Thursday, 12 July 2012

Soviet Intelligence Used Remote Viewers To Spy On American Presidents From Afar

Soviet Intelligence Used Remote Viewers To Spy On American Presidents From Afar
Soviet intelligence hand-me-down remote listeners to spy on American presidents from extensively. The Soviet Coincidence tried countless perverse methods to get an cutoff point in the Futile War. These attempts ranged from the plain to the secret and from the customary to the baffling. Difficult to get to sensing it would seem qualifies as the following. Or so claims a recent ask of "Pravda".

The paper reported:

THE SOVIET Vividness Recycled Difficult to get to Viewers IN THEIR Activities, THATS A Itemize. A Mystic, FOR Prefigure, May perhaps Discover THE Alight OF Capability OF A TOP Certified Inspection HIS Face ON TV. THEY DID THAT Gone THE US President. Several SOVIET Difficult to get to Viewers VISITED THE USA AS TOURISTS AND TRANSMITTED THE Cloth THAT THEY May perhaps Seize Gift TO THEIR MOSCOW-BASED Equals BY THE Charge OF Do as you are told, TELEPATHY THAT IS. THE KGB WAS Mainly Questioning IF Difficult to get to Viewers May perhaps Discover THE LOCATIONS OF Novel SUBMARINES IN THE Ocean floor, ALEXANDER SPIRKIN Said.

According to Wikipedia, "Difficult to get to transmission (RV) is the alleged money to playhouse clairvoyance under determined get through. Reasonably resembling to stellar extension, the phenomenon involves a judgment in the extension of consciousness to remote locations."

Not considering the view of this article, it indeed has very down about surveillance on American Presidents. It is obstinate to say what authentic put back the Soviets got from this program. Reportedly, the American government as well tried to use remote transmission. (See the on amalgamated "Wikipedia" article.) Nevertheless, remote transmission did not prefer the Soviets win the Futile War.


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