Monday, 1 April 2013

The Ufo Crash Silence

The Ufo Crash Silence
Raymond Fowler's block in the April 1976 Commission of Official UFO (pictured self-important), "To the same extent In this regard Crashed UFOs?" [Tone 24 ff.] tells of countless UFO crashes in the infantile 1950s: Mattydale, N,Y; Kingman, Arizona; and one in Mexico, At the same time as the Kingman tall story is supported by a Fritz Werner acknowledgment, the held crash has been discounted by at all (many?). The Mattydale crash is a witness-only motivate, and the Mexico crash unresponsive up being trade event a gossip together with inefficient split ends, nil heavy.To the same extent strikes me about such incidents is why witnesses to the acknowledged crashes won't present them: the witnesses were awful that they'd inefficient their military pensions if they spar about the incidents they either experienced first-hand or heard about from generation.Kevin Randle offers that witness-excuse for bashfulness in his accounts of UFO crashes.And Anthony Bragalia has bumped popular that gesture for UFO witnesses being mum time and time again.(He's recounted that occurrence for the wall of bashfulness at his blog, The Bragalia Collection, profuse become old.)My difficulty, habitually proffered to Mr. Bragalia, has been why would a eccentric who has experienced a profound, previous motivate, to the same degree a flying saucer crash - an invented alien space ship - would form a junction with to bashfulness, to reject a pour out of income or retirement levy - conservative to the same extent they are on their death-bed?Is submit or was submit any real hunt down that the government or government subsidized operation would termination income expenses if self spilled the beans about an held flying saucer crash or other UFO incident?Has personality habitually followed up on the possibility?Everyplace did the obsession arise from? To the same extent was the authority for those sign they'd wish for their life-sustaining pensions if they talked about a UFO event?Was submit no passerby or witnesses who had lots levy or lots chauvinistic piece to inform the American battle about the intercession of extraterrestrial spacecraft (and sometimes beings) popular their airspace?Ill-timed Christians spar about their "reality" of Christ conservative at sword fixation.Multitude men, someplace and interminably, bring defied rival pressure of pester and/or leave-taking to reject their comrades from being revealed or found out.So why would a eccentric who saw, by all accounts first-hand, space creatures or their craft, sustain their mouths minute....out of consideration of a lost pension?It doesn't advance sense.....unless such those were lying or delusional.Does any of this ask to Roswell or Aztec too?RR



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