Thursday, 2 September 2010

Octopus Ufo Filmed In Brazil Is Not A Ufo

Octopus Ufo Filmed In Brazil Is Not A Ufo
I allow seen this video and a number of others in a number of UFO sites. Permanent yet I would feel to serve this to the front as real I allow to discard this one.

This is one of the videos that allow been separation spherical the internet:

Here's extra one:

giant paper hot air baloons. Yes, it is static complete in Brazil, out-of-the-way from the inglenook hazards. It is illegal but a number of intimate static do it, I grew up study a number of of these flying across the sky, (final after that it was static convincing to do so) They allow a number of shapes. Numerous allow lanterns, sometimes hundreds of them plus minuscule candles in them, and populace are routinely launched at night. Numerous allow in addition fireworks coupled to them. This is a big elevated illegal "fixation" that static happens give, although now smaller number than what I used to see growing up. June is the month the same as you see most of these baloons in the sky. And apiece kid runs to implant" a baloon that is plummeting down, it is reliable type of "precious thing" for them.

Here's a Google interpretation of what these are. Here's the cool junior, in Portuguese.

And nearby are further videos of these baloons being launched.

DVD Channel Ecol'ogica 8 - Compre J'a!

Activity UFOs in Campinas SP Brazil -

Here's reliable plus lanterns.

Monumental Create Hot Air Super (Modelado 10m - Turma Do Jaca) - The funniest videos clips are nearby

if you wish to play a role your own google search on these, idiom for the words:




Monumental Create Hot Air Baloons

Festa Junina


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