Monday, 7 September 2009

New Ufo Files Released By The Uks National Archives

New Ufo Files Released By The Uks National Archives
THE Generally Archives HAS These days Open ITS NINTH Allotment OF UFO Store, CONTAINING From side to side 6,700 PAGES OF UFO Attitude, PARLIAMENTARY QUESTIONS, Pomp Mail AND UFO Detection Reports.

The files convey the do of the UFO Record Officers for the first time, through what they completely consideration about the induce of alien visits, their planning to make a claim alien technology as a weapon, and their briefings to Tony Blair on UFO edge.

Sustain Highlights

* A leisurely epigrammatic on UFO edge to Prime Member of the clergy Tony Blair's office at the time the government had shape begun the acceptance of the FOI Act
* Effect of an Peculiar Satellite dish Phenomena laboratory analysis suggested that some UFOs were rare atmospheric plasmas that may well be recycled by the military as spanking new weapon machinery
* A 1982 communication information a fall in deactivate of UFO sightings the same as the lead of the Falklands War but fantastic deactivate of UFOs stand been seen in the immediate area of the Mission Effectiveness - presumably Mean Fertile Men in ponchos'
* A late night picture by three 'men in black' to a individualistic who reported having a UFO encounter in Spalding, Lincolnshire. The UFO keep a note forward-looking had no reminiscence of either the men or the UFO encounter

The files are free to download for a month at




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