Friday 29 April 2011

Three Early Crashed Saucer Cases

Three Early Crashed Saucer Cases
Three Different Races Of ET Humans?

By Ed Komarek


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UFO Crash At Aztec by William Steinman is not a book that is well known unless one has been in the UFO/ET field for awhile. It's a gold mine of information from the early years. I picked it up to research some information on early speculations on extraterrestrial evolution and then got to thumbing through it and was amazed at how much I had forgotten. There are some really good crash stories in it that involve human and humanoid ET's like the following stories. Of course some crash stories could be hoaxes, but taken together they provide a very sound body of evidence on which to gain overall context.

I don't have to have complete accuracy to draw overall conclusions, because there is so much evidence available in the public domain to draw from. There have been a large number of crashes over the years and these three stories in themselves represent three different types of extraterrestrial humans. I just want to show those who are just entering the field, that when I write about the evolution and diversity of life across the universe, and ET humans in particular, I am drawing from a huge body of evidence that is available to anyone who wants to take the time to research it. I have to warn you it will take a lifetime of study just to scratch the surface! I know what I am talking about. My perspective of overall context is firmly rooted in the evidence available in the public domain.

The reason I have begun mixing cases in with my essays on my blog is because as an editor of a newspaper told me, "People have to learn arithmetic before they can learn calculus." I am trying to reach out into the mainstream with my articles to a uninformed and propagandized. public.The word flying saucer was used before the propagandists degraded the term to Unidentified Flying Object. Secretly the objects had been identified as extraterrestrial spaceships in the 1940's perhaps even earlier. Even today reputable scientists have their credentials ignored and are denigrated as UFO buffs and believers by propagandists in the mass media. (See recent Washington Post article.)

While the propagandists ignore the credentials of scientists in the UFO/ET field, they always list the debunkers scientific credentials so as make their lies more acceptable to the public. This is infowar at its most devious, where language, the means of communication of ideas and concepts, is attacked and degraded in Orwellian fashion. The reason these early stories are so important is that there was a lot of early leakage out of secret classified programs by scientists that had been involved in these programs and thought the public had a right to know. Many of these early scientists lost their lives for speaking publicly about the UFO/ET subject. UFO Crash At Aztec is full of these amazing early stories by reputable scientists like Dr. Robert Sarbacher. It's a must read for the serious investigator. It took extreme measures over many years to really clamp down on leakage.

The first story is titled, The Los Alamos Saucer And The U.S. Government. The crash took place in 1949 and like so many early crash stories, just shows how much was already secretly known, even at this early date. The occupants of the saucer were small thin humans with white skin. This is George C. Tyler's report on Baron Nicholas Von Poppen's experience. The story is as follows:The hero of this story (and I do mean hero, because of what he suffered) is a noted scientist by the name of Nicholas E. Von Poppen.

As to our personal relationship, I was, 25 years ago, president of the Shale and Metal Company in Denver, Colorado, where we make the first successful shale oil mill in the United States. It worked successfully, but was not economical, at the time.One day the Baron (the noble title of Von Poppen) arrived in Los Angeles at the head of a delegation from France. He had trailed me all over the country after being informed that I was the only person who had engineered such a mill in this country. The Baron wanted me to visit his land of Estonia, which together with Latvia and Lithuania, made up a population of 17 million, and build a shale oil mill, in fact many of them. His country had developed oil fields with fine shale beds, and oil was needed.I was afraid of the rising tide of communism, which was beginning to wash against their borders on the east; but he assured me there was no real danger. I finally consented to go after he made his offer more financially substantial. He had their Reichstag elect me Premier of the little country, with full power to rejuvenate the commerce. On the strength of this move, they borrowed 30 million dollars in New York, bought a old steamer of large capacity, and loaded it with old cars, discarded radios, and so on, to be make over in their land by mechanics who at that time were out of work and starving.

Shortly afterward, however, and before I could get my affairs in shape here, secret service men of a certain people came to me with the information that the entire end of Europe would soon be conquered by the Bolsheviks, and that persons such as myself would be hastily liquidated. The information was so definite, that I backed out, much to the Baron's dismay.

