Saturday, 28 March 2015

Ufo News 12Th June 2012

Ufo News 12Th June 2012
"UFOs In Fresno? Yes! Says New Native soil TV ParkWhat's Red, Extensive and Glowing? UFO in Depressing Skies Quiet Huntington Shoreline and New MexicoNorth Carolina stake out uncovers alien-like yellow revolve spacecraft60 Go out with Story Keeps Roswell UFO Ball Adventurer Hard cash Rolling InGlobe War III: Queer Orbs in threes smidgen to Archon's Uniformity Day 6-15-2012Mexico: An Interview Plus Claudio Mora, La Esfera AzulNative soil reports of 'fireball objects"' on the exaggerate over when seeReported UFO sighting in Mitchellville creates buzz onlineMarc D'Antonio reveals details of new book about alien life in the universeUFO Sighting over New York City on VideoTin UFOs reported by combination witnesses in two statesA Bring to an end Gather in Shore Heights, New PulloverQuantum Envision Portals and Space RealitiesUFO In the region of Hits Passenger Jet over Taipei, TaiwanMinion Expose Hovers over Fund Eufaulla, Oklahoma

Thursday, 19 March 2015

1879 Ufo Mothership Seen Over New York City

1879 Ufo Mothership Seen Over New York City
THINK ABOUTIT SIGHTING REPORT Date: April 12-13, 1879 Sighting Time: Day/Night: night Location: New York City, New York Urban or Rural: - No. of Entity('s): Entity Type: Entity Description: Hynek Classification: Duration: three hours No. of Object(s): 1 Height & Speed: altitude of 80 to 100 miles above the Earth Size of Object(s): Mothership - about a half mile in diameter Distance to Object(s): 80 to 100 miles Shape of Object(s): circular and bell shaped Color of Object(s): glowing Number of Witnesses: 1 Source: The Syracuse News Full Report The weather was clear and a seasonable 43 degrees on 12-13 April, the night in 1879 when UFO 'Mothership' as they have come to be called, was seen over New York City. The glowing circular shaped object was observed by Jersey City, NJ Astronomer Mr. Henry Harrison. The object gave the appearance of hovering at a very high altitude but Harrison realized that an object would have to be moving at great speed in order to remain overhead as the Earth turned. Needless to say this mystified Harrison as he made his remarkable observations because, like it or not, the object was generally *stationary even as the stars rose and set behind... Read More

The post 1879: UFO Mothership Seen Over New York City appeared first on Think About It.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

1996 November December Sightings

1996 November December Sightings
Date: Location: Time: Summary: Source: Location. Kiara, Western Australia Date: November 1996 Time: 0300A A young boy reported being visited at night in his room by several tall, grayish blue, thin beings, with large hairless heads, thin arms; small mouths and holes form ears and nostrils. They apparently took him on several occasions to an "airport" where he would be introduced to a little girl with blond hair. He suffered from nosebleeds after the encounter. Two years later the family would see an orange light going over their home. HC addition # 3778 Source: ASPR/UFORUM Date: Location: Time: Summary: Source: Location. Madre De Dios, Peru Date: November 1996 Time: daytime In the Amazon Jungle area Ricardo Gonzalez reported encountering a tall, man like figure with perfect features that communicated with him and told him he was a member of an underground civilization that thrived nearby, apparently near the famed lost Inca City "Paititi." Gonzalez was to have further encounters. Source: Cristian Riffo, Ovni Terra Date: Location: Time: Summary: Source: Location. Near Great Yarmouth, Lincolnshire, England Date: November 1996 Time: night The witness was driving down the back road... Read More

The post 1996: November - December Sightings appeared first on Think About It.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Minnesota Witness Says Object Right Over The Top Of Us

Minnesota Witness Says Object Right Over The Top Of Us
"Roger Marsh, UFO Examiner"

A Ranier, MN, witness reports watching and photographing a silent, slow-moving object that hovered for two to three minutes, then "turned in a circle motion" as it moved away, according to July 20, 2011, testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database."We all just were in shock and a bit freaked out, but amazed that it was so close," the reporting witness stated. "I happened to have my phone and was quick to snap just one picture. It seemed like it was almost right over the top of us. And it moved some but not much. It turned in a circle motion as it went up into never never land."The witness submitted Image # 1 with the MUFON report, which was filed on July 20, 2011. The event occured on July 2, 2011. The above quote was edited for clarity.Ranier is a city in Koochiching County, MN, population 188.

Minnesota is a current UFO ALERT 5 rating, with a low number of UFO sightings nationally. Minnesota had 8 reports in June 2011 - while California had 42 UFO reports - the highest reporting state in the nation.You can read more details about other recently reported cases at the UFO Examiner home page. The most up-to-date UFO information can be heard at web radio show UFO Traffic Report every Wednesday, 9 - 10:30 p.m. EST, which includes a UFO Witness Testimony Program segment, and an update of the UFO ALERT national rating system. Past shows are available at the Archive page.Full article

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Ufo Files Reveal British Ministry Of Defence Monitors Anti Gravity Research

Ufo Files Reveal British Ministry Of Defence Monitors Anti Gravity Research

By Alejandro Rojas


In the recent batch of UFO files released by the UK National Archives, among the masses of letters sent to the British Ministry of Defence (MoD) asking about extraterrestrials, one also asks that the MoD to release the truth about anti-gravity technology that is being hidden from the public. The MoD boffins replied that they do not currently have any anti-gravity projects, but they are aware of and monitor research in this field.

