Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Fix The Economy Build A Crop Circle And Say The Aliens Did It Charge Money

Fix The Economy Build A Crop Circle And Say The Aliens Did It Charge Money
Seriously. If you build it, people "will" come. And they'll bring money if you ask them to. Even since the late 1970s when crop circles were all the craze, the alleged "phenomenon" has been under heavy scrutiny. In 1991, two men named Doug Bower and Dave Chorley announced that they were responsible for crop formations in 1978 that sparked a worldwide debate on the origins of the circles. People came from all over to visit the crop circles and even after 1991's revelation, crop circles are still turning up all over the world and much more complex than usual. Many are created by professional artists or people that just plain like to knock down wheat. Yet there are still hoards of people that shout E.T. when another one appears in a field somewhere in the world!

Just this week, a crop circle appeared in an Indonesian rice field, sparking local rumors that extra-terrestrials are at it again. According to the Associated Press, the formation resembles a 70 yard flower and is "clearly sculpted by humans". Twitter feeds are suggesting that a group of students may have created the crop circle. Sure enough, however, people are paying to see this thing and the UFO rumors haven't settled just yet. Locals claim they saw a tornado the previous night and their calling the circle a "footprint". It is pretty though, isn't it?

Believers in paranormal or ET-created crop circles continue to assert that while many of these field formations may be created by man, some of them may be otherworldly messages or phenomena. In several cases, witnesses claimed to spot balls of light (BOLs) over crop formations.

"In one highly controversial and sensational video, BOLs lay out a crop circle in a matter of two seconds right for the camera. My verdict: Hoax! If I were watching the same scene unfold over a field, I definitely wouldn't say "This is amazing..." in a calm, cool tone as the videographer is (It is "a hoax, by the way). I'd shout something to the tune of "HOLY" and probably drop my camera, maybe?

I could get into all the hub bub of crop circles and paranormal/alien theories but I won't waste my time or yours. They're fun and that's that. What's more interesting, I think, is how much we all "want" to believe in extra-terrestrial influences and messages in crops. That says a lot about us as human beings all over the world from different countries and cultures and how we feel about life and our place in the universe -- we want to know that something else is out there and that it's not just us... we want to believe that we're not alone?

Credit: aliens-are-friends.blogspot.com


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