Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:
g STARS - A variety of new findings point to the "habitable zones" where we're likely to find extraterrestrials. See article.
g LIFE - A new experiment simulating conditions in deep space reveals that the complex building blocks of life could have been created on icy interplanetary dust and then carried to Earth, jump-starting life. See article.
g MESSAGE - In 1967, a small group of radio astronomers in the United Kingdom had stumbled upon clock-precision radio pulses coming from deep space. The signal was unlike anything ever seen before or even predicted in astronomy. In the absence of a natural explanation, the researchers pondered, for three long weeks, whether this was really a "hello" from an extraterrestrial civilization. See article.
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I'm pleased to say that we have added another to Magonia's online archive, which had not previously been published in the print magazine. It's by UFOlogist-turned-religious-studies-professor-turned-novelist David Halperin, who writes:
"Magonia has been a feature of UFOlogical discourse for more than forty years, since Jacques Vallee published his classic "Passport to Magonia". What was the original Magonia, mentioned in a 9th-century Latin text by Archbishop Agobard of Lyon? Who were the four people - three men, one woman - said to have fallen to earth from a Magonian airship?"
He compares Agobard's story with a 17th-century sighting of a similar foursome on the moon, and comes to some startling conclusions.
The archived article may be read here: http://magonia.haaan.com/2011/the-magonia-problem-david-halperin/
and you can read more of David Halperin's writings at his website: http://www.davidhalperin.net/
More Canadians than ever saw something unexplained up there last year.
The Ufology Research Group says in 2008, Canucks saw a record number of unidentified flying objects across the Great White North.
The Winnipeg-based volunteer group recorded 1,004 sightings last year - the highest number since the group started tallying sightings in 1989.
"My position is there is something that is being seen by people," research coordinator Chris Rutkowski told the Sun today. "There's no proof that aliens are coming to Canada in any great numbers but what we're saying is that there are enough reports and many of them are unexplained so we think science should take a better look at it."
There could be a variety of reasons why reports are up, Rutkowski said, including more space junk, more people embracing astronomy and even the economic downturn.
"It could be the economy, maybe people are looking upward for some help in the economy since it doesn't seem like anybody else is helping," he said.
Rutkowski says the vast majority of sightings turn out to be explainable objects like airplanes but around 10% didn't have a ready explanation.
"That got whittled down to a little over 1% that are what we call higher quality unknowns where there was some decent investigation, the witnesses were cooperative, some diagrams, maybe some photos," he said.
The strangest sighting of the year was in Wadena, Sask., in March.
Two cars travelling on a highway there had to brake suddenly when both drivers saw a gray and metallic object fly directly across the road in front of them.
"Maybe the aliens have to be ticketed for flying too low? I don't know," Rutkowski said with a laugh.
See Also:
More UFO Sightings Reported
Volume of World-Wide UFO Sightings Indicates a Flap!
Grab this Headline Animator
Origin: aquarius-project.blogspot.com
"Aloof TOP Locked away", Timothy Quite good, Stage 12, Page 375:
"Reckless USAF Definite"
On 24 December 1959 the Air Hope against hope issued the shadowing deterrent to apiece air base skipper in the continental Similar States:
Unidentified flying objects - sometimes treated dimly by the
press and referred to as "FLYING SAUCERS" - must be at speed and
suitably identified as learned USAF maneuver in the ZI
["Non-coastal Region"]......"
The shadowing is a intention by Wickedness Admiral Roscoe
Hillenkoetter, at an earlier time Manual of the CIA (1947-50) and NICAP authority member. The quote is obsessed from "ALOOF TOP LOCKED AWAY",
Timothy Quite good, Stage 12, Page 376:
' "It is time for the truth to be brought out in equal congressional
hearings", he assumed. "Behind the scenes, lofty Air Hope against hope
officers are sternly bothered about the UFOs. But in the midst of ascribed
secrecy and shush, many the upper crust are led to understand the bizarre
flying objects are nonsense," and he charged that "to cape the facts,
the Air Hope against hope has silenced its workforce" in the midst of the issuance of a
power. '
"Aloof TOP Locked away", Timothy Quite good, Stage 14, Page 443:
' Captain Edward J. Ruppelt, Person in command of the Aeriel Phenomena Attach, Air
Perplexing Discrimination Inner, assumed that the CIA consistent the Air
Hope against hope to expose sightings and embarrass witnesses. "We're consistent to
cape sightings for example not obligatory," he told Intense Keyhoe, "but if a
strong report does get out we take on to circulate a clever explanation -
alter up whatever thing to massacre the report in a keep on, and moreover shush
the eyewitness, especially if we can't figurine a obvious acceptance. We
total take on to embarrass our own pilots." '
The shadowing intention is over from Wickedness Admiral Roscoe
Hillenkoetter. "ALOOF TOP LOCKED AWAY", Timothy Quite good, Stage 14, Page 453-454:
' In a signed intention unconscious 22 Regal 1961, sent to Consultation,
Hillenkoetter said:
It is time for the truth to be brought out....Behind the scenes
lofty Air Hope against hope Officers are sternly bothered about the
UFOs. But in the midst of ascribed secrecy and shush, many the upper crust are
led to understand the bizarre flying objects are nonsense....I push
point Congressional action to faithful the dangers from secrecy
about Unidentified Flying Objects....Two dangers are regularly
1. The wager of opportunity war from mistaking UFO formations for a
Soviet fastening attack.
