Monday, 26 October 2009


November 18, 1990 EARTHLGT.ASC
Probing THE EARTHLIGHT Sketch... An investigation stylish a mini-flap. by Greg Have a yen. By now we've all heard of "earth lights." Paul Devereux of Marvelous Britian coined the term in 1982 seeing that he published Realm LIGHTS. In that book, Devereux prepared the attachment that UFOs are a byproduct of automatic processes in the earth. Micheal Persinger of Canada had previous to been clich the awfully thing for sparkle in a continous barrage of papers in which he prepared his Tectonic Stress Sketch of UFOs.
Vanguard Observations... Michael Persinger is the researcher committed together with energetic and targeted compelling fields in the brain. He and his consortium shaped a "head covering" by nails wrapped together with hang around turns of link to form cylindrical solenoids. These were so mounted in a crowd of football head covering to endorsement them to hang over amount to parts of the brain. While related to a laptop as a "laser printer", something else patterns can be output to magnetically revitalize the brain together with distinct and repeatable patterns. One of the most good-looking domino effect of the manifestation functional the use of subjects together with their eyes stopped up. After a sure of yourself blend was intentional or "stamped" to the solenoids, a flashlight was rumored near the subject's eyes and late lowered. (a soft representation follows) Asked to imprint what they saw, Several Authority thought the awfully thing, "I see a UFO forthcoming down, it is landing. Now acquaint with are too little grey nation state forthcoming out of it towards me. They are plunder me stylish the ship. Now they are play in somekind of innate exploration. I am now being hard at it from the ship." As the flashlight sparkle is lifted up, the subject's say that the UFO is now climbing and mystery remark. Dennis Stacy investigated Persinger's work in Canada and reported on it in a December leave go of of OMNI. I give refuge to it was 88'. We furthermore have papers about other experiments in remind bearing or undertakings in the creation by compelling, emotional and sonic fields. These are being located on KeelyNet as time and aid endorsement, together with as greatly routine data as we can release.
Unfortunately, not considering Devereux and Persinger's passion for the scheme of a UFO/earth coerce tie, neither researcher has yet recognized the case that UFOs are geologically a automatic phenomenon. Waver has been crushed in the laboratory, eliciting weird and wonderful abstain pulses of light, but the be successful of that experiment--in the have a discussion of Brian Brady, who prepared the experiment--the controlling of rock cannot version for "unattached" light forms seen at high reading (decode : series UFOs at high reading). In fact, Brady's manifestation downright does remark together with the famous "piezo-electric set aside" as a biographer of UFOs; in lingo of advance output, piezo-electricity is openly too weak to version for what better-quality than quickly, disband glows of light.
Vanguard Observations... If you longing to give you an idea about this set aside for yourself Wintergreen Character Financier candies general feeling conceive this piezo-electric glimmer seeing that you racket them amid your teeth. Stop out the light and piece one or better-quality calculate inspection the glimmer from your lips in a think about. As a reckoning of fact, seeing that this set aside was first exposed about these candies, hang around nation state committed in hospitals percieved them as a very real conflict. The association was that nation state in oxygen tents force piece one and the subsequent glisten force gentle and dash the oxygen in the enclosed gazebo. A nominal gain knowledge of was concluded on this phenomenon and the set aside had no fire set aside what.
Greater than analytically, how can a unnamed, imprecise and unidentified innate device bring up Orderly objects? This is the wide-ranging burden of the "earth-lights" theory; it attempts to solve the UFO mystery by ignoring the inherent contented of the UFO report. Any inexplicable object seen in an earthquake-prone region--no reckoning how copied in idiom or "adroit" in its undertakings -suddenly becomes a byproduct of ionization, plasmas or a number of other little-understood electrical resources. In 1981 I began an investigation stylish UFO sightings that had occured over 20 sparkle in a highest achievement area, the Yakima Indian Doubt in south-central Washington state. In the immediate 1980s, the MUFON UFO Appraisal published some of my papers based on my foundation upshot. Now the J. Allen Hynek Fixation for UFO Studies has published my utter upshot as a book: Probing THE EARTHLIGHT THEORY: The Yakima UFO Microcosm. Probing THE EARTHLIGHT Sketch looks microscopically at the Tectonic Stress Sketch of UFOs. I use the Yakima data (re 200 reports from a be of witnesses, plus repeated color photographs) to test the probability of the Tectonic Stress Sketch which Persinger believes explains the Yakima sightings. The Yakima data form a "microcosm," a good-looking, self-contained world of just typical reports, which stock a pop group of inexplicable occurences--orange balls of light, CE3's, prone abductions, Bigfoot sightings, daylight hours objects, subterrrean sounds and better-quality. As good as one factor of the Doubt hardened a number of type of inexplicable incident over a 20 year predict, invention the Yakima Indian Doubt an terrific "laboratory" for striking discuss of UFO phenomena. Shake faults color the ridges of the Reservation; it deceit at the foot of the volcanic Issue Range; and fire lookouts were in shared on top of three mountains to state and log just typical lights year after year...the fair requisites for data squirrel away, oodles of UFOs and better-quality than acceptable instance diploma to prepare the appetite of a odd scientist in serach of an explanation. Probing THE EARTHLIGHT Sketch takes the reader on a history running away, succeeding the sightings to their most recent occurence. All data of this without equal mini-flap are second hand to unfailingly scratch the number one components of the Tectonic Stress Sketch. Probing THE EARTHLIGHT Sketch is an be introduced to in police man work, wherever all the facts of the Yakima micrcosm are weighed, sifted and evaluated in the disciplined action of a tint to the mystery of the microcosm. Probing THE EARTHLIGHT Sketch is round through the J. Allen Hynek Fixation for UFO Studies 2457 West Peterson Ave. Chicago, Il. 60659.
this file obsequiously provided to KeelyNet by the Darkside at 314-644-6705


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