The letter in question is quite lengthy and asks that the truth about extraterrestrials and anti-gravity being hidden from the public be revealed. It was sent in January of 2009 to Anne Moffat, a Scottish Labour Party politician, who was then a member of the British Parliament. She forwarded the email to the MoD for a response. The files show that someone in the MoD then asked the science division for help answering the bit on anti-gravity.

The reply was rather interesting. They wrote:Although the MoD is aware of anti-gravity and gravity modification research, the Department does not currently have any research programmes into this field. The MoD does continue [to] monitor these types of development through our Horizon Scanning activities to assess whether such technologies could be of any benefit to defence in the future.

Continue Reading...

See Also:

The Sonora Flying Club and Antigravity

Have Scientists Just Proven Bob Lazar Right on Alien Antigravity Systems?

Dr. Eric W. Davis, of NASAs Breakthrough Physics Propulsion Project, Discussed UFOs During Lecture VIDEO



Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Outer Space Exposure

Outer Space Exposure




- Orb Creatures.Important UFO Sightings Of The 2000's

Monday, 23 February 2015

The Moon

The Moon
In the Sunday Seattle Times I read an article about NASA. Michael Griffin is the new head and he is changing the direction of NASA. He is going to concentrate on going to the Moon again and to Mars.

In the Book of Lists #2 by Irving Wallace, David Wallechinsky, Amy Wallace and Sylvia Wallace, a report on the Moon was presented. It was after we had gone there between July 1969 and December 1972. I thought it would be interesting to go over what they found.


The historic Apollo voyages rank among the greatest technological feats and exploratory missions humanity has as yet undertaken. Between July 1969, and December 1972 -- a three and a half year period -- 12 astronauts walked on and explored the surface of this alien lunar world, while another six astronauts orbited the moon, studying with sophisticated equipment vast segments of its surface. The dozen astronauts who landed on the moon spent over 300 hours traversing 60 mi. of the lunar surface. Five nuclear-powered scientific stations were set up, which employed sensitive seismometers, heat flow probes, and magnetometers. The astronauts also collected and brought back to earth over 837 LB of carefully selected moon material, mostly rocks and dust. Despite subsequent efforts to study the evidence and data collected -- and though much light has been shed on this mystery world -- scientists still remain in the dark as to the origin and nature of the planetoid. In fact, the more the experts probe, the more mysteries they uncover.


Scientists have offered three major theories to account for the moon's existence in our earth's skies. All three are in trouble, but the least likely emerged from Apollo as the foremost candidate. Some scientists thought that the moon might have been born alongside the earth out of the same cosmic cloud of gas and dust about 4.6 billion years ago. Others opined that the moon was the earth's child, ripped out of the Pacific area perhaps. Evidence form the Apollo journeys indicates, however, that the moon and the earth differ greatly in composition. Scientists at the last lunar conferences -- annual rock festivals, NASA scientist Gerald Wasserburg has dubbed them -- favored the so-called "capture" theory. This holds that the moon was accidentally captured in the earth's gravitational field and locked into orbit eons ago. Challengers of this theory point out the immensely difficult celestial mechanics involved in such a capture. Thus all three theories are in serious hot water. NASA scientist Dr. Robin Brett sums it up: "It seems much easier to explain the nonexistence of the moon than its existence."


Amazingly, over 99% of the moon rocks brought back turned out upon analysis to be older than 90% of the most ancient rocks found on the earth. The very first rock that Neil Armstrong picked up after landing on the Sea of Tranquillity turned out to be more than 3.6 billion years old, while the oldest earth rocks are approximately 4.5, and even 4.6 billion years old -- about the age of the earth and its solar system. At the Lunar Conference of 1973, one lunar rock was alleged to be 5.3 billion years old. The most puzzling aspect is that most of these were taken from areas that scientists thought were the youngest surfaces of the moon. Based on such evidence, some lunar scientists have concluded that the moon was formed among the stars long before our sun was born.


The perplexing age of the moon is highlighted by an even more puzzling conundrum. Rocks taken from the Sea of Tranquillity, where the US astronauts first landed, were young compared to the soil on which they rested. Upon analysis, this proved to be at least a billion years older. This would appear to be impossible, since the soil was presumably the powdered remains of the rocks lying alongside it. However, chemical analysis of the rocks revealed that the lunar soil did not come from the rocks but from somewhere else.


During the Apollo expeditions, ascent stages of lunar modules and spent third stages of rockets crashed on the hard surface of the moon. Every time, these caused the moon, as NASA documents state, to "ring like a hung gong or bell." On the Apollo 12 flights, reverberations lasted from nearly an hour to as much as four hours. So far no scientist has adequately explained this bizarre lunar behavior.


