Tuesday 6 May 2008

Stunned Skeptics Suddenly Silent As Wcufo Provedreal

Stunned Skeptics Suddenly Silent As Wcufo Provedreal
"Controversial UFO authenticated; corroboration of Billy Meier's prophetic warnings continue to increase"

With the publication of the new photographic analysis of the Wedding Cake UFO (WCUFO) photos taken by Billy Meier, by a professor with expertise in the use of state-of-the-art technology, image processing, web animation and computer modeling, a stunned silence is the only response that can be detected from the ranks of the top professional skeptics worldwide.

An additional supporting visual aid, in the form of a short but easily understood video, nicely augments the published documentation. (A more comprehensive video can be found here.)

The self-styled experts, who've set themselves up as the arbiters of what is real, are suddenly muzzled, mute and frozen like the proverbial deer in the headlights.

From James Randi, Michael Shermer, Derek Bartholomaus, Stephen Novella, Phil Plait, Stuart Robbins and even model-maker Phil Langdon himself, who tried in vain to duplicate Billy Meier's famous WCUFO evidence, we hear..."nothing".

Any remaining skepticism about the authenticity of Billy Meier's UFO evidence is evidence in itself of a belligerent denial of factual reality, which in this case is synonymous with the skeptics themselves.

Rather than include the growing list of corroborations of Meier's specific, prophetically accurate scientific information, I suggest that you start to read the nearly "200" posts at this blog.

Perhaps now that we have your attention, which was the intended purpose of Meier's fantastic UFO evidence all along, we can relegate the entire UFO phenomenon to a supporting role.

The actual reason for Meier's - singularly authentic - contacts with the Plejaren extraterrestrials, ongoing over" 70 years," is to help us help ourselves to assure our own future survival. (For those who have been paying attention, please pardon the repetition but it's obviously still quite necessary since there's so much evidence that we, humanity, continue to fail to recognize the severity of our self-created, dead end situation.)

Please also go the Spiritual Teaching section and begin to read and understand the deeper meaning - and what is essentially the "how to" message - behind the Billy Meier contacts.

For the newly released eBook of the 63 color photographs of the WCUFO, including reports by Wendelle Stevens, dating from October 1980 to August 1981, please click here. This is a true, historical collector's item!

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Stunned Skeptics Suddenly Silent as WCUFO ProvedReal originally appeared on They Fly on August 29, 2013.


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