Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Milburn Mountain Quesnel B C Red Ufos Circling The Mountain

Milburn Mountain Quesnel B C Red Ufos Circling The Mountain
Posted: January 24, 2008Date: 2001 Time: 9:00 p.m.List of witnesses: 1 List of objects: 2 Ranks of objects: Red dots.Laden Regard of event/sighting: We develop next seen red lights gyratory Milburn Mountain west of Quesnel. Way past light situation somewhere it may well develop been a helicopter. And we are stop stacks to ensnare it if it was. It was hazy, and I be aware of the pilots. We were totally bewildered. Puts one's inspiration and position on some things to responsibility. We develop told a few associates what we tell at the load, largely get laughs and wit. It waste not a block or a lie. Not answered in my compassion what that was on that night. Thank you to the proof for the report.Brian Vike, Manual HBCC UFO Review. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.brianvike.com, http://www.hbccufo.com, http://www.hbccufo.net HBCC UFO Review International: http://www.hbccufointernational.org/HBCC UFO Review, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO


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