The strange dark circular areas of the moon (maria), some of which form the "man in the moon" for viewers standing on the earth, are puzzlingly located almost entirely on one side of the moon. When lunar missions landed on these peculiar dark plain like areas, astronauts found it extremely difficult to drill into the lunar surface. Soil samples are loaded with rare rough metals like titanium (used in supersonic jets and spaceships), along with such rare metallic elements as zirconium, yttrium, and beryllium. Scientists were dumbfounded, because these elements require tremendous heat -- about 4,500 F -- to melt and fuse with surrounding rock.


Lunar samples brought back to the earth by both American and Soviet space probes contain pure iron particles, Scientists have concluded that the iron did not come from meteorites. Soviet remote-controlled lunar probe Zond 20 brought back tiny samples in which such pure iron particles were discovered, and TASS announced recently that they have not oxidized even after several years on earth. Pure iron particles that do not rust are unheard of in the scientific world.


The upper 8 mi. of the moon's crust are surprisingly radioactive. When Apollo 15 astronauts used thermal equipment, they got unusually high readings, which indicated that the heat flow near the Apennine Mountains was hot indeed. In fact, one lunar expert confessed: "When we saw that we said, 'My God, this place is about to melt! The core must be very hot.'" But that is the puzzle. The core is not "very" hot. However, the amount of radioactive materials on the surface is not only "embarrassingly high" but, considering the relatively cold interior, difficult to account for. Where did all this hot radioactive material (uranium, thorium, and potassium) come from? And if it came from the interior, how did it get to the moon's surface?


The first few lunar excursions indicated that the moon was an extremely dry world. In fact, one lunar expert concluded that it was "a million times as dry as the Gobi Desert." The early Apollo expeditions did not find even the slightest trace of water. But after Apollo 15, the lunar experts were rocked back on their collective heels when a cloud of water vapor more than 100 sq. mi. in size was detected on the moon's surface. Red-faced scientists suggested that two tiny tanks, abandoned on the moon by US astronauts, had somehow ruptured. But the tanks could not have produced a cloud of such magnitude. Nor would the astronauts' urine, which had been dumped into the lunar skies, be an answer. The water vapor appears to have come from the moon's interior.


Lunar explorations have revealed that much of the moon's surface is covered with a glassy glaze, which indicates that the moon's hide has been scorched by an unknown source of intense heat. As one scientist put it, the moon is "paved with glass." The experts' analysis shows this did not result from massive meteor impactings. Some feel that an intense solar outburst, a kind of mininova, might have been responsible.


Early lunar tests and studies indicated that the moon had little or no magnetic field. Then lunar rocks proved upon analysis to be strongly magnetized. This shocked scientists, who had assumed that the moon had always been without a magnetic field. As the late Dr. Paul Gast of NASA observed, these rocks had "some very strange magnetic properties... which were not expected." If the moon did actually have a magnetic field at one time, then it must have possessed a big iron core, but equally valid data and evidence show that such a huge hot core could not have existed inside the moon. Neither could the moon very well have picked up the magnetism from the magnetic field of another body like the earth. In order to do so, the moon would have had to approach so close that it would have been torn apart by the gravitational pull.


In 1968, tracking data of the lunar orbiters first indicated that massive concentrations (mascons) existed under the surface of the circular maria. In fact, the gravitational pull caused by them was so pronounced that the spacecraft passing overhead dipped slightly and accelerated when flitting by the circular lunar plains, thus revealing the existence of these hidden structures. Scientists have calculated that they are enormous concentrations of dense, heavy matter centered like a bull's-eye under the circular maria. As one scientist put it: "No one seems to know quite what to do with them."

"Thank you Neil for sending this interesting article in to be included on the blog. The only thing it didn't say was that the astronauts saw "alien vehicles" on the moon watching them.

Friday, 20 February 2015

The Invisible College

The Invisible College
Once again the International UFO Congress -- "the Guinness World Record holding largest UFO convention" -- is upon us, and once again I am not able to attend. But it's ok, because I'm pretty sure the lineup will be the same next year...

As I was looking over the schedule today one session coming up this Saturday caught my eye:

"1:00 - 2:15 PM: JEREMY CORBELL - THE INVISIBLE COLLEGE"I thought that was pretty cool because The Invisible College is a fascinating topic to me. It came about in the early 1960s, when Northwestern University Astronomy Professor and Project Blue Book scientific consultant Dr. J. Allen Hynek was able to slowly and stealthily gather together a group of scientists who were interested in studying the UFO phenomenon, even it meant doing it in secret... In 1975 one of the ICers, Dr. Jacques Vallee, wrote "The Invisible College," about his adventures with this group of thinkers, and it remains one of the best, most readable UFO books out there.

How cool, I thought, that the UFO Congress is going to devote some time to this fascinating chapter in UFO history! It's about time someone paid homage to this group of courageous pioneers.


The Invisible Man got his degree from The Invisible College"

Then I read the bio of the presenter, Jeremy Corbell, and the overview of his Saturday session, and I got confused. Aside from a single, virtually context-free mention of Dr. Vallee's name, there is really nothing there that sounds at all like The Invisible College.

