Posted: January 16, 2008Date: February 18, 2006 Time: 5.15 p.m.Specify of objects: 9 Mode of objects: Black circles.Satisfied Marking out of event/sighting: Eight tiny black circles, one big suspended in the shape of a stout problematic mark, but laid on its side ( ? ) the tiny shapes used up going good the big object. I observed this as I was at work at a bit stockyard at Corus Engineering Steels.Overload information:The objects were to the north west and they were suspended, holding the awfully formation. The objects were all black in color. The skies were clear but it was being paid towards sundown. The less important objects sound to fade away going the one big object. Offer was no lights as they were good black in color. They were in a formation of a problematic mark which had fallen on it's side. They were suspended luxury a steel plant melting shop, which uses stimulating arc furnaces. We contract a lot of special alloy steels for the use in aviation commerce.Thank you to the longest for the report.Brian Vike, Superintendent HBCC UFO Test. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Test International: UFO Test, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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