Thursday, 17 May 2012

Cryptolink Peter Byrnes Search Goes On Acclaimed Bigfoot Hunter Continues Quest At Coast

Cryptolink Peter Byrnes Search Goes On Acclaimed Bigfoot Hunter Continues Quest At Coast
www.petercbyrne.comPETER BYRNE is shown in a photo from his website, WORD ABOUT CRYPTOLINKS: WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONTENT OF CRYPTOLINKS, WHICH ARE MERELY LINKS TO OUTSIDE ARTICLES THAT WE THINK ARE INTERESTING, USUALLY POSTED UP WITHOUT ANY COMMENT WHATSOEVER FROM ME.Peter Byrne has been engaged in what he describes as the "Big Searches" for almost his entire life; his Bigfoot search alone has spanned 50 years.

His first experience was in the 1960s, working in northern California.Later, he was drawn back to California by the well-known 1967 film made by Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin outside Orleans, Calif. It is purported to be the most credible evidence of Bigfoot's existence. While skeptics have dismissed the film, Byrne finds it credible.Gimlin is still living in Yakima and he is regarded as a man of great integrity," Byrne said. "Lots of people have tried to discount it, but it could be real."Today, Byrne continues his quest to find Bigfoot."I do two things," he said. "I write. I've published 13 books."The 13th book is coming out in a few weeks, called "Monster Trilogy," a three-part guide book on how to find Bigfoot, Yeti and the Loch Ness Monster. He has been in searches for all three.He also works with a loose-knit group of people on the Oregon Coast, all interested in sighting Bigfoot.Byrne said in his writings that technology would one day allow the world to verify the existence of Bigfoot and his group uses motion-sensor cameras set up in areas of what Byrne describes as credible sightings in the Coast Range. So far, the cameras have yielded images of other wildlife, but no Bigfoot.He also researches recent and historical sighting reports. The last credible report from where the researchers were looking was in 2006, Byrne said.Read on...


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