"In this multi-media presentation, Corbell will seek to weaponize your curiosity and provide a blueprint for dismantling the Immaculate Deception imposed by the irrational mind and blind faith of the resolved believer, and the skeptic alike. You will experience never before screened footage from a number of Corbell's upcoming films, and explore the shadowy and mysterious hallways that compose what Jacques Vallee called, The Invisible College."I'm not sure what shadowy and mysterious hallways he's talking about here. You see, The Invisible College wasn't a "college "college, with buildings and lecture halls and classrooms and desks and dorms... It was a bunch of scientists -- about a hundred of them in five or six countries, according to Vallee -- who corresponded and had conference calls and gathered in Hynek's house whenever a few of them could manage to get to Evanston. At least the presenter didn't make the all-too-common mistake of thinking that Hynek, Vallee and their colleagues had perfected an invisibility device. I believe that was part of the original plan, but they never even came close to making it work, and they didn't want to call themselves The Translucent College.

So, in the end I'm not feeling too bad about missing this. Still, I kind of like the idea of this guy "weaponizing my curiosity", even if it makes him sound just a little scary...


Sunday, 15 February 2015

New Mass Ufo Sighting Sends Chinese Media Into Frenzy Photos

New Mass Ufo Sighting Sends Chinese Media Into Frenzy Photos
14 January 2010



In China the UFO mega-events are continuing unabated and the last few weeks have been extra-ordinary for that nation's UFO community.

A new mass UFO sighting by millions of witnesses that occurred on January 11 has sent the Chinese media into a frenzy. This event occurred in the western Chinese region of Xinjiang and was seen over a very wide area. Photos have come to light (see below) and film footage is expected to surface.

Witnesses to the event described the sudden appearance of what at first looked like star which shortly turned red before turning green and morphing into an enormous traditional flying saucer shaped object.The UFO was then described as rotating, turning blue and vanishing.

Some witnesses claimed to have seen the UFO land on a mountain before shooting off in an easterly direction. Other witnesses described the UFO initially shrouded in white mist.

Many eyewitness reports have already been collected and can be read in the sources below. The local Astronomy station has declared the object to have been space-junk. Many witnesses however believe that what they saw might have been extraterrestrial in origin.

found at AllNews web written by michale cohen

Friday, 13 February 2015

Best Ufo Book Ever

Best Ufo Book Ever
So... Over the past several months I've been doing some pretty intense work on my book about the career of Dr. J. Allen Hynek, and it's time to talk about what I've been up to. Think of it as my early Christmas present to you.

It was suggested to me over the summer by a knowledgeable person that the opening chapters of the book were not "lively" enough. I rejected this assessment at first, but after giving it some thought I realized that it was in fact spot-on. The book's opening was flat and inert; it presented the right ideas, yes, but did so in a very static way. For some reason, I had been afraid to flex my writing muscles, and that is not the way you want to start a book.

About that same time, seemingly by coincidence, I decided to pay a visit to the beautiful Yerkes Observatory, which is located about a half-hour from where I live and also happens to be where Dr. Hynek earned his Ph.D. in astrophysics in the early 1930s. Before I knew it, strange discoveries started to pop up left and right. I met interesting people who knew fascinating stories about Hynek, and then I found other people to corroborate the stories. Then I scored an interview with Dr. Hynek's son, who was able to fill in countless details of his father's life. As I studied that period in Yerkes' history and in Hynek's life, an amazing over-arching narrative started to take shape, and I realized that I had the key to a "lively" opening to the book staring me right in the face...


That's my man, Hynek!"

And so I embarked upon months of rewriting... And now, armed with a really kick-ass opening to the book, and the guidance of a new friend and mentor who knows his way around the publishing world like no one I have ever met (and who I strongly suspect is a human-alien hybrid), I am ready to take my new and improved book to market. To that end I've written a query letter that I'll be sending out to literary agents over the coming weeks, and I've decided to present some edited excerpts from the letter here for your enjoyment. I'll tell you right now that there aren't any spoilers in the letter, but there area few hints here and there...

And, yes, it is a lot of bragging, but that's how you sell a book, folks!


Science and mysticism, for all their mutual distrust, spring from the same human desire to understand the universe. In recent times, only one scientist of note has embraced this fact, and has been able to walk both sides of this divide with confidence.

Astronomer J. Allen Hynek (1910-1986) never wanted to be involved in the UFO phenomenon; he was a self-described "innocent bystander" when the US Air Force needed a credible scientist to explain away the baffling UFO sightings sweeping the nation in 1947, but he was in truth the only man for the job.

"20 Percent: The unexplained UFO encounters that defined the career of Dr. J. Allen Hynek" is the authorized account of Dr. Hynek's tumultuous dual career as a professional astronomer and a celebrity UFO hunter. My narrative non-fiction book-named after the 20 percent of UFO sightings that remain to this day completely unexplainable-follows along on Hynek's long stint as official debunker for the Air Force's "Project Blue Book, and recounts his dramatic transformation from UFO skeptic to lonely advocate for scientific study of the phenomenon to internationally-revered UFO expert and developer of the iconic "Close Encounters" classification system.