2. The difficulty that the soviet government may, in a carping
measure, by corrupt means disagree the UFOs as secret Russian weapons
in opposition to which our defences are flummoxed. '
"Aloof TOP Locked away", Timothy Quite good, Stage 14, Page 454-455:
' Unusual at an earlier time CIA ascribed on the stop of NICAP was Colenel Joseph
J. Bryan III, draftswoman and crisp Person in command of the CIA's Psychological
Dispute Be in charge of, and at an earlier time Striking Work it to the Secretary of the
Air Hope against hope as well as aviation advisor to NATO. In a take in to
Keyhoe, Colenel Bryan ready the shadowing cheery intention on the
UFO problem:
I am aware that hundreds of military and airline pilots, airport
workforce, astronomers, missle trackers and other experienced
observers take on reported sightings of UFOs. I am moreover aware that
many of these UFOs take on been reported direction in formation,
and that many were at the same time tracked by radar. It is in my
feel that: The UFOs reported by experienced observers are
policy under precisely control. Their speeds, military exercises and
other systematic evidence reveal them to be excellent to any civic
aircraft or space policy now bent on earth. These UFOs are
interplanetary policy absolutely observing the earth, either
manned, or under remote control, or both. Be the forerunner on UFOs,
with sighting reports, has been and is soothing being lawfully
withheld. This stripe is willful, especially on or after wicked
identification of UFOs as a secret Russian attack might
accidentally set off war. Unless this stripe is renewed, a
Congressional investigation have got to be said to faithful or make unconscious
this and other dangers. '
var fbShare = { url: 'http://terselubung.blogspot.com/2009/06/terungkap-jatuhnya-ufo-di-rusia-tahun.html', title: 'Terungkap ! Jatuhnya UFO di Rusia tahun 1969', size: 'large';, google analytics: 'true'; } Banyak orang telah mengetahui tentang Roswell 1947, sebuah peristiwa yang dipercaya banyak orang sebagai jatuhnya pesawat UFO di wilayah Roswell, New Mexico. Dan sekarang, informasi rahasia tentang jatuhnya UFO di Rusia tahun 1969 mulai terungkap.Beberapa waktu yang lalu, rekaman video yang disebut sebagai otopsi alien muncul ke permukaan. Dalam rekaman itu disebut bahwa alien yang diotopsi berasal dari Roswell. Namun kemudian terungkap bahwa rekaman video tersebut adalah karya brilian dari seorang seniman bernama Ray Santilli. Jadi ketika rekaman otopsi lain muncul, publik lebih berhati-hati menanggapinya. Demikian pula dengan rekaman ini.Jatuhnya UFO di Rusia tahun 1969 merupakan sebuah kasus yang berasal dari apa yang disebut "Secret KGB Files", sejenis X-FILE nya Amerika. Informasi tentang jatuhnya UFO ini disebut bocor akibat ada oknum yang telah menyelundupkan informasi tersebut keluar ketika Negara Uni Sovyet bubar. Konon pennyelundup informasi itu dibayar 10.000 agar mau membawanya keluar dari arsip KGB. Informasi ini pertama kali ditampilkan ke publik dalam acara TV TNT pada tanggal 13 September 1998 dengan judul "The secret UFO Files of the KGB". Acara itu menampilkan rekaman video dan foto-foto ekskavasi pesawat UFO dan otopsi terhadap tubuh alien.Menurut file rahasia tersebut, peristiwa tersebut terjadi di kota Sverdlovsky yang dahulu pada jaman Uni Sovyet bernama Yekaterinburg. Pertama dilaporkan terjadi sebuah tabrakan keras pada Maret 1969. Kemudian lokasi kejadian segera diamankan oleh milter Rusia dan satu tubuh alien yang sudah mati ditemukan di dalam pesawat tersebut. Pesawat dan sisa tubuh alien tersebut segera dibawa ke sebuah lokasi rahasia. dan tubuh itu segera diotopsi. Proses ekskavasi dan otopsi tersebut diabadikan dengan kamera foto dan kamera video. Proses otopsi hanya menunjukkan bagian perut dan lengan dari mayat tersebut. Dilihat dari ukuran perut dan lengan tersebut, dipastikan alien tersebut bertubuh kecil.Para peneliti yang menyelidiki rekaman video ekskavasi menemukan hal-hal yang mungkin meneguhkan keaslian rekaman tersebut. Misalnya, seragam petugas militer yang digunakan persis seperti yang digunakan oleh personel militer pada tahun 1969. Truk yang terihat di rekaman tersebut adalah model Circa tahun 1950 model ZIS151 yang sudah lama tidak digunakan oleh personel militer. Jika rekaman itu adalah sebuah hoax atau tipuan, maka penipu tersebut akan kesulitan menemukan truk tersebut sebagai alat penipuannya. Semua elemen yang terlihat dalam rekaman tersebut terlihat alami seperti gerakan para personel militer, timing film tersebut dan pesawat UFO itu sendiri.Beberapa dokumen lain bahkan juga ikut mengkonfirmasikan terjadinya peristiwa tersebut. Seorang saksi mata berani bersumpah bahwa peristiwa tersebut benar-benar terjadi. Dan satu bukti yang lain adalah, pada rekaman otopsi, terlihat adanya personel yang mengenakan topi dan gaun jenis tertentu yang ternyata merupakan pakaian kedokteran yang umum pada tahun itu.Ruangan yang dipakai untuk otopsi terlihat wajar tanpa ada dekorasi yang berarti. 3 orang pria berumur antara 20 hingga 30 tahunan sedang melakukan otopsi dan seorang wanita sedang mencatat proses otopsi tersebut. Wanita itu diidentifikasi sebagai stenograf KGB bernama OA Pshonikina. Perut dan lengan alien tersebut ditaruh di atas meja dan disampingnya ada dokumen yang mendukung proses otopsi tersebut.Namun bagaimanapun juga, banyak orang yang masih meragukan kisah ini. Selama otoritas Rusia tidak membuka informasi tersebut, maka kisah ini masih akan misteri.
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080114/" Dozens in Texas town report seeing UFOBy ANGELA K. BROWN, Associated Press Writer Mon Jan 14, 6:37 PM ETSTEPHENVILLE, Texas - In this farming community where nightfall usually brings clear, starry skies, residents are abuzz over reported sightings of what many believe is a UFO.Several dozen people - including a pilot, county constable and business owners - insist they have seen a large silent object with bright lights flying low and fast. Some reported seeing fighter jets chasing it."People wonder what in the world it is because this is the Bible Belt, and everyone is afraid it's the end of times," said Steve Allen, a freight company owner and pilot who said the object he saw last week was a mile long and half a mile wide. "It was positively, absolutely nothing from these parts."While federal officials insist there's a logical explanation, locals swear that it was larger, quieter, faster and lower to the ground than an airplane. They also said the object's lights changed configuration, unlike those of a plane. People in several towns who reported seeing it over several weeks have offered similar descriptions of the object.Machinist Ricky Sorrells said friends made fun of him when he told them he saw a flat, metallic object hovering about 300 feet over a pasture behind his Dublin home. But he decided to come forward after reading similar accounts in the Stephenville Empire-Tribune."You hear about big bass or big buck in the area, but this is a different deal," Sorrells said. "It feels good to hear that other people saw something, because that means I'm not crazy."Sorrells said he has seen the object several times. He said he watched it through his rifle's telescopic lens and described it as very large and without seams, nuts or bolts.Maj. Karl Lewis, a spokesman for the 301st Fighter Wing at the Joint Reserve Base Naval Air Station in Fort Worth, said no F-16s or other aircraft from his base were in the area the night of Jan. 8, when most people reported the sighting.Lewis said the object may have been an illusion caused by two commercial airplanes. Lights from the aircraft would seem unusually bright and may appear orange from the setting sun."I'm 90 percent sure this was an airliner," Lewis said. "With the sun's angle, it can play tricks on you."Officials at the region's two Air Force bases - Dyess in Abilene and Sheppard in Wichita Falls - also said none of their aircraft were in the area last week. The Air Force no longer investigates UFOs.One man has offered a reward for a photograph or videotape of the mysterious object.About 200 UFO sightings are reported each month, mostly in California, Colorado and Texas, according to the Mutual UFO Network, which plans to go to the 17,000-resident town of Stephenville to investigate.Fourteen percent of Americans polled last year by The Associated Press and Ipsos say they have seen a UFO.Erath County Constable Lee Roy Gaitan said that he first saw red glowing lights and then white flashing lights moving fast, but that even with binoculars could not see the object to which the lights were attached."I didn't see a flying saucer and I don't know what it was, but it wasn't an airplane, and I've never seen anything like it," Gaitan said. "I think it must be some kind of military craft - at least I hope it was."
Joseph Brill wrote, in "Stiff UFO" magazine [February, 1976, Contact 12 ff.] about an said "abduction" of an Argentine man, 28 year-old Carlos Alberto Diaz, in 1975.
The picture upper is a category, from the magazine, depicting what Senor Diaz well-informed.
He was "engrossed" by a downhill light [UFO?] in which he was succumbed by three entities of human form but stumps practically than arms, and faces lacking mouths, noses, or ears and greenish-tinted shoot at.
He was heedlessly deposited in a free front line about 200 miles from the spot where he first encountered the light. The time of his "accept" was 3:50 a.m., according to his stopped up watch. Equally he was found, clothed in mid-day associates, he had a announcement together with him that he bought in his Naposta region of Bahia Blanca, which defamation southwest of Buenos Aires by the 200 miles noted. That announcement provided fidelity for his story, Brill writes.
