Saturday, 21 January 2012

Sci Fi Movies Are Wrong About Aliens Ufo

Sci Fi Movies Are Wrong About Aliens Ufo
Despite what the movies tell us, any aliens that visit Earth probably wont want to enslave or vaporize us, veteran E.T. hunter Jill Tarter says.Hostile aliens abound at the multiplex these days, terrorizing our planet in films such as "Battleship" and "Men in Black 3." But science fiction is probably far from reality in its depiction of Earth-contacting extraterrestrials, said Tarter, who announced Monday (May 22) that shes retiring after spending 35 years scanning the heavens for signals from intelligent life beyond Earth."If aliens were able to visit Earth, that would mean they would have technological capabilities sophisticated enough not to need slaves, food or other planets," Tarter, who is stepping down as director of the Center for SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Research at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, Calif., said in a statement.Tarters confidence in aliens benign intentions puts her at odds with famed British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, who has warned that extraterrestrial civilzations may venture our way to strip-mine our planet for resources.Read more >>


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