And there's the mysticism, an aspect of Hynek's life that has until now gone unexamined. With input from Hynek's family and closest colleagues, "20 Percent" explores his open flirtation in later years with paranormal, metaphysical explanations for the UFO phenomenon. As more and more people believed that the truth was out there, Hynek wondered more and more what "out there" really meant... I come to this project as the writer of one of the "Top 100 "Star Trek "Episodes of All Time," as ranked by Hugo award-winning science fiction author Charlie Jane Anders on (my "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" episode "Who Mourns for Morn?" came in at #72), and my platform grows from there. On the basis of my "Star Trek" work and my popular UFO blog, I formed an association with the Dr. J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies and began plans to chronicle Hynek's remarkable career. "20 Percent" will challenge the myths and misinformation-including stories of his infamous "swamp gas" debacle-that make Hynek a divisive figure even now, nearly 30 years after his death. It will be a must-read for UFO devotees and skeptics alike, and will add immeasurably to the world's understanding of a phenomenon that is as culturally pervasive as it has ever been.Would you read such a book? If so, how much would you pay for such a book? Because, I'm telling you, it may be the best UFO book of all time.

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Are You Fallowing Me

Are You Fallowing Me

By James Carrion

Follow The Magic Thread


Editor's Note: The Romanek's were offered the opportunity to present a rebuttal to Mr. Carrion's previous OPED found here, and the same proffer is attached in this instance-FW

Stan Romanek recently took his story to the air waves on the Angela Joiner report to explain why the word fallow always seem to be showing up in documents related to his alleged claims of alien abduction and government conspiracy. Blogger Chuck Zukowski recently posted an article supporting Stan's claims that the word "fallow" was a commonly misspelled word and was not evidence of any impropriety in his case. Well, I guess every word in the English language is mangled and misspelled to one extent or the other, but that is not what makes this misspelled word a GIANT, IMPOSSIBLE TO IGNORE, red flag in the Romanek case. Let me spell out the problem in plain English.

* The word fallow shows up in Stan's original UFO reports to the National UFO Reporting Center.

* The word fallow shows up in the UFO report to the National UFO Reporting Center by a 3rd party witness that allegedly had no relationship to Stan Romanek but corroborates one of his sightings.

* The word fallow shows up in an alleged Air Force document that Stan mysteriously received in his mailbox, subject "Project Romanek".

* The word fallow shows up on the Jeff Rense website in an online posting by alleged physicist John Mannon who supports Stan's story.

* The word fallow shows up on the Above website in a posting by another alleged physicist (TommyBoy) who supports Stan's claims.

The fact that the word fallow got mispelled in any single document or online posting is not the issue but that the mispelled word shows up in so many third party documents supporting Stan's claims -third parties that allegedly have no relationship or connection with Stan. What are the odds that all of these third parties mispelled this same word (in documents supportive of Stan), is due to chance? The Romanek's don't want you to mull this over using critical thinking but would rather try to refocus your attention on the word fallow being a commonly mispelled word. I don't buy their argument and I continue to consider it a red flag until one or more of these third parties come forward and prove themselves to be real people. Will the real John Mannon please step up? Not by posting again to the anonymous Internet but showing some ID in person so you can be verified to be a real physicist.

Now I have said it before and I will say it again, if the Romaneks want to prove their claims, then they should release ALL of their alleged video and photo evidence for the world and independent researchers to examine and analyze. Instead they have tried to paint that I am on some sort of personal vendetta to discredit their claims. Taking their claims to the airwaves and the blogs with "I don't know how that word got there" and "it is really no big deal" counter arguments is not going to settle this matter. Neither is trying to portray this as MUFON vs Romanek or Carrion vs Romanek.

So critical thinkers, put on your thinking caps and weigh the evidence, and if you are a statistician, take it a step further and calculate the odds. Are you fallowing me here?

* Special Thanks To James Carrion


See Also:

"Jeff Peckman May be Spaced Out, but Alien Expert Stan Romanek is The Real Little Green Man"

Lost in Space




^ Grab this Headline Animator

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Ufo Sightings Mysterious Lights In The Night Sky Baffle Intrigue Witnesses In Pulaski County Georgia August 2013

AUGUST 09, 2013 - UNITED STATES - Today we're venturing into the realm of the unexplained.

That's the best term to describe what Jeremy White and two cohorts saw early in the morning sky on July 29 down in Pulaski County. It was a UFO, White told me.

File photo.

By that he doesn't necessarily mean it was flying saucer, or an alien spacecraft. But it sure as heck was weird.

White, 37, is a property manager for a residential landlord in Montgomery County. I've met the guy. He's intelligent, self-deprecating, a rationalist and he doesn't strike me as any kind of kook. He works unusual hours. He relaxes at unusual hours, too.

That explains why he and two pals were cruising through the Snowville area in a car at 1 a.m. on a Monday morning. It's a few miles southeast of Claytor Lake in Pulaski County.

They saw it along Simpkinstown Road near the entrance to Camp Ottari, a large Boy Scouts compound, in a clearing where the camp access road begins. At first, it looked like a brighter-than-normal star or planet; a little bit above the horizon. The entire event took about seven minutes.

"After about 20 seconds, we rounded a bend and there it was, much closer and brighter. It was now a yellow-orange color and seemed to be moving in our general direction. I stopped the car, killed the engine and sat out on the window sill to listen.