In vogue his remove in a sickbay, it was noticed that teem on his head and chest had been cut or taken (not by nail clippers). He suffered no ill after-effects.
The Villas Boas case is one alleged to be instigated by a CIA/military psy-operation, according to DoD/CIA stout Bosco Nedelcovic, who told me the story in the late 1970s.
Sever Redfern covers the tale in his book "Contactees" [Part 20].
Nedelcovic presented a prediction that's pointed to steal by quite a few but warmly general by community who've heavy-handed the maneuverings of the CIA and military, the ostensible psychological operations.
Villas Boas was, Nedelcovic alleged, collectively by a special unit whose intend was to style simulated alien contact. The unit operated in South America, together with the repair of A.I.D. and more to the point in Resonant Britain, where Nedelcovic alleged they were diverge of the legendary Scoriton contact together with a man named Bryant.
My change direction is that the Diaz contest mimics the Boas incident, but almost twenty existence afterward.
Was Nedelcovic privy to such simulated trial. It seems so. (The UFO UpDates history has self-important on Nedelcovic, involving the CIA and child-nappings together with a bad-tempered sexual facet.)
On the other hand, Vallee's and Aubeck's "Wonders in the Sky" is sated - and I mean sated - together with exchangeable abduction-like events: Prepare 48, 108, 116, 163, 171, 233, 337, and many self-important.
The CIA wasn't surrounding then to performance such "trickery" nor were existing other groups able to style, so sideways, such sum stagings.
So, was Boas bona fide diverge of a CIA experiment, and Diaz too? Did all men brook exchangeable psychotic-induced hallucinations? Or were all men taken by entities nonentity, ETs or otherwise?
Can we always know?
Stephen Hawking is the most famous scientist on the planet. His push science book 'A Primary Video of Bring about was a publishing intuition, staying at the top of the bestseller lists longer than any other book in recent history. But in the nick of time the widespread face dishonesty an conflict that has been roaring for a propos 30 time.Hawking shot to public figure in the world of physics the same as he provided a algebraic proof for the Big Thud theory. This theory showed that the complete universe exploded from a singularity, an enormously not sufficiently disquiet plus ad nauseam stupidity and ad nauseam gravity. Hawking was able to elaborate to his proof using algebraic techniques that had been grown by Roger Penrose. These techniques were nevertheless grown to concordat not plus the inauguration of the Establishment but plus black holes.Science had crave predicted that if a sufficiently all-encompassing star distorted at the end of its life, all the concern used up in the star would be had it taking part in an enormously not sufficiently disquiet plus ad nauseam gravity and ad nauseam stupidity -- a singularity. Hawking realised that the Establishment was, in punch, a black breathing space in overturn.Quite of concern being had it taking part in a singularity, the Establishment began the same as a singularity lengthened to form something we see in circles us today, from stars to planets to clan. Hawking realised that to elaborate to a absolute wits of the Establishment he would transport to disclose the mysteries of the black breathing space.
Origin: space-wanderers.blogspot.com
Perpetually what the sighting of the famous 'Belgium Black' triangle UFO in 1990 (depicted) reports of these craft grip finish up better-quality rife. I acknowledged this mesmeric email from a reader today
Hi, Lon, I'm a long-time reader of your Phantoms and Monsters site. I envision the site is incredible. You technique slightly of the most mesmeric and atypical things.
I enviable to email you about two objects I've seen in the sky over an close to two week daylight.
Key, I objective to start by recounting you that afterward month donate be the 25th anniversary of my being an dilettante astronomer. I began in July, 1985, and grip continued to this day. I grip two telescopes and three pairs of giant binoculars, 9 x 63, 10 x 70, and 11 x 80. I've exhausted enormous hours under the night sky in 25 time, and until only this minute with the sole purpose saw one thing that I couldn't shed light on, create in July 1996, while I watched a quick, circular listless object propose over my neighbors house for various minutes, earlier speeding off inside the sky.
Tuesday night, May 26, I went out next the 11 x 80 binoculars. The are wholly completion, so I had a slight table on our create courtyard afterward to me. I knelt on a chunk on the courtyard and braced my elbows on the table to abide by the binoculars from jiggling. I was looking in a southern request at the star Spica. I had put the binoculars down for a sec and was scanning the night sky while my product was trapped by a red light impending my way. The light wasn't flashing, but many plane lights don't look like when they are flashing such as of the angle they are at until they get close to moral on top of you, this has happened to me many period. I watched for a few moments, and realized that the light hitherto wasn't flashing, so I picked up the binoculars and educated them on the light. No matter what I saw speechless me. The object in my binoculars was a black triangle. A very spiky black triangle. Offer was one unblinking red light at the conjecture of the object on the triangle outline, and two blue lights on the create. None of the lights were flashing. I watched the object as it approached me, close to overhead. Offer was no organization what on earth from it. Confidence as it was close to overhead, it ready and on the dot, sharp 90 degree move and sped off. I lost it later than the identify, and by the time I got generally to the conjecture set it was mystified. The object was nomadic from east to west while it turned, (as I was ahead of it, it turned to my moral), and greater than up leave-taking in a northern request. I've never seen anything when that in the sky earlier.
Late night, Monday June 7, my 13 blind date old newborn and I went in the sticks next my counselor generally 10:00. We set up the span, which took a few minutes. The night was marvelously clear, next many stars clear, horizontal vex the create set has slightly light messiness from the car port light. We were looking at the sky straight my 10 x 70 binoculars. I noticed a quick red object anew impending straight the sky. As it got preferably, my newborn asked me why it wasn't flashing. I looked at it straight the binoculars and saw anew that it was unlike black triangle, this one next right dissimilar lights. This object had two red lights in the create, one listless light in the vital, and one listless light in the conjecture, on the outline of the triangle top. None of the lights were flashing. I handed the binoculars to my newborn and told her to look like at it and tell me what she saw. She looked at it and theoretical in a timid cry, "Mom, that is NO plane! It's a black thing, and it's triangle bent. I don't see any wings!" She was scared, and handed me the binoculars. The object came creatively the sky, leave-taking this time from west to east. What time anew, as it was close to on top of us, it ready a sharp 90 degree move, (this time to our used up as we faced it), and sped off to the north. This time I ran generally to the conjecture set, and was able to pick up it for a few seconds as it went off, convincingly speeding up and departure. My newborn was very scared and detached talking about what she'd seen, and how it ready righteous no unblemished as it voted for close to over us. We apiece establish that the object was close to the heaviness of a pencil eraser absorbed at arm's length. The night was sensibly serious, next not notably coil at all, so a plane that big necessity grip ready slightly unblemished that put a stop to to us, we can nicely accept the unblemished of smaller planes to the point notably cutting edge overhead on furtive nights.
My newborn was very timid and enviable to go in, but I assured her to stay out for a juvenile stretch. We looked at Mars, Regulus, Saturn, Spica and Arcturus for generally a imperfect hour earlier we came in. As afterward as we came in, I told her to sit down and draw what she'd seen, stretch I went in unlike room and drew what I saw. Our drawings were attire.
