Saturday, 31 August 2013

A New Ufo Hypothesis Artificial Intelligence Matrix Simulation World And Post Singularity Homo Mechanicus

A New Ufo Hypothesis Artificial Intelligence Matrix Simulation World And Post Singularity Homo Mechanicus
Dr. Maxim Kammerer

"I have recently finished a manuscript, Space-Time Illusions": "A Transhumanist Exploration of Jacques Vallee's Interdimensional UFO Hypothesis", soon to be submitted for publication consideration. The manuscript, which has received feedback from a number of scholars in such fields as quantum physics, information technology, and the humanities, explores and sheds light on the most well-known but often misunderstood components of Jacques Vallee's UFO ideas, and to a lesser extent the hypotheses of the late transhumanist and futurist Mac Tonnies, who will have passed away two years ago in 2009 this October 18. The manuscript documents that the "dimensions" involved in Vallee's Interdimensional Hypothesis are not the extra, higher, or parallel dimensions of spacetime advocated by modern String Theory or Quantum Physics, because Vallee posits that spacetime and its idea of dimensions are ultimately based on cognitive illusions generated by cultural developments. The dimensions involved in Vallee's hypothesis, according to his own generally overlooked specification, are matter and consciousness which are linked by information and probability. The Interdimensional Hypothesis therefore posits that UFOs may come from an order of reality or multiverse beyond space and time in which matter and consciousness are inseparable. The "dimensions" alluded to by Vallee are specifically the domains of matter and consciousness, not of spacetime. The manuscript compares Vallee's idea of the unity of matter and consciousness to David Bohm's theory of the Implicate Order, according to which mind and matter are generated by an underlying Implicate Order which consists of pre-consciousness and pre-matter existing as a single, interpenetrating, and inseparable phenomenon. That UFOs exhibit simultaneous physical and immaterial aspects suggests that the phenomenon is neither material nor immaterial in the normal senses of those terms, but that it may instead originate from a technology that has mastered Bohm's Implicate Order which lacks spacetime and which consists of an inseparable pre-matter and pre-consciousness that generates matter and consciousness in the domain of illusory spacetime. In this way, a technological mastery of the common ground behind matter and consciousness might help explain the UFO phenomenon. Vallee's multiverse may be essentially the same as Bohm's Implicate Order.

Building on Transhumanism's contention that a post-Singularity posthumanity would likely be able to travel backwards in time and to construct virtual or matrix computer worlds (as postulated by Nick Bostrom of Oxford University), and based on Vallee's theory that the world functions as a domain of information strikingly similar to that of a computer technology, and his further contention that UFOs could come from "anywhen," we explore the possibility that UFOs might represent an intrusion into our world by posthuman creators of a future earth or even cosmic matrix simulation program which we might indeed inhabit. That is, the breakthrough to Kurzweil's Singularity may have occurred already, and we may be presently living in a matrix program created by our own posthuman descendants in what we would consider our future. The matrix program might be constructed not on the basis of nanotechnology, but on a mastery of Bohm's Implicate Order, and UFOs might thus involve a similar mastery of the Implicate Order which if harnessed could give posthumans the very power of creation, not only of matter, but of consciousness as well. With such a technology, physical matter, consciousness, and spacetime could all be transcended at will.

Whereas Transhumanism argues that posthumanity, about a few decades in our own future, would use nanotechnology, we argue that a mastery of the Implicate Order lies perhaps a few centuries in our future when posthumans might reach a further stage we call "homo mechanicus". By this term we mean that the Singularity may not be reached by Artificial Intelligence in the form of a machine, but that humanity's biology might instead be merged with technology, producing a mechanized humanity, along the lines of mathematician and sci-fi author Vernor Vinge's theory of IA (Intelligence Amplification) in contrast to AI. Such a "homo mechanicus" may be interacting with their own ancestors (us) in a cosmic matrix program they have created by manipulation of the Implicate Order. They may have been inserting themselves into the matrix program since the beginning of human history, perhaps in order to observe their human ancestors. We explore some possible motivations for this interaction, based in part on musings by French philosopher Jean Baudrillard, whose phrase "the desert of the real" is quoted in the movie "The Matrix". Baudrillard has suggested that the computer might become a prosthetic device of the human mind, leading to a possible combination of a coexisting super-intelligence and stunted intellect and emotions. This might help explain the often reported mechanical and mentally or emotionally awkward behavior of UFO occupants.

We must stress that we are not suggesting that UFOs and their occupants are humans like us who are time travelers from the future, a hypothesis that has been circulated for several years. That would not be the case if, as Vallee argues, time is ultimately an illusion. As Einstein's colleague Kurt G"odel insisted, if time does not exist (especially in a linear mode), then there can be no time travel, since one cannot travel in something that does not exist. What we are instead referring to is the possibility that UFO technology may represent an ability to navigate the entirety of a spaceless and timeless block universe in which all perceptual points in what consciousness mistakenly interprets as time and space coexist simultaneously as a single and undivided whole. We must also stress that the matrix world we are positing would not be an illusory or artificial simulation as in the movie "The Matrix", since with mastery of the Implicate Order and thus of the power of creation, an advanced intelligence could create a matrix that employs a holograph-like program with mass. Thus "homo mechanicus" could spawn an entirely real as well as physical universe by means of artificially setting up the conditions which self-generate the singularity necessary to set in motion a cosmic existence.

Invoking Vallee's comparison of UFOs to a television set, which is simultaneously both physical (the actual machine) and immaterial (the images emanating from the screen), we suggest that the imagery of UFOs and of their occupants may not represent how the technology and the operators behind the phenomenon may actually appear. The hidden technology involved may instead be a computer-like mechanism operated by "homo mechanicus "which uses information code to generate and maintain the posited cosmic matrix program, and that generates the imagery of UFOs and humanoid-like occupants as part of their interaction with us in the program. The physical effects sometimes associated with UFO encounters will be caused by the unseen technology that generates UFO and UFO occupants imagery, and not by what appears to be the physical objects or beings (which are most likely not integrally or enduringly physical but only temporarily solid holograph-like programs constructed on the basis of an Implicate Order technology) that are witnessed by experiencers. Such imagery very likely could actually be generated in part by the interaction of the technology with our own cultural and archetypal-based expectations, as Greg Bishop has suggested in his many intriguing speculations on the UFO enigma. That our own consciousness could be more centrally relevant to understanding the UFO phenomenon than the idea of physical spacecraft coming from other star systems has also been advocated by Micah Hanks in his "Magic, Mysticism, and the Molecule" (2010).

I detail how Mac Tonnies entertained similar UFO matrix ideas, and I conclude that Tonnies' Cryptoterrestrials might indeed be a parallel race alongside our own, but that they may be from what we consider our future rather than only from our perceived past, and that the Cryptoterrestrials may be none other than posthumanity, our own descendants. While our hypothesis is not currently scientifically falsifiable, certain aspects of it may be so within just a few decades if projections concerning the coming Singularity continue to obtain via Moore's Law.

Source: Maxim Kammerer: Science and Culture of the Esoteric


Too many cases of "accidental" alien contact...UFO cults praying to the skies...secret "psychotronic" weapons for bending the human mind. The evidence Jacques Vallee reveals, after many years of scientific investigation, adds up to something more menacing than monsters from outer space. Messengers of Deception documents the growing effect of UFO contact claims on our lives and of the belief systems prevalent in our society. It explores the hidden realities of the cults, the contactees, the murky political intrigues and the motivations of the investigators. "As suspenseful as a Hitchcock Thriller, brilliantly argued... a smashing achievement." - Robert Anton Wilson



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