"The object moved almost directly over us, somewhat slowly and had changed color again to a deep orange. Even though it appeared to be less than a few thousand feet above the ground, we never heard a sound. I also couldn't actually see a solid object - only the light itself."

White has seen unexplained lights in the sky before, even ones that changed color. But he's never seen what happened next.

"The object stopped moving, changed color to a deep, almost crimson red, split into two separate objects and began moving away from both us (in the same direction it had been traveling) and each other (in a V shape).

"When they had both gotten about 20 degrees above the opposite horizon and what looked like several miles apart, they suddenly zipped out of sight along their then-current trajectories."

A reminder: White's only saying he saw something he cannot explain.

This week I spoke to him about the experience.

He said he was sober as a preacher at a Temperance Union rally. He acknowledged that military flights happen over that area all the time.

After the lights disappeared, he interviewed his companions about what they saw.

"We all saw the same thing," he said. "It was just that bizarre."

I forwarded White's full account - on my blog at - to John Goss, this newspaper's astronomy columnist.

It could not have been Venus, Jupiter or Sirius, Goss noted, because all those are below the horizon at 1 a.m. Other factors ruled out meteors or satellites, he added.

"Without more details, I can't say for sure what it was," Goss wrote. But he suggested an explanation: "A military aircraft that could separate into two sections." Specifically, a plane and tanker refueling midflight.

"After the fuel has been dispensed, the two aircraft split. As they depart, the back side of their engines would have been seen, helping to explain the orange glow.

"If it was not a refueling aircraft combination, it still could have been a special modified military plane on a test mission of some sort," Goss said.

That still wouldn't explain why Jeremy White and his pals heard nothing.

He's not alone. Lots of people have such experiences. I did, once, when I was hiking with my wife on Roanoke Mountain. My blog fielded more than a dozen accounts of strange sightings in the sky after I posted White's account.

As Goss noted: "Mysteries are fun, and only remain so until they are explained." - ROANOKE.

Monday, 2 February 2015

Huge Rise In British Ufo Sightings

Huge Rise In British Ufo Sightings
Clusters of up to 100 mysterious objects, bright white lights and strange, triangular shaped objects are just some of a huge surge in UFO sightings reported to the Ministry of Defence last year.

The ministry has opened up its own "X-Files" for 2007, revealing 135 UFO sightings from across the UK.

If aliens are choosing the UK as a holiday destination, it appears it is becoming more popular, as the number if sightings has shot up since 97 were reported in 2006.

Last year the MoD released details of UFO sightings for the first time, including an archive back to 1998. Previously, details of classified reports were kept secret for 30 years. Discs, formations, white or orange lights, triangular shaped craft and pipe-like objects were all spotted buzzing around the sky in 2007.



Sunday, 1 February 2015

Prelude To Missing Time

Prelude To Missing Time

By Bill Hamilton

I met Pamela in 1991. She had several encounters with alien life forms at her house near Rosamond, California at the base of the Tehachapi Mountains. She remembers having an encounter in June 1990 with a small cardboard-colored entity that resembled a Grey. This entity was wearing a form-fitting one-piece black suit. She was standing on the stairs of the summer deck arguing with this entity into the early hours of the morning. It was neither her first nor last encounter. I have detailed some of her experiences in Chapter 7.

I have had one or two encounters of my own. The most distinctive took place on May 8, 1981 in Arizona. I remember three little white-skinned beings appearing at the foot of my bed. I was in a hypnogogic state. When they departed suddenly, a pungent odor of ozone permeated the air of the bedroom.

I have been investigating abductions since 1976 and am familiar with many types of experiences with various entities. However, never did I dream that Pamela and I would experience missing time together.

I am well aware that abduction reports have generated a backlash from the public sector from authorities such as Carl Sagan and Dr. Robert Baker. They would like dismissing these encounters as hypnopompic hallucinations or some other reasonable psychological category in order to avoid dealing with the possibility of physical events that carry more profound implications. I am aware of the fact that witness exposure to UFO material tends to "contaminate" the individual's recounting of events and lessens the value of witness testimony. In that case, one may consider that my testimony is hyper contaminated by a background of 40 years researching this subject. On the other hand one might hold the consideration that I have had 40 years to observe, reflect, and evaluate UFO experiences. Bearing this all in mind, here is our story.


Pamela and I headed for Rachel, Nevada on Tuesday, March 16, 1993. After stopping in Las Vegas to pick up Ektar 1000 high-speed film for my camera from the Camera Center on Eastern, we headed north on highway 93, also known as the Great Basin Highway. I estimated our arrival at the Little Ale' Inn at around 6 p.m. We actually arrived at around 5:45 p.m.

While traveling on highway 93 we decided to snap pictures of some of the scenery to use up the slow speed film in my Chinon Zoom Cam. Some of the higher mountains around the Parahnagat Valley were capped with white blankets of snow. Yellow flowers were Spring blooming along the roadside. We were in a good mood.