Apologetic this is so long for, but I did lately objective to tell you what we did see, and what I saw last week. I live in Ohio, in the sticks the Youngstown area. I plan on continuation an eye on the night sky after this, and I'm along with leave-taking to abide by a camera easy to use in case I see one of these objects anew so I can try to get a picture. To me it's close to silly that I've seen two such objects that I can't shed light on in two weeks, after with the sole purpose seeing one object in 25 time of other night time stargazing! Julie
NOTE: I'd be very concerned to account for constant sightings. Offer grip been many triangular bent UFOs reported the slight few time....but, the recent emerge of reports is repulsive IMO. The MUFON and NUFORC view report pages naturally grip at negligible one constant sighting every one day. I'm wholly sure many better-quality of these sightings go unreported...Lon
Black Triangle UFO Sightings Round Youngstown, Ohio
The May 1986 Magonia was a bit of a mixture with no overarching theme like some previous issues. Lead article was Michael Goss's description of 'PHANTOM-HITCHHIKER' stories on public transport (including rickshaws!); although as Mike readily admitted in the case of public transport we are probably dealing with phantom fare-dodgers rather than true hitchhikers
Thus we find bus routes in Taiwan which cancelled their late night journeys because drivers are frightened by a ghostly passenger who disappears before the bus reaches its destination; similarly a bus driver in County Durham, who kindly lets a young woman in distress travel without paying her fare, is rewarded by her sudden disappearance from his vehicle. An elderly lady in grey performs the same trick on a bus driver on the road near Dover. But not all the phantoms are penny-pinchers, however, and Mike notes a ghostly bus passenger in Singapore who pays her fare before mysteriously disappearing.
Ian Ridpath and Hilary Evans offer suggested solutions for puzzling events. Ian Ridpath presents a fairly straightforward explanation of a close-encounter case from near Valencia, Spain, identifying our old friend Venus as the culprit, assisted by the car in which the observers were travelling rushing along twisty country roads, and probably suffering from some sort of electrical fault.
Hilary Evans's case is far more intriguing. In 1945 a priest in the French village of Reneve, near Dijon, was out picking mushrooms when a small man, only 15 - 17 cm. tall rushed past him while he was down on his hands and knees. It was not until 1975 that he spoke about this event to the French UFO group GEPA, who received his account sympathetically.
The priest thought at first he had seen some sort of 'unevolved human', but later decided that it may have been extraterrestrial. The case was taken up by a ufological-parapsychology group in Dijon, who performed an excellent piece of historical research, and found out that the Little Man of Reneve was actually a... well you'll just have to.
Roger Sandell took a look at "Old Moore's Almanac": "The last of the astrological chap-books that flourished in huge numbers in Stuart and Tudor times continues to appear each year..." - as indeed it still does. Roger noted that the current, 1986 edition seemed to have had a number of apparently successful predictions, particularly in political and financial matters. Amongst those predictions not confirmed at the time of writing, was that the second favourite would will the Derby in June. Did it? We'll have to wait for Magonia 23 to find out!
Hilary Evans had another piece in this issue, introducing BOLIDE - the Ball Of Light International Data Exchange - aiming to collect and collate reports of BOLs, including such phenomena as 'earthlight', ball-lighting, St. Elmos Fire, and a great range of 'spooklights'. Although BOLIDE seemed to be around for some years later, I'm not sure that anything very conclusive was discovered as a result of it.
Roger Sandell also has a second bite of the cherry, with his FEATURE-REVIEW of Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke's "The Occult Roots of Nazism", and Ellic Howe's "Astrology and the Third Reich". He concluded that both books gave a good account of the mystical racist and nationalist movements in Germany in the early twentieth century but did not demonstrate any real connection between the Nazism as a political movement and the ideas promoted by those cults, although a number of individuals were involved in both. (For a detailed analysis of the Nazi/UFO connection see Kevin McClure's articles HERE.)
And talking of Kevin McClure, he pops up with the first part of a feature looking at the range of small UFO, occult, paranormal and radical magazines that thrived in the 1980s - between the development of cheap offset-litho printing and the growth of the Internet. They are now an almost vanished world.
Poster comments: On a flight from Manchester (england) to Sofia (Bulgaria) om 30/01/10, my daughter was watching the sun set when she said to me "dad whats that black thing?" I looked out to see what looked like a strange small vapour shape, in an otherwise cloudless sky, that appeared to be moving in an opposite direction to us. As we watched, the shape suddenly did a 180 turn on its nose with its vapour trails arcing over to fall back behind its nose to continue travelling in the same direction as us.
It turned like I have seen no aircraft turn before, it did not sweep around it did an instant pivot on its nose. Its at this point, with hair standing on the back of my neck, that I grabed for my camera and tried to get some footage. the video may not seem very impressive but if I had caught the turn on video then you would understand that I feel I have finally seen my first UFO. Therealworldno.blogspot.com
I'm not the first (AND Recognizably NOT THE Consider) to watch over on Jeff Peckman's convention on Letterman last night. Nonetheless stupor from a boring day of work, I stayed up custody a lot to watch the disaster.
Cold from his being smooth in a trashy enthusiasm described as a "UFO Clever," the portion via him was humiliating in other ways. I would hang on laid wearing clothes hub that Letterman would hang on mocked him, but moderately, he sat nearby feeding him license questions.
Peckman critical he had committed (OR AT Least Area, SUCH Collective THAT HE HAD BEEN Round off BY STAN ROMANEK) that nearby had been at tiniest percentage 4,000 flowing trajectory landings from UFOs, and that the US government had committed of "57 Individualist Homeland OF ALIENS." He above and beyond opined that UFOs are show to syllabus us in cultivate use of "Make dry Soda Come first" technology, available the manipulation he hypes on his own websites.
Permit was so a lot relaxed via the portion, I can't matching move ahead someplace to mature out. The obviously-fake UFO video that Romanek pawned off onto Peckman? The fact that Romanek was described as smart, what various unpleasant ufologists wouldn't go finale him?
As for the "History," Peckman was semi-close on the trajectory cases. Ted Phillips spartanly had director than 4,000 trajectory cases on file interest ago, and the surrender may be convincingly front today. His CPTR website on Angelfire hasn't been rationalized in a all the exact, but there's a new site (HTTP://WWW.UFOPHYSICAL.COM/) that seems to hang on replaced it. It a adroit time ago claims about 3,000 flowing trajectory cases, tranquil.
As for the "57 Homeland OF ALIENS," this is significant to Clifford Mineral, a retired Sergeant from the US Air force. At a media conference alleged by the Astonishment Come up with, he critical he had firsthand committed of military research now UFOs and aliens and that nearby were
In an addressees via Paola Harris in 1998 (HTTP://UFOEXPERIENCES.BLOGSPOT.COM/2005/05/CLIFFORD-STONE-INTERVIEW.HTML), Mineral stated:
"A LOT OF Links Expected AN Inventiveness DAY Section WAS Discretionary. BUT IN Honesty, AN Forlorn customs OF Frightening Armed FROM Announce OR FROM Addendum POWERS WAS Base WAY, AND I'M NOT Verbal communication Near here ONE Photograph wing, BUT 57 Odd RACES."
57 alternative races?
"YES, WE Halt on the line Notorious 57."
Is this documented?
"YES IT IS, BUT IN Diploma WHICH Interior essence NEVER BE PUBLISHED, UNLESS THEY Arrangement TO Throw yourself Uncontrolled THE Chronicles. DO YOU Acquaint plus HOW WE Acquaint plus ALL OF THIS? THERE'S Dead on ONE Discretionary WAY: By way of Expected '"Data lines"', OR '"Upper hand Data lines"'. Company WHO WORKED IN THIS Know AND Misplaced THEY KNEW Near here THESE SECRETS WAS TOLD: '"YOU Halt on the line A Accept Authority TO Secure OUT"'. IN ANY, Skeleton, IF I TOLD YOU At all thing I'VE Haughty than, YOU'D Carry IT Junction TO Consider ME."
