Saturday, 20 June 2009

By Grumpyoldbob

By Grumpyoldbob
Joe, as I don't possess an iphone I don't know how well the iphone app works, and personally I always use, but assuming it accesses all the necessary data to make a correct judgement then yes, of course you could use it to eliminate the ISS etc as being the UFO. That doesn't automatically mean that if it's not the ISS it must be an alien craft of course, although you could legitimately claim it is an Unidentified Flying Object until it is positively identified. I know that myself and others are always looked upon as debunkers and skeptics when we try to find the most logical explanation for a sighting, but surely you wouldn't want to go through life believing you have seen an alien craft if everyone you mention it to knows full well it was the ISS or whatever, and laughs about you behind your back. I saw a bright light in the sky on a sunny afternoon around 1980, and have never been able to identify what it was, despite spending many hours on Google Earth etc looking for possible explanations, so I am not quite such an unbeliever as you might imagine. If we are all looking for the truth there is really no need for the constant believers v skeptics bickering which just deflects attention from the sighting report, as it has done here. If someone disagrees with a comment because it is factually incorrect then of course they should try to point out the mistake in a logical way, but making a derogatory comment just because whatever has been said doesn't support their beliefs is simply wrong. That obviously applies both ways, because both sides are guilty of it from time to time, including myself. I think it's time we started pulling together. If a UFO is shown beyond reasonable doubt to be the ISS that shouldn't be considered a victory for the skeptics and a defeat for the believers, it's a victory for the truth, and the same should apply if a UFO can be shown beyond reasonable doubt to be alien.


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