Friday, 29 March 2013

Usa Ufo

Usa Ufo
SHORT UFO FACT: [ARYANS are blond nordic humanoids. The story about them is that they are captured by the Reptoids and have implants. They are hard to rely on as they switch side between the Reptoids and the Confederation of Humans every now and then.]

SHORT UFO FACT: ["Black Project" is a term used by the government-industrial complex to classify projects essential and sensistive to "NATIONAL DEFENSE". Grave consequences would result if the purpose of the project/s was/were revealed. A primary example is truth surrounding Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOS). As of the first week of July 1996, a national survey, conducted by the Harris Company, determined that more than half of the US population believes in UFOs. In 1960, the Brookings Institute prepared a study for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The report was a study of what would happen if humans met extraterrestrials of superior intelligence. The bottom line to that report was civilization as we know it today would, most likely, collapse. Do you think, perhaps, that the Government took that report to heart? Well, believe me they did. ]

SHORT UFO FACT: [Blues/Blue (AKA STAR WARRIORS) An alien race that, just like the Greys, have almond shaped eyes, and by wittness accounts, their skin is translucent. This race is one of the more non hostiles. They came to earth with a messages of non-violence, peace and harmony. The few that stayed at earth lived with the Hopi Indians in Northern Mexico. They called them Star warriors.]DO YOU THINK THIS IMAGES AND STORIES ARE FAKE? RATE IT:>>> You're still not sure? Get the proof here



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