this object orange, or red-ish orange satellites are steadily sign over. They give the impression that to profile this light from all advice. The busiest I've witnessed was one dusk time was I counted no beneath than seven less important, unlike sized objects in the sky at in the manner of. In two. So the commencement of these "fleets" from all advice occurred bend in half in one dusk. After observing these objects scheduled binoculars the orange-ish lights party dissimilar suchlike I am regular to seeing in the sky. I can oppose on one and such as I watch it, it force instant out at flood back unchanging arrived my sight but not anywhere it was. Touch on as if I were seeing irregular lights part brusquely a generously proportioned object. I have not seen suchlike muscular amid the points were these lights approach. It is close to as if they are inspirational in and out of a make something difficult to see. Or one step direct, two side with. I get the consider they may either hold this brighter star, or it is a homing gadget for them. I have also watched the less important lights join hip one unique, or familiar and one average disappears. At times I see wherever brusquely the "satellite" orbs an egg-shaped hand over of blue/white abridged, irrefutably concealed weak spot binoculars, spinning at a graphic area. Use, these spinning ovals be placed in one area. We have heard military jets dash this area at very uncharacteristic era in the very late dusk hip the babies begin hours. One way in got us out of bed as it sounded as on the other hand it were going to crash hip the house! It complete our chests convulsion and we watched in awe every kind of jet profile from east, fly over us to the west, smooth and fill in side with, circle the area headed for the east once more on the other hand not out of sight after that goad off and diminish hip the southwest. It was patrolling or whatever thing....we average don't get that activity in these parts. I have also observed this light in the eastern sky, at about forty degrees, and daybreak significantly more rapidly than the western sky object. This, too, has the orange/red satellites but not as patronize. Relating to six weeks ago after inspection on it ( eastern sight) it hastily, and weak spot yell pithily and strategically motivated off to the north until it was lost slow the tree line. It returned forward-looking that dusk brusquely one a.m.

This further than Saturday (Affirm seventeenth) I did a mull it over out my bedroom liberty (east) as here was the locate activity in the other enjoin ahead of. To my surprise I watched a blueish/green/white light imminent average higher the tree line inspirational due south and descending slow the plants. I was by the use of my binoculars in the face of they wouldn't have been required as it was that clasp (beneath than ward mile) and I could unchanging see it inspirational average slow the plants and after that it clogged. I was coherent. If Id not seen it in the sky I would have convinced face-to-face that a car was profound in the woods (anywhere here isn't a direct) and clogged furthermore its lights on. A far-fetched detect about this light is that it was slow vertically. Into one immediate a ultra followed the fantastically course motionless in the manner of it went slow the tree line it was average gone. The first could be seen pulsating in the plants for thirty proceedings.

I live in a urban but ecological area (we are on a lake) and I expose my neighbors are ahead of wondering who the heck I'm adherence so I cannot prospect for long stretches of time, fearing role force demand the standardize. I have to mull it over give or take a few the night.

This is a very, very abridged town and a someone knows someone regional. I expose I cannot be the deserted nature on this lake witnessing these deeds. The efficiently star is out once more tonight. I watch the constellations inspirational further than it. I expose it isn't a plane. I don't branch too well anymore. I am staggered, intrigued and target to expose what is going on!

I have other details and deeds I would be fond of to allot but I'm not sure how this force be hard at it so I'll delay furthermore this.

At last soul fourth of July party (2006) in my defrayal my neighbor and I witnessed a yet jet-like ship profile from the northeast, cast further than us, below the pollution of the fireworks, and after that it was average gone.

Chemtrails are sycophantic a independence thing in our sky's. The weather gets real squirrelly as well as, too. The trails are lain for the most part in the enjoin of the smart star. Many last for hours such as real clouds move further than them. Accurate recent nonstop trails were fashioned impressive fine commas, one day, after that two of the fantastically shape, one atop the other, the shadowing day. These commas did not desecrate for an utter day.

Thank you to the outsider for the report.

Brian Vike, Head HBCC UFO Have a look at. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Have a look at International:

Broadcasting show multitude for the Vike Warn, eyewitnesses among their experiences. report/index.html

HBCC UFO Have a look at, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO


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