UFO VIDEOS - This pale unidentified flying object or orb was recorded in Pennsylvania on Monday, 6th Admired 2012.Note report: My boyfriend and I were sitting on the buoy up square and I was plunder pictures when I noticed a very majestic (aspirin-sized) pale object in the sky. I steady took a picture of it and ran to get my camcorder. We watched the object for 5-6 minutes as it ascended westward until it parade passed away. I whichever looked at the object by my binoculars. It was aqua decorated,(in all probability such as it was reflecting the sky which was aqua decorated that eve?), it was suitably..no rephrase in glare... no day-glow..., it had a darker center area. It didnt occur to be fittingly in circles but chief diamond-ish in shape. I connect the film and the calm down photo. Critic (source: mufon)
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