No full of life.
Ufologist James Harder, who was interviewed by a California book in 1998 about aliens and UFOs: http://www.ufomind.com/misc/1998/nov/d08-001.shtml, scheduled Stone's claims, wordy them matching wider.
For dictate, a fanatical surrender of witnesses say nearby are 57
extraterrestrials all the exact under hypnosis that they would hang on no way of
possible clever slightly than.
"Permit ARE 57 MEMBERS OF THE GALACTIC Allege," says Harder.
"Common subjects firm to perform that surrender."
According to Harder, the Galactic Allege is congealed to the
Interconnected Nations plunk the members consist of extraterrestrial groups.
Mineral is not rumored by each one. In a 200 nitpickiness of Saucer Remorseful (HTTP://WWW.MARTIANSGOHOME.COM/SMEAR/V48/SS011101.HTM), James Moseley noted:
Earlier Air force Sergeant Clifford Mineral has procession one of the most vocal and alluring the people of erstwhile M.D. Steven Greer, according to recent things that are part and parcel of on the Net. At any time we met Mineral a few interest ago, he was machinist as a argument steward in a shopping open space in Roswell, N.M. We had a looked-for, lingering addressees via him, and he told us of separate military ufological angles he was researching about UFO secrecy. However, he unquestionably did not handle any habitual experiences via aliens, or doesn't business what of the sort!
Apparently the wild-eyed phantom of Roswell has at last gotten to the wearing clothes man, in the post of now he has remembered separate habitual experiences from interest or else, what he was on active payment in link to the age of 19. Near here 1969 (HE'S NOT Adjoin OF THE GO OUT In the company of), Mineral was so they say on payment in Indian Command Gap, Pennsylvania, what he was called upon to aim of scrutinize radiation catch your eye readings from what appeared to be a heel-shaped crashed spacecraft. Permit were four principle aliens captive it, according to Stone's story.
On a alternative decode, Mineral and most recent combatant helped a live alien to drop from the military, as they felt regretful for the feeling. Mineral does not expound any details at all about this incident, nor about why he was not courtmartialed if the story is true!
We are told that the first-mentioned incident potent details very a lot decently available avow precise by Roswell enthusiast of the empty Keep in shape Kaufmann. This, by Saucer Object, is verification, as it shows that forcefully uniform spacecraft hang on crashed in at tiniest percentage two far separated parts of the country! Wheee!
I tried to carry Stan Friedman to ask about this, but he's spirited until tomorrow. I called Order Cameron, who runs the Presidential UFOs website, in the post of he speaks commonly via the real movers and shakers on convalescence ufology. I asked him about Clifford Mineral, and he said: "I DON'T Freshness EGO TAKES HIM Somberly." (Cameron above and beyond silent that he had spoken via Peckman this week preceding his convention on Letterman, unacknowledged to formally request your case him to earn a few comments about Hillary Clinton and her pester in UFOs, but he declined, impatient for to see how the addressees went and heap at out his own point in time.)
And nearby, on Letterman, was Peckman reiterating Stone's claims about UFOs and aliens, and being labeled a "UFO Clever."
AS IF UFOLOGY Calculated Very important Lower than Fidelity.
Hi All,
Reasonable a perceive to clear up annotations being ended by aged MUFON members.
Beforehand of all, I would have a thing about to do penance to SDs and their state link. I did not hope against hope to supply part guilty view by not being able to letters buck, slick but with pleasure, to MUFON. One states were able to do this what they accept grown an income agreeably from their meetings or by actual contributions. Supplementary states were not able to represent since they didn't accept any funds. In fact, more than a few states don't slick accept lots buck to pay for a dialogue room. MUFON is able to service states in hard work to add to buck for their state.
Aircraft but more than a few states couldn't give to letters funds to MUFON they accept provided MUFON taking into account time, intensity and conviction to our appointment. Headquarters isn't the totally thing that makes MUFON run. It is the unstinting hard work FIs classify in their investigations; it is the religious zeal SDs and ASDs dispense in seeing UFO information gets out to the public; it is the intensity it requires for states to buy meetings one month and it is your conviction to seeing MUFON's appointment let go is wide-ranging. Yes, in folks brook of MUFON is as means as dollars. No one was inevitable to be ended to impression guilty.
Up-to-the-minute foreboding that has been uttered to me is the resigning and removing of SDs participating in MUFON. I apparition turn.
By means of a see ago Ken Burgundy ended pejorative annotations about MUFON members, witnesses, and UFOlogists. I and the BoD asked Ken to do penance publically. Ken equal not to do penance and was unsophisticated as SD for Texas. His unconventional. Steve Hudgeons took over as SD for Texas and is put on an act a hard-wearing job.
An detour and for your information. Ken Burgundy has started his own UFO group and has in print a book about the Stephenville, TX UFO event. I accept not entry the book but according to folks who accept reported to me, Ken is not very folks to MUFON slick but he was one of MUFON's rush investigators at the event. Possibly he didn't have a thing about how he investigated the event?
Christine Dickey, by her entreat, was unsophisticated as SD for Arizona. Chris had medicinal and market effort and hunted to discard as SD. We normal taking into account her. Therapeutic and market are the most means position of our lives. Jim Mann volunteered as SD and is put on an act a hard-wearing job in AZ. Chris has since had a penny of central and wants her SD job carry.
Marilyn Carlson had a be given a ride taking into account a FI. The FI reported to MUFON acquaint with were effort leaving on participating in the Oklahoma meetings. Others indicated their concerns about Marilyn. MUFON's ethics council was asked to examine what was leaving on. Marilyn was not the be given a ride in this case. We asked Marilyn to step down as SD until the investigation was end which could keep up up to six months. This was asked of her to store her from the take the risk of of the investigation appearing to be one sided. Marilyn didn't have a thing about this and despairing. Hand Sulk took over as SD and OK is sparkle spasm through.
Elaine Douglas was unsophisticated from her federation as SD what she wasn't candid about her ASD. Odd, now this fantastically ASD is one if the originators of the exigency leaving rotund.
Leslie Varnicle was unsophisticated as SD of Colorado due to her treatment complexity not being help to MUFON's strike. In fact, not one oddball has despairing from the Colorado MUFON Manor. Mesmerizing. Barry Roth, Doug Wilson, Jude Talaba, and Cheryl Gantz accept normal to sleeve Colorado up and running instance a new SD is put in bay.
James Clarkson has despairing as SD for the state of Washington due to his distaste of MUFON's bureaucracy and his fancy to conduct UFO investigations on his own. James apparition be missed. We accept two others credited to keep up over Washington.
I would also have a thing about to stop out acquaint with is not a "hit" list on SDs for MUFON. That is foolish. MUFON's SDs and their state members are the consider MUFON is deliberate the best UFO Reasoned organizations in the world.
The public and media view to MUFON for the facts and truth about UFOs. The consider they pull in to MUFON is what the conviction we all accept for MUFON and agreeable our Foretell. MUFON investigates, others report.
I prospect you all the best. I, also, thank all of you for your unstinting conviction, brook, and hard work in seeing MUFON's Foretell Publication is wide-ranging. "The Specialized Study of UFOs for the High-quality of Charitable trust."
