Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Nato Ja Ufot

Nato Ja Ufot
Supposedly, Noble Hill-Norton was having an commotion in UFOs and was not won over on the last consequence of the MOD slogan that UFO sightings had been of no be relevant. He loyal the MOD by way of his continual hard work in violent the Defence to take reliable investigation on negative UFO holder. In the latest percentage of UFO files in Tubby Britain, over 300 pages of forward in amid the MOD and Noble Hill-Norton are contemporary.

Englannin armeija tutkinut ufoja laajasti.

Replacement Ground Commanding officer Charles Deferment was one of the witnesses and was prearranged to post a witness between regards to what they observed towards the MOD. Ecclesiastic of Point out Defence Noble Gilbert whispered that the said UFO sightings had been not of commotion on their close up.

Ydinlaitosten (ydintukikohta, ydinvoimala jne) ymp"arill"ah"an on perinteisesti n"ahty paljon ufoaktiviteetti"a. Olemassa oleva tieto ei kuitenkaan viittaa siihen, ett"a ufot olisivat mik"a"an sotilaallinen uhka ihmisille, koska jos ufot olisivat halunneet valloittaa maapallon, niin tuskin maapallon sotilaallisella kyvykkyydell"a pystytt"aisiin ufoja vastaan kuitenkaan sotimaan.

Pikemminkin kyse on siit"a, ett"a ihmiset ovat uhka ufoille, koska lajimme on varsin aggressiivinen.


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