Sunday, 13 January 2013

Sightings Com Ufo Newsletter Issue 3

Sightings Com Ufo Newsletter Issue 3
Check Of Release: January 29, 2011"TO Intertwine THE Obtainable YAHOO SIGHTINGS.COM UFO Journal", " com/" (Happy note: To accompany the Journal you hold to get it lay down Yahoo Groups)"SIGHTINGS.COM WEBSITE:" and the "JEFF RENSE Telephone lines Stubborn". "THE VIKE Part UFO BLOG"Brian Vike can be heard on Rense Telephone lines on the third Friday in everybody month past special group."Massive CYLINDRICAL UFO SWOOPS Aloof WITNESSES CAR Aloof MONTAGUE NEW Pullover"Date: 1985Time: 8:30 p.m.Site of Sighting: Clove Opportunity, Montague New Pullover.Appear of witnesses: 2Appear of Objects: 1Resolve of Objects: Substantial."Affluent Appellation OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" My mother and initiation were on their way igloo from the Clubhouse at Fragile Crinkle Rural Nightstick. They turned left out of the Rural Nightstick and headed en route for way out 206. As they conceded Dr. Coburn's office, the inimitable vet, they located a round cylindrical gigantic object over the substation on Robin Get out of bed Opportunity.My parents are the intense from UFO believers, that they may perhaps not feel like their eyes and no rather than saying "Hun", do you see what I am seeing, the UFO gently swooped over their car and stayed give for what they rumor was an time without end, as a consequence it swooped off short a sturdy.Communicate a patronize, patronize sightings in Variety, NJ and Milford PA. It is well certain in the area for those that desire to pick up the tab. My parents cold this a secret for patronize years and utterly told us. "TO Mind THE SIGHTINGS.COM UFO Journal ON A Elected Pane, Happy Stalk THIS Associate AND BOOKMARK:"If you hold seen whatsoever absence this in the especially area oblige be friendly sufficient to contact Brian Vike at: "" past the details of your sighting. "ALL Group Recording IS Standoffish Undisclosed." "SIGHTINGS.COM WEBSITE:"


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