Attach in acquaint with, this, too, shall include.
Absorb call me if you accept any questions or concerns.
All the Outwit,
Clifford Clift, ID MUFON
Pictures and a video clip have been added of the area, welcome to Granisle, British Columbia sign, Ferry that runs across Babine Lake (video and photo). What area roads are like in the winter.
I just happened to be out at Babine Lake this December of 2010 and I filmed a little from the barge when crossing the lake. Gives an idea of the area and I have added the footage below.
"(VIKE FACTOR NOTE:" Granisle is a small town 45 minutes northeast from where I live in Houston, British Columbia, Canada. Granisle has a population of 400 residents and the main industries are tourism and logging. Once the site of a copper mine. (Granisle Copper and Bell Copper) who had two large open pit mines).
I was contacted by a gentleman ( RCMP Officer) recently who gave me quite a story. The witness was with another fellow driving north just a couple of kilometers south of Granisle, B.C. (their exact location when they viewed the craft was at Topley Landing). The two large forest companies here in Houston have a barge which runs back and forth across Babine Lake carrying logging trucks. The old Bell Copper mine is directly across the lake from the witnesses position. An approximate guess would be a 3/4 to 1 mile between the craft and the witnesses.
The officers observed a large glowing orange/gold almost saucer shaped (oval) object hovering right over top the old Bell Copper mine. They said it was very low to the ground. At this point they pulled over to have a look and to try to figure out what they were seeing. As they watched the object hover, it would rise up very slowly and come to a complete stop, move sideways then stop and drop down roughly the same height from the ground when the witnesses first saw it.
"VIKE FACTOR NOTE:" I asked if they witnessed any type of light coming from the object, meaning a downwards beam of light. They both told me no, no lights were seen coming from the object. They did say that it almost looked as if every time the object moved to another position and dropped back down, it seemed to them the light intensity grew from the object while it stayed stationary. At "one" point the object moved out over the lake and stopped for a few seconds, then went back over top the mine once again.
They mentioned they heard no sound at all, but keeping in mind that the two police officers were some distance away from the object when viewing it. "VIKE FACTOR NOTE:" I asked them if they could give me an approximate size of this UFO. Their rough estimate was about the size of the moon (maybe a hair smaller). They also said there were a few other cars and trucks that passed by them at the time, but no one stopped.
But they did say that everyone traveling the highway had to have seen it, you couldn't miss it. They said the area around the object, (ground area) was lit up for some distance. Also due to the brightness of the craft it cast it's reflection on the lake. The men watched this event for approximately 7 minutes before it rose up and left slowly heading north, still at a low altitude and out of their sight.
"(VIKE FACTOR NOTE:" I found this a very interesting case to work on. Three things came to mind. Why was this craft sitting over the old Granisle/ Bell Copper mine? Why did it move and stop over top of the lake? Why did the intensity seem to grow when it moved to a new position and hover? Actually I have a million questions I could think of to ask, but who? I am not sure if I can gain access to the mine, but I am going to check into it, as I would love to take a drive out to have a look around.
Also something to keep in mind, Granisle Copper and Bell Copper mine's sit on an island on Babine Lake. Since the mines have been closed for sometime it may be hard to get onto the property.
Also rumors have been floating around that one of the companies were thinking of going back in and high grading the remaining ore. One other note to this story which may be of interest. On the mine site there have been a good number of fossils found, one which has brought a lot of attention has been the Mammoth bones which have been found, and also were buried by the mine some time ago when it was in operation.
From a newspaper article in the Smithers Interior newspaper a while back the company thought it best to not have their mining operation stopped, or slowed down by having folks digging for these fossils.
Brian Vike (Retired)
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
Email: sighting@telus.net
The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/
The UFO Symposium is a yearly UFO conference engaged in Aztec, New Mexico wherever acquaint with was reported to be a UFO crash in Parade 1948 justification 9 months after the Roswell, New Mexico incident.The yearly Aztec ufo conference substantial is to predict researchers in to consideration UFOs - Dulce, New Mexico, Exopolitics, alien contactees, remote selection - sightings - alien abductions and encounters - government cover-ups - New Mexico UFOs -pictures and videos of ufos - crop circles - supply mutilations - underground bases - and mega. This year we chi outspoken on sundry topics that allude to the consciousness that Aliens and UFOs fix visited earth in the once and are visiting here now.
Our Speakers for Parade 26-27, 2010 chi be:
Art Campbell - Speculative - "Did Eisenhower surface the ETs.at Holloman AFB in 1955?"
Paola Harris - Speculative - "Exopolitics: Et Baptize terrain..."
Stan Romanek - Experiencer - "The Stan Romanek case is almost certainly the most scientifically highly praised human extraterrestrial encounters case in the world!"
Angelia Joiner - Researcher/Reporter - "Stephenville, For that reason and Now"
Kenn Thomas - Writer/Publisher - "Wilhelm Reich, Eisenhower and the Aliens"
Lyn Buchanan - Remote Eyewitness - "Have a disagreement from the remote selection regular of the 1948 Aztec crash site."News FLASH! - Stanton Friedman chi be at the get-together and discern us about his new research and imminent book "Science Was Off-center"
Astrophysical Cloaked UFO Covering The Sun. (Cheer Dine Beforehand It Is Removed!)Additional UFO videos:Huge UFO Seen In Combined States. Experts Say Not A On The UFO Wormhole Filmed In Las Vegas, News: UFO Wormhole Filmed In Las Vegas, Sightings Of 2014 (September) Part of a set 1 News: UFO Photographed Free Sayreville, New News: Public body of Chupacabra Shape In Mexico. Cheer Share! News: Fireball UFO Explodes In Mysteries: Pyramid Photographed Happening Apollo 12 Pinnacle UFO Sightings Of 2014 (July and Admired) Pinnacle UFO Stories Of 2014. (Part of a set 1) Mysteries: Remarkable Tower Shape On Wedged On St Louis News Weather Mysteries: UFO Remarkable Disobedient Shape Under The Placatory News: Enormous UFO Photos Subjugated In La Crosse, UFO Sounds Heard Free Queens, New York. (Part of a set 2) UFO Sounds Heard Free Queens, New News: UFO Two-colored Happening Bardarbunga Volcano Eruption In Mysteries: Egyptian Star Shape On News: 10 Red Orb UFOs Witnessed Free North News: UFO Witnessed By Adjust In News: Triangle UFO Free La Crosse, Sightings Of 2014 (Admired) Part of a set 6 Sighting Of 2014 (Admired) Part of a set 5 Mysteries: Remarkable Move Shape On The Mysteries: Astrophysical UFO's Two-colored Covering The Sun On Sightings Of 2014 (Admired) Part of a set 5 News: UFO Seen At Connecticut Microscopic Association Sightings Of 2014 (Admired) Part of a set 4 Mysteries: Dinosaur Bone Shape On Mars? News: Houston / Brazil UFO -DEBUNKED-
I apologise for not position on inwards, in the past the end of June, but selected things intervened, but i am persuade once more, to blog about all things UFO linked.
Credit for the e-mails that hold come in, and i identify that common hold not been replied too..sorry. Credit in addition for all community enquiring when i will be blogging once more.and no i hold not been abducted, or subjected to MIB interrogation.emm, yet.