He departed for his country at once. They carried out the plans as we had made them, or tried to; but all was brought to a end by the disaster I feared would happen. The Baron saw his beautiful wife cut to pieces and his two children dashed against the wall of a stone cellar, as he hid under some driftwood, wounded and helpless.The Baron was finally smuggled out of the basement and out of the country. He finally returned to the United States. He had dabbled in photography and continued that interest here, eventually making a profession of it. He finally became a top man in the field.Our paths finally crossed once again. I learned to love the personality of the frail man. Already a scientist, he had to do constructive work, so he became a scientific photographer, and his work grew to be so well recognized that he was repeatedly called upon for difficult work along this line.

I was a little surprised one day in November of 1949 when his voice came over the telephone, asking me to meet him in the coffee room of a downtown hotel. He said, "I have a matter I must discuss with you. Get there at once; it will take about a hour to tell you."It took not a hour, but several, before I left the meeting, my head was spinning. Here is his story as he told it to me, without many details, since these would require a whole book.

"Last week, two secret service men came to my home. They told me they had a photographic job to be done, to please go with them. We went by plane and landed inside the vast Los Alamos Field, where I was met by the superintendent of that part of the field. We walked to the fringe of a crowd of several hundred men who were milling around a large flat object lying on the ground.When a lane was opened, I was led through the crowd and found myself viewing, what one might term a Flying Saucer. There it was, surrounded by an estimated 1000 men, technicians and experts of all kinds, the best that the government can hire. To say that I was astonished would be putting it mildly.

The gave me the finest equipment I had ever handled and told me to photograph the thing. For two days I crawled all over it, on top, underside, photographing it, both closeup and from a distance-literally within inches of special pieces of equipment. In particular, they wished my photographs to show the texture of the metal of which it was composed. In actually, there seemed to be different kinds. Most of it appeared to be steel, but different than any I'd ever seen. Some of it was actually translucent.Now I'll try to describe it to you. It was a fraction of a foot less then 100 ft across. They, the builders, seem to have a different basic mathematical number, the difference between 6 and 9. It was about eight feet thick in the middle.

The technicians managed to open a door on the side, with its base on the chime of the rim. The door was so finely machined that when closed it left no indication that it was there. I suppose this served to insure against any seepage of air, when in space.Inside, was a circular room 30 ft. across, a curving ceiling in conformity to the outside of the machine. Between the sides next to the chime, were very heavy cables, some of which looked like copper, the rest I couldn't determine, and nobody expressed an opinion in my presence. It was like that all the time, very much hushed up. All of them seemed to be afraid of each other, and almost of themselves.

Approximately in the center of this room was a panel control board, covered with push-buttons and tiny levers, somewhat similar to those we have on earth. Before this small panel control board were four swivel, bucket type seats. And in all four seats were men-strapped in and dead.The largest, who seemed to be the captain, was four feet, nine inches tall, and weighed abut 35 pounds. The smallest and obviously the youngest was 23 inches tall and weighed about 22 pounds. They were white men, with very pale skin, as if they had come from a cold world with little air. Their faces were intellectual and refined. I have never seen anything like them here on Earth.The captain's right arm hung down as he lay slumped over the controls, and his fingers touched what must have been the ship's log book, lying open on the floor. The exposed pages covered with glyphs, nothing like I had ever seen before. But the book was made of some indestructible material which was not paper at all, but could be written on.

On the floor were some 15 little machines, beautifully welded to the floor, with welds that left no indication that showed any difference in appearance with the rest of the floor. Even though I could see that they were indeed welds. I am particular about this, for here is some secret which a expert should be able to discover. The machines appeared somewhat like typewriters, beautifully made, though not so intricate as you would imagine. It showed me that these people have long ago passed through the period of technological development we are in now, and have again tended toward the simplification of life, thus eliminating the intricacies which tend to obscure the natural laws of being.

