Monday, 22 March 2010

Venus Hot Atmosphere Cooling Its Interior And New Robotic Lunar Lander

Venus Hot Atmosphere Cooling Its Interior And New Robotic Lunar Lander
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:

g ABODES - It may seem downright bizarre, but a new model of Venus' super-hot atmosphere suggests its greenhouse gases may actually be cooling the planet's interior. See article.

g MESSAGE - On an episode of "The Space Show", Scot Stride, a senior engineer at NASA JPL in Pasadena, Calif., was the guest for this Space Show program. Stride discussed SETI programs with us and highlighted his discussion with the SETI alternatives, SETV (Search for ET Visitation) and S3ETI (Solar System SETI). Stride provided listeners with a superb background and history on SETI, how it started and how it became what it is today. Listen to the show. This program is from 2005.

g COSMICUS - The aerospace company Astrium Space Transportation will complete mission design work on a robotic lunar lander under an 18-month contract with the European Space Agency (ESA) valued at 6.5 million euros (8.5 million), Astrium officials announced. See article.

g LEARNING - Dr. Charles Lee is a FRST Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Biological Sciences at The University of Waikato. His research into the microbial ecology of extreme environments received a significant financial boost on Friday when the 2010 Marsden Fund grants were announced. The Fast-Start grant will support new research into the relationship between the McMurdo Dry Valleys soils and their resident microbial populations. Studying the microscopic life of this frozen desert could shed new light on the long-term glacial history of the valleys, while providing a valuable biological perspective with which to assess current and future environmental change in the Antarctic. Dr. Lee was kind enough to field a few questions from Journeys to the Ice for Sciblogs.

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