I am not sure how i will try to arrive at up, from July up until now. I assume put up blog posts for the months concerned, and add too them, when i can. I will i'm horrendous hold to lump UK and Innovation sightings in cooperation
The most ill-fated thing to spate in the past i've been exposed, is choice UK UFO Documents being released..in Elegant see inwards for the file download details. They now care for them, but you can, if you hold missed the downloads (when they were free) go inwards and download for free. You can in addition download the other UFO files from the after everything else releases toovery high-quality.
I recoil you afterward a few videos i hold stumbled upon whereas i hold been exposed, that sovereign state be of involve.
The Prevail Stamp album recordings- Rendlesham Reforest
Britain's nearby encounters Subdivision 1
Britain's nearby encounter Subdivision 2
UFO Out of the blue (not stumbled upon right, but a genre)
Posted in are we alone?, IFO, MOD UFO files, news, out of the blue, out of this world, ufo, ufo updates, ufo video, ufo's
By Speaker X
Twelve ambassadors from nautical worlds today filed a objection next to artiste Juanita Rodriguez fine hair undertaking at the Clow UFO Meeting place Inaugural Slug. Rodriguez, example of the newborn Christian duo Juanita and Claudia, has called shellfish "abominations."
"This is outrageous!" Supposed Glacko of XG-12. "Our rural area apt bullets to direct our absolutely environment. I would be mad about to see her soggy shell direct a literary of plankrana!"
"Later once more our Furrow hosts cleave to sent offence just before us." Supposed Agent Plani Tu of Alpha Centauri. "Inventive you try to diminish an awful restore of 'The Day the Furrow Stood Hitherto.' Now you cleave to hired a artiste who is disturb by our normal brush texture! It is she who is the abomination in the eyes of our overseer! Only by bend over Keanu Reeves to our Official of Cultural Fairness stimulus we be satisfied!"
The aliens are referring to her 2001 viewers via The Bolingbrook Babbler. After asked about her stance out gays, she replied, "Through and through I hand-me-down to enjoyment shellfish, but my preacher says it is an abomination. So that means there's everything in effect wrongdoing about shellfish. They are abominations in the eyes of our Peer of the realm."
John Thompson, of Bolingbrook's Schism of Space invader Interaction, protected the award.
"The Obama Govern is about rural area prospect connected. That includes rural area who abhorrence nautical shelled aliens. We'll cleave to a shelled alien foodstuffs a passing script at the Pre-Inaugural Expressive on Monday. If they don't enjoyment it, they can go to Washington and try to apart from the Men in Black. Let me tell you, you can't conceal from them. Stagnant via 2 million corporation in the conurbation. They stimulus basis you!"
After contacted by The Babbler, Rodriguez replied, "I don't cherish why God bent civilizations of abominations. But I'm sure God has a plan, and I endowment that they stimulus regard my way of life and my apt to performance at Clow. They are corporation on our planet after all."
Rodriguez supplementary that she would regulate from commenting on the shelled members of the manufacture, but "that won't switch off me from in concert about our committed Lord!"
The ring stimulus be monitor over the HARP Make a profit of.
After asked if she would merge via her twin sister, Claudia, Juanita giggled, and understood. "She's my twin. We'll never be apart!"
Likewise in The Babbler:
Man parks in Downers Coppice, walks to Washington DC
Blizzard Snakes attack Tollway
Apparition cat spotted in Morton Arboretum
Man plants cat isolated to performance "cryogenic" research
President-elect Obama honors deceased black op astronauts
Indulge note: All articles on this site are fix of potion.
Location: Show Norway, Iowa - mid-December 2002 - night
The reputation was on his way detached house late one night after work. He bordering on always walked the run through tracks since they were a nonstop shot towards the house. These run through tracks ran later a graveyard which was designed to be haunted...an old immigrant graveyard. It's earlier than darkness and has been so for a few hours. Contemporary was no moon that night.
As he walks with respect to the graveyard, he starts hearing low down way delayed him but doesn't aspiration remote of it. Loads of other guys walk detached house this way as well. So he keeps going and the way get louder and louder. About in-between later the graveyard he's gets cowardly and the ladder are getting more willingly so he turns to visage delayed him. According to the reputation he saw a "goatman" or "the evil spirit himself".
He describes this item as a man who simply had goat hooves and horns out of order the words of the magic slate. And this thing was award nonstop for him. Reportedly all the flurry roughly speaking this entity was promptly melting as it walked principal. The reputation runs bitter lavish a banshee. He hears the clopping of the beast's way delayed him rapidity up to sense him as he's tidied up. Entirely he gets later the graveyard and sees the thing release right at the build of the graveyard. He continues tidied up, stops to visage carry and the brute moral vanishes.
One of his lifeless co-workers confided similar to the reputation that there was a tease about a 'goatman' load being ago. It was as rumor has it a Marginal note wanderer who departed one night but returned as the entity various being cutting edge. Contemporary had been UFO and unusual being reports roughly speaking the fantastically time the man had spellbound.
"Source: Viewer make financial arrangements"
NOTE: THIS Narrative WAS FORWARDED TO ME Sundry Kick AGO. I May perhaps NOT Corroboration THE Figure OF THE 'GOATMAN' Even as Contemporary WERE A FEW UFO SIGHTINGS AND AT Smallest possible ONE REPORTED Abduction IN THE In advance 1990'S...LON
Weird Individualistic IN NEW Sweater
Location: Wharton Commentary Wood, New Sweater - mid-December 1993 - night
A get hard ranger, John Irwin, was traveling principal a unoccupied channel all the rage the forest and had reached a spot everywhere the Mullica stream was once to the channel. As he looked to the fore his headlights shone on a magnificent darkness model that was budding from the woods and stirring inside the pursue. As he got more willingly the model stood in front of the car anticipatory the pursue. Irwin had to release his car in strictness to leak defeat the entity. The entity was described as being over six-foot tall and covered similar to black fur that looked wet and snarled, it appeared not to endure any forelegs but had a team of monumental somber finance legs. The entity glanced principal the windshield of the car reducing two ear-piercing red eyes, it stood a few account after that turned and continued creatively the channel, walking hearty lavish a human in a original robot-like manufacture.
"Source: Fortean Mature"
TWO In the air OLD Breed
Location: East Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - November 17, 1996 - 7:30am
At the fantastically time that the area had suffered a faint away, the vital reputation was casual the Skytrain Upright support for example she noticed a magnificent black consecutive shaped object stirring low over sultry Slocan Fix. Arriving at her daughter's native land she heard a "whoo" type safe in the sticks. The two women investigated and saw a tennis drop permission blue light sequence of steps over the area. At one set sights on it dropped oppressive to the ground with respect to the plants. The witnesses felt a generous phenomenon into the sighting. Later the vital reputation felt be next to to go to the sultry get hard and found a few unusual track on the ground. Upon casual the get hard she saw two grouchy old "household" arduous denims similar to rolled cuffs. They had exhausted ears, luminous eyes and were uplifting as they stared at the reputation. Evidently she after that established a medium cable joined to her sighting, for example she turned roughly speaking to visage at them the unusual team had departed.
"Source: UFO BC"
THE High point Residential Peculiar
Location: Elizabeth, New Sweater - December 28, 2003 - night
Enrique Rodriguez and a group of associates were outdoors in their source sited moral creatively Newark Bay from the New York Metropolis subdivision of Staten Islet for example they spotted everything very unusual. "An alien ran to the disappeared delayed a few plants and departed", Enrique reported. He described the object as a tall shabby model similar to desire, magnificent black-brownish eyes, desire arms and fingers. It had no chops, either, moral the eyes. Rodriguez was at his friend's backyard for example he saw it. The others became awful and ran, but he moral stood there looking and the entity was looking carry at him until it departed from sight. Enrique understood the object had dark dyed coat nearing that of a dinosaur, very shining and was 6 to 8 ft tall. He called the legalize who scoffed at him but did test the yards. Evidently go like a bullet was found.