I concluded that the machines were the different pieces of apparatus which controlled the cosmic space motor which was made up, it seemed, of the big cables coiled around the inside of the ship's chime, and of some mechanism which they did not let me photograph.Beyond the central control center of the ship was a kind of garret, which I will try to describe. Against the sides were several Pullman like bunks, but suitable only for the pygmies. Against the wall was clipped a water bottle, out of which we drew water. I drank some of it, and it tasted good. In fact, that was all they would let me have. You could tell no difference between this bottle and any water cooler that we have in our offices, except that it was not made of glass, but was nevertheless translucent. There was a toilet, with peculiar arrangements, all very modest.One thing in this compartment that drew my attention above everything else, was what appeared to be a regular radio tube (or at least it looked like one of our tubes) clipped against the wall. Every now and then it delivered and BEEP! BEEP! Sound, which I judged was a call from space, since I had the idea that other ships connected with this one were anxiously trying to communicate with it. That went on all day until I was ready to leave." So ends the informative story that Von Poppen relayed to me on that rainy day in November of 1949. Very Sincerely Yours, Dr. George C. Tyler, March 15, 1954.

Note: Here is a second interesting saucer story involving human occupants in this book where a saucer was found at low tide on a small German island called Heligoland. This story was from Norwegian Hans Larson Loberg a Prize-winner for physics in Hungary. "From the waters arose to the surface during low tide the dome of a flying saucer."

"The discovery has contributed to clear up a few obscure points on the mystery of the spacecraft and has served to confirm the existence of extra-terrestrial creatures, much distant from us and our actual life, whether in time or space. The revelations of Dr. Loberg truly leave us thoughtful.

"The flying saucer half-submerged was of impressive proportions; it measured 30 meters in diameter and 23 in height. Externally it was a light color similar to aluminum, but there was no question of the metal. The material of which it was composed, resulted from exceptional solidity, being however extremely light. As proof of its casting a sample of such material resisted 15,000 Fahrenheit without melting."In its construction, the disc did not present any traces of any screws, riveting or of soldering; it seemed coined in a single piece like a coin."

"The cabin of the giant flying saucer, hermetically closed, was provided with beds similar to removable reclining chairs, but no one was lying there."The crew because of the slope of the spaceship were stretched out in a corner of the cockpit in a macabre heap of carbonized bodies. Seven corpses were counted; all men from 25 to 30 years old, whose stature attained about a meter and 85 (6 ft.) In the judgement of Dr. Loberg, the unfortunate pilots had found death in the precipitate descent of the Saucer, which had happened to find itself in the tremendous active ray of a hydrogen-bomb exploded during the frequent thermo-nuclear experiments. In their death contortions and poor souls showed a magnificent set of teeth."

"In the same cabin was found a ampule containing a transparent liquid similar to water, but with a specific gravity some three times greater."Two cylindrical jars were brimful with small discoidal-shaped sweets which one supposes to be composed of nutritive and energy-giving substances. In the saucer no other food at all for the pilots was found."There was discovered, deteriorated and unserviceable, a microscopic radio-apparatus, some special maps and a few volumes printed in an unknown language.

"In the saucer no weapons of any sort were traced, but as regards this, Loberg affirms that Flying Saucers do not need offensive arms, in as much as they are protected by their powerful magnetic field, whose existence was confirmed. This magnetic field constitutes, however, the defensive armament of the saucer and its own motive force, since it was provided with motors and possesses uniquely a gadget for landing formed by a metallic tripod which can rotate in any direction."

Note: A third saucer story is in this book that is well known, called the Spitsbergen case. This craft was found in the spring of 1952. This saucer was 93 feet in diameter and 70 feet in height. This craft had a crew of seven "human-like beings". burned beyond recognition. They averaged 4' 11" tall, in a reclining position. The "instrument panel" had what appeared at first glance to be "Russian like" symbols on it seemingly to label some of the various highly unique instruments and devices. This saucer was also investigated by Dr. Hans Larsen Loberg. This story got a lot of press coverage before it was suppressed.


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