Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Owl Dreams Aliens Screen Memories And The Fourth Kind

Owl Dreams Aliens Screen Memories And The Fourth Kind
Even in traditional dream interpretation the dreaming of an 'Owl' is considered to be a bad omen, synonymous with death and darkness as it is the Owl forewarn's of disappointments, and of death creeping closely hidden in the wake of better times.But with regards to Owl 'dreams' and close encounters of the fouth kind the recollection of these nocturnal predators takes on a different meaning altogether, to become something far more sinister and disturbing.For 'Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind' are the abduction of Humans by Aliens, usually for the purposes of experimentation and analysis (often carried out with a brutality that would not be expected of an advanced race). The movie 'The Fourth Kind' features Owls heavily within its dialog, but little is offered in way of explanation for the Owls presence, other than to touch lightly upon the fact that the Owl (despite what the brain was telling) didn't 'feel' to be an Owl at all.SO WHAT IS AN OWL IF AN OWL IT ISN'T?

Owls have frequently been recorded as being an occurrence within the recalled memories of those under hypnosis who have experienced 'missing time'. Missing time is a phenomenon commonly reported in connection with suspected episodes of Alien abduction, and is the experience of losing periods of time within which contact and/or abduction by alien entities occurs. Periods of missing time vary greatly in length, and range from just a few minutes to several days, with the memories of what occurred during these time frames being blurry and unclear, if not forgotten completely.

* 48% of Americans think UFOs are real.
* 29% think we have made contact with aliens.
* 48% think there is a government cover up of UFO knowledge.

SCREEN MEMORIESScreen memories with regards to Alien abduction are essentially altered or false memories in which something unpleasant is thought to have been glossed over with something more familiar and/or friendly. Owls amongst other animals often appear as a disguise to replace the images of Aliens etc. within such memories, as do police officers, fire-fighters (and other people of authority), and strangely clowns too. And it is suspected that these ill fitting memories were implanted within the abductees by the Aliens in order to prevent mental trauma following abduction.


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