There is a third alternative which is rejected by both most of the ufologists and the skeptics which says that UFOs and alien beings are actually non physical and either 1. live in different dimensions on earth or 2. These beings actually are from the subjects mind themselves and may take on some kind of "objective" existence somehow. It is debatable if these beings or "UFOs" can take on a temporary physical existence but then disapear somehow.
Interestingly people who claim to do astral projection, OBE, lucid dreams or altered states of consciousness or even in states of Hypnagogia or Sleep paralysis have experienced aliens, ufos, beings, gnomes, monsters spaceships, so all of this stuff clearly is related to the mind, but as writers like anthony peake say perhaps their are dimensions in the mind and perhaps these things can take on an objective existence. We all known that hallucations can appear very "real" to the subject, at the end of the day do we even know what is real and unreal? Sometimes their appears to be no barrier. We live in a strange universe and I am perfectly happy with accepting that dimensional beings exist in other dimensions or universes or even in our own minds who knows.
The interesting thing as documented by people like John Keel or Vallee etc is that people have experienced mass hallucinations, how is such a thing possible? It shows that some kind of telepathy is a reality. I am not certainly not an idealist who believes the universe is a cosmic mind, I accept the universe is physical, perhaps panpsychism is true and all matter has a mental element but the idea the universe is a mind does not add up to me, Michael Talbot author of holographic universe would disagree with me yet most scientists would agree with me. Theres no reason science has to come in conflict with the paranormal. We can accept a material universe, but thats no reason why paranormal or dimensions can not exist within or beyond it. Also as authors such as John D. ralphs have shown in his book exploring the fourth dimension perhaps a fourth dimension does exist not at time but as a physical location, this would explain life after death and "ufos" and reports of these beings exist and this is all possible without contradicting anything in science.
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