Thursday, 12 February 2009

Alien Interview Introduction

Alien Interview Introduction
ALIEN INTERVIEW INTRODUCTION Dear butlincat, This is a promotional clip for a newly-released book, available in many formats and languages, purporting to be the transcripts of a series of interviews of the surviving alien pilot of one of the two flying saucers which crashed near Roswell, New Mexico in July, 1947. During the 6 weeks the female alien pilot was held prisoner, interviews were conducted under government supervision via by Army Air Force Flight Nurse Matilda McElroy, at the Roswell Army Air Field 509th Bomb Group in 1947. Afterwards, the alien was executed by an electric shock, administered by a government doctor. The interview transcripts were allegedly kept secret, under threat of death by Nurse MacElroy for 60 years. MacElroy released these a few months before her passing, at the age of 83. Among the novel details to emerge, in this clip: - The Milky Way Galaxy has been invaded by a civilization called "The Domain". - In July, 1947, "The Domain" sent out a scout craft from one of their space stations in the Asteroid Belt to investigate the atomic bomb explosions in their "territory". - "The Domain" spacecraft was accidentally struck by lightening and crashed in New Mexico and the pilot was captured. - The alien pilot was unwilling to reveal the location of her home planet. Moreover, her star did not yet "exist on any star map on Earth," as it was too far away. - The wreckage was initially sent to Fort Worth, Texas, where Brigadier General Roger Ramey was ordered to cover-up the incident with a "weather balloon" story. The debris was then shipped by air to Army Air Force research facility at Wright Field in Ohio. - Nurse MacElroy was interrogated on a lie detector to verify the truth of the interview transcripts. - President Harry Truman issued a memo to Secretary of Defense James Forrestal stating, "...hereafter, this matter shall only be referred to as operation Majestic 12 [and]...the ultimate disposition of this matter should rest solely with the office of the President." The entire incident has been classified as Top Secret ever since. Video (almost 4 mins): Alien Interview - Introduction - Alexandra




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