Monday, 25 May 2009

Spineless Skeptic Still Cant Handle The Truth

Spineless Skeptic Still Cant Handle The Truth
It seems that no matter how many times it's been pointed out that skeptics are unscientific, prejudiced belief pushers, they still can't resist the temptation to, well, just keep on doing it.

Current case in point is that of the desperate, celebrity and significance seeking Stuart Robbins, who long ago declared that the Billy Meier case and its contents were simply a hoax. Having been silent on the matter for some time, Robbins has popped up again with another brilliant bit of pseudo-science, theorizing that a great many UFO sightings can be explained by quadcopters with lights on them.

It seems that Robbins has figured out though that the UFO topic will draw some (the most) traffic to his site. He erroneously also thinks that it's an easy target overall for debunking, such as the myriad, flimsy New Age and paranormal subjects he goes after, and that he'll look brilliant in taking it on. Well, ooops to that.

But the worst part of dealing with unrepentant wimps and poseurs like Robbins is that they are shameless in their blatant cowardice and complete lack of intellectual honesty.

Here is the comment that I submitted on Robbins', complete with Billy Meier's famous Hasenbol UFO film, as seen in this screen shot (click on image to see all of it):

As of this writing, it actually doesn't appear on Robbins' blog. Nor did I receive an explanation why it wasn't posted. The fact that it absolutely shreds his nonsensical claim before it can...get off the ground was obviously enough to prevent it from being posted. Robbins is known to reject posts that strongly dismantle his prejudicial, unscientific and inaccurate claims, especially regarding the Billy Meier case.

While Robbins' blog actually relies on the Meier case for generating any kind of serious interest, it's a wonder that he hasn't developed some spine, something even remotely resembling...integrity. Again, defining oneself as a skeptic is an indication that one simply has prejudices that they rely on when they can't handle the truth.

The article on the Hasenbol film can be seen here. And the "still irreproducible "film clip, from 1976, showing the lights on the UFO flashing on and off, is here.

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Spineless Skeptic Still Can't Handle the Truth originally appeared on They Fly on October 16, 2013.


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