We stopped at Mail Box Road near mile marker 29 on highway 375 to snap additional pictures. The surrounding mountains had already hidden the sun for the day. A little further up the road just before mile marker 26 I noticed a large dirt pull-out. I was determined to return to this pullout later in the evening. We arrived at the Little Ale'Inn and greeted Pat and Joe Travis. Pat recognized me instantly, and both of them were happy to see us since our last visit. Copies of my book, Cosmic Top Secret, were stacked on the shelf and offered for sale. I picked up a new book, Area 51 Viewing Guide, written by Glenn Campbell, an itinerant geographer who had settled in Rachel to study the strange stories of this region and map out the area. Later, we were introduced to Glenn, an affable young man. We were eager to swap information, but food was also a priority. We ordered dinner and talked. I also booked a room in a trailer for the night so we could take an early morning trip out to the viewing site and would not have to drive far to get some additional rest.

We placed our suitcases in the trailer and left Rachel sometime after 7:45 that evening and headed east on 375. I decided to travel no faster than 50 mph as this was open range and cows still wandered onto the road in the early evening. When we got to mile marker 17 up on Coyote summit at about 8:13, we spotted a security vehicle, a large green Bronco, parked off the other side of the road facing Rachel. Its amber front lights were on. We continued slowly until we reached mile marker 26. Passing this, I started to look for the dirt pull-out on the right and when I spotted it, pulled off the highway about fifteen to twenty feet with my truck facing the sky glow of Las Vegas due south.

I switched off the lights of my pickup truck and as soon as my eyes adjusted to the darkness that enveloped the Tikaboo Valley, I got out to look at the stars. Though it was partly cloudy, I could clearly make out the Big Dipper, Orion, Sirius, the Pleiades, and Arcturus. I could also see the craggy outlines of the Jumbled Hills and the Groom Mountains against the faint sky glow. It wasn't as cold as I expected and I only wore a pull-over sweater. As soon as I saw the lights of a vehicle appear coming down Coyote Summit, I got back in the truck. The first object I spotted in the sky was an aircraft with its positional lights and strobe blinking as it moved away from Groom Lake toward the southeast. Nothing exciting there. Pamela commented that the vehicle from the west was getting closer and she wanted to see if it was the security vehicle we had seen earlier at mile marker 17. We had first spotted its lights coming down from the summit at about 8:21.

When the vehicle passed us at 8:30, we were certain it was the same one we had seen on the summit. It was now heading east on 375. I was looking at my watch at 8:31 and asked Pamela how long she wanted to stay and sky watch since we wanted to return in the early morning hours to see "Old Faithful." Glenn had told us that he had thought that "Old Faithful" was just a 737 from Las Vegas McCarron airport that ferried in workers to Groom at the same time each morning, but we wanted to come out and see for ourselves if that was the case or whether it was something else.

We talked for about five minutes when we spotted a light about ten or fifteen degrees to the left of our heading. We both had 10X50 Bushnell binoculars. I looked at the light through my binoculars and saw a small round white light above a small round amber light. At this time, I speculated that we might be looking at a security vehicle that was anywhere from 3 to 6 miles from our position, but I could not think of a road that was located where this light was emanating. We talked for additional minutes. Pamela was relating this story about a healer who had come from Sedona, Arizona to find a man named "Jim" in Rachel. Jim was Pat Travis' grandson and he had been in an accident. We talked for another five or six minutes when we spotted another ground light to our right. I looked at it through binoculars and it seemed to be on or near the Groom Road and casting a beam on the ground. We decided that I should keep an eye on the light on the right while Pamela kept an eye on the original light which now appeared to be below our line of sight and was casting a fan-shaped glow into the air. We talked another three to five minutes when Pamela said, "Something is happening. Look back at the first light."

Events started happening fast. The first light appeared to be an object the size of a bus with square light panels lifting off from the ground! The panels appeared to glow amber and blue-white. The object was tilting to the right. Then the lights rapidly resolved into two glowing orbs or discs of brilliant blue-white light that steadily increased in brilliance. These lights became so bright they hurt my eyes and were still getting more brilliant with time. I had to put down my binoculars, but Pamela kept her binoculars trained on these baby suns as they started to move toward us. My heart started to palpitate and my adrenalin was rushing as this lighted object appeared to be on a collision course for my truck. These bright orbs were clearly flying over the desert. The lights did not bounce over the mounds of sand and sagebrush. I reached for my camera behind the seat and felt it snag so I diverted my eyes to free it. Pamela said that at this point the orbs transformed again into a ring of multi-colored lights that moved in a "digital" counter-clockwise revolution around what now appeared to be a disc. When I looked back and raised my camera to snap a picture of this oncoming object, it had again transformed into two or three bright orbs and was closing distance rapidly.

I remember saying that they were coming to get us and Pamela asking why I was so scared. I had to snap a picture fast so I snapped it before exiting the truck. The automatic flash went off with light bouncing against the windows, but I felt that the object's brightness could not fail to register on my Kodak Ektar 1000 film.

Then confusion reigned. As I finished snapping the picture and exiting the truck at the same time as Pamela, I had not removed my eyes from the orbs which now appeared east of us as automobile headlights traveling west on 375. That was clearly impossible! I had not seen these lights move from a south bearing to an east bearing and neither had Pamela. This car made a gentle whooshing sound as it passed by us, but made no motor sounds or tire sounds on the pavement. We watched its tail lights change in intensity as it whisked away toward Coyote Summit. This was no ordinary car. Pamela saw gold-speckled paint and white-walls on an older long American car. I glanced at my watch. It was 9:15. No way! It should have only been about 8:50 at the latest. What happened?