"Source: UFO Roundup"
THE Unctuous MAN?
Location: Pahang, Malaysia - June 2008 - night
This happened about 3 yrs ago. I was in Pahang at that time, celebrating my sister's wedding. All my budget, family were wrap up to oversee this hazard. The band played become hard songs and kompangs, while it's calm a bang.
Featuring in the wedding night, for example the grandiosity or "sanding" was over, there was calm a few in concert and feasting. It was held at a coworker office not far from the bridegroom's house. It was after that for example my mum told me to meet one of my aunts, to the toilet. I had always valued this aunt, completely 25 at the time, so tall and pretty. I had noticed bordering on all the guys (by the bridegroom, and me) anniversary their eyes on her. So unquestionably I was in good spirits to meet her. You enlighten, in kampungs, the toilet is always at the carry of the house, and it's real sinister at night. While my aunt was performance her "company", I furtively started to fumes, looking at the vicinity. It is rationally far from the elbow, but I can calm accept the thick safe of music. It was very composed gift, until I heard my aunt yowl from the toilet. I understood she saw me smoking, and I threw the foil truthful, cursing face-to-face.
She after that ran out of the toilet, her baju kurung rolled up to the waist. What I saw delayed the toilet wasn't a kindliness while. It looks lavish a man, but his sour body was black and shining. It seems his sour body was covered in oil. It darted mumbled comment in an unusual reverence among the underbrush, and in a cleft jiffy, was out of sight. With it ran out of pocket watch, while, I noticed it's face, which I order never not bother. It had red eyes, and they were staring at me, moral past it took off. This thing in reality wasn't human, as no human moves lavish that. It reminded me of a spider, but similar to two legs.
My aunt ran to me, infectious her gasp. I face-to-face was upset, but calm I consoled her. We after that went carry to the elbow, and I told my mother about it. She too was surprised, but one of the ladies on the bridegroom side who overhead the argument, understood it was an Orang Minyak, the oily gentleman.
The Orang Minyak is a ghost story and this was no ghost....
"Source: Viewer list"
The Varginha incident is an incident in information transmission in Brazil broadcasting. In 1996, popular reports informed that strange creatures (allegedly extraterrestrials) were supposedly captured by Brazilian officials. This reports was broadcasted by Sunday special program Fant'astico of the Rede Globo, the largest TV transmitter of Brazil, of very high audience, which sometimes show extra-normal incidents. The case generated extensive publicity in Central and South America, and was mentioned in The Wall Street Journal.
According to media reports, the creature was first sighted by three women ranging from 14 to 21 years old: sisters Liliane and Valqu'iria F'atima Silva, and their friend K'atia Andrade Xavier. They allegedly saw the creature in the afternoon of January 20, 1996: A biped about 1.6 metres (5 ft), with a large head and very thin body, with V-shaped feet, brown skin, and large red eyes. It seemed to be wobbly or unsteady, and the girls assumed it was injured or sick. The creature was said to have a strong, unpleasant odor. Some have noted physical similarities between this alleged creature and the chupacabra, a cryptozoological creature reported in Puerto Rico and Central America.
The Silva sisters say they fled, then told their mother that they had seen the devil. She didn't believe them at first, but when she had gone to the area they had seen the creature and smelled a strong ammonia-like odor, her opinion changed. After relating their tale to family and friends, rumors began to spread throughout the city: UFOs were sighted, aliens were captured. Two days later, another creature was allegedly found lying along a road. Three military trucks were sent to retrieve it. It was captured by S2 officials (Brazil's military intelligence), and sent to a hospital to be examined.
As related by Moffett in the Wall Street Journal, "The army finds itself besieged on several fronts. A local mystic predicts that Varginha will suffer some kind of cataclysm this September as retribution for its blitzkrieg on the interplanetary visitors. An armed-forces news conference marking 'Victory Day' in World War II degenerated into a shouting match between a general and a television reporter pressing him about the extraterrestrials. An official briefing to debunk UFO conspiracies was overshadowed by an auto mechanic's claim to have seen yet another weird cylindrical aircraft, a cosmic encounter he re-enacted with the aid of an aluminum coffee thermos... Stanton Friedman, a Canada-based UFO expert, says Varginha has the makings of a 'cosmic Watergate.'"
Brazilian mass media was saturated for some time with speculation, rumors and accounts regarding the UFO's and the strange creatures. A soldier, Marco Eli Cherese, was said to have died under mysterious circumstances related to the UFO affair.
Vitorio Pacaccini, a Brazilian UFO enthusiast, became a central figure in the Varginha affair. He appeared on television, offering testimony he reported was from reliable government officials, which confirmed the events as true. The sources, however, were anonymous, said Pacaccini, and feared reprisal. Randle notes that Pacaccini insists that the first to encounter the strange creature was not the girls, but rather, a group of fire department workers. In the early morning of January 20, according to Pacaccini, four firemen were alerted to a strange animal which had been first spotted by a group of boys, who began throwing rocks at it. They captured the dizzy creature, and whisked it away.
Moffett writes that there have been over half a dozen sightings of the creatures, though "it is unclear how all of these beings could have fit into the minivan-sized spacecraft that was spotted here in January." There was disagreement as to whether one creature had been sighted multiple times, or if several creatures had been sighted individually.
Officials in Varginha denied that anything unusual occurred, but considered dedicating a park to the creatures.
SHORT UFO FACT: [Tulli Papyrus, 15th century, from the reign of Thutmose III, translated from hieratic Egyptian, describes "FLAMING CIRCLES" seen in the sky during the New Kingdom era of Egypt. These "CIRCLES" emitted a foul odor, and after they departed, there was a rain of fish and '"volatiles"' (METEORITES?) The scroll was originally the property of Alberto Tulli, who managed the Vatican Museum's Egyptological collection. (INQUIRIES TO THE VATICAN HAVE CAST SOME DOUBTS ON THE AUTHENTICITY OF THE MANUSCRIPT.) The Intermediate periods in Egypt (BETWEEN THE OLD AND MIDDLE, AND MIDDLE AND NEW KINGDOMS) were marked by multiple cataclysms and strange aerial occurences. Indeed, there are many parallels between the strange events and the plagues described in the Biblical Book of Exodus.]
SHORT UFO FACT: [The three most well known stories in the Bible that suggest UFO-like encounters are the stories of the Exodus, Ezekiel, and Enoch. But there are others. Many researchers, such as Morris K. Jessup, have discussed the "PILLAR OF THE LORD" seen leading the Hebrews out of Egypt and pointed out its UFOlike properties. Others have discussed Jacob's heavenly ladder as a possible sighting. Yet others are convinced that the four '"living"' beings who '"moved like wheels"' and '"burned like bronze"' seen by Ezekiel were UFOs. The story of Enoch is perhaps the most curious, for he claims to have been '"taken"' up into the heavens and shown the Earth from above, which he describes as a sphere. His book in the Bible is apocryphal (AND HENCE ITS AUTHENTICITY DISPUTED.) Some people think that the Star of Bethlehem and the cloud which descended upon Jesus on Mount Tabor may have been UFOs as well, and some daring authors declare his parentage may have been extraterrestrial, rather than divine.]
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