I was angry. I told Pamela that the vehicle we saw could not possibly be driving across the desert to our south, then appear abruptly as if coming from the east. And a ring of lights does not transform itself into a car in normal reality. We discussed this all the way back to the Little Ale'Inn. We went into the bar for a drink, talked with Pat for a few moments, then went to our trailer.

I tried to get to sleep around 11:30 that night. At 1:46 the next morning I awoke with a yelp. I had dreamed that a dark human-like form was examining me and had a hold of my left ankle. Pamela had already awakened asking how long we would be gone. She sometimes talks in her sleep, but this time it also had awakened her. I wanted to go back to the site even though it was a little too early for "Old Faithful." We eventually went back to mile marker 26 arriving by 3:30 the morning of March 17th (St. Patrick's Day). We slept for awhile, then my watch alarm awoke me at 4:30 to start looking at the southern sky for "Old Faithful." At precisely 4:50, we spotted it. It was a glowing amber-gold light without strobes, rotating beacons or other conventional aircraft lighting. It was in view for about five minutes and seemed to descend on Groom Lake. It did not appear to be a 737 or other conventional aircraft, but it did not execute any extraordinary aerodynamic maneuvers.


After more rest back at the trailer, we left Rachel around 12:30 in the afternoon and returned to Las Vegas to find a room. We checked in at a Super 8 Motel on Koval Lane and after dinner, I called John Lear. He seemed insistent that we come up to see him for awhile so we did. When we got there, we told him our story. He asked if he could regress me under hypnosis as he thought I looked a little stressed-out from the previous night's adventure.

John was only attempting to hypnotize me for thirty-five minutes to help relax me and decided not to tape-record the session. The session lasted one hour and thirty-five minutes and Pamela ended up taking twenty-four pages of notes. I recalled the period of disorientation we had in the incident and as it unfolded I saw the craft stop above us, brightly illuminating the ground, the truck, and us in its glare. Then I seemed to have ascended through the bottom of this craft and was met by a being walking out of the bright interior light. Actually, he had just stepped through a brilliantly-lighted interior wall of the craft.

This being was gray in color and about six feet tall. His eyes had what appeared to be black plastic shields slanting in insect fashion around his egg-shaped head. He had on a two-tone gray suit, lighter gray V in the front, and a black belt with a black tube on his right side. There was a triangular symbol (actually giving the impression of a tetrahedron) enclosing a helical coil on the left breast of the suit. His long arms ended in four long fingers. His face was a mask of non-expression, yet he communicated with me in blunt, concise phrases. I was concerned about Pamela, but he showed me her frozen form on the ground. Off to her left side was a small gray creature as if posted on station. I was confused. She was the abductee so why was he taking me inside this craft? He indicated it was my turn and I needed an adjustment and I would learn some things. He took one arm and escorted me gently inside a dome-like room that was evenly and brightly illuminated in all directions. In the center of this room was a tilting metal table which he placed me against. It tilted back about thirty degrees from the vertical. In front of me, projecting out from the curving wall, were what appeared to be a row of small computer screens. I knew that this table was a sophisticated sensor and was registering my thoughts, emotions, and physiology which were displayed on these screens. This being identified himself as Quaylar. Quaylar had replaced my leg at the ankle back onto the tilt table's surface at one point. This process lasted about five minutes. The telepathic or mind-sharing process allowed me access to a great deal of information that wasn't simply communicated. Quaylar returned me to the exit and I jump-floated to the ground about fifteen or twenty feet below. When I re-synched, I saw the phantom car lights. Was this a signal to my sub-conscious that something odd intervened in the missing-time period?

Another idea that impressed me strongly under hypnosis was that the missing-time or missing-memory state was caused by a phase shift in time. The time frequency in the field of this object was not in synch with our normal earth time frequency, giving us a conscious gap in memory.

I did not wait to follow scientific procedures and have Pamela and I hypnotized separately on different occasions though we did do this later. We tried to document all that we could. I took a daytime photo of the pull-out from the same truck angle as the night shot of the object to show the view from our angle of bearing and the desert scrub the object was traveling over.

When I hypnotized Pamela Thursday night, March 18, more details emerged. Pamela remembered being frozen outside of the craft and the little gray standing at her side. She also reports a painful buzzing in her left ear. Up to this point of separation, our description of events agrees completely except for the brief period of time when I went to snatch my camera from behind the seat. She then recalls a narrow, pencil-thin beam of blue-white light coming out of the bottom of the craft and striking her right eye just to the right of the pupil. And, indeed, there is a spot on the right side of the iris at the 9 o'clock position where the beam struck. She also remembers seeing two men observing her from a van on the highway. She actually states that the little Gray walked her away from the direction of the van to the other side of the truck to hide her from view. She also recalls details about the phantom car that we saw after the gap in time.

On Thursday, April 1, Pamela was regressed again by Hypnotherapist Yvonne Smith. This time Pamela remembered being taken aboard the white van she saw on the highway. The van had an antenna on the roof. Inside the van, two men, dressed entirely in black with black baseball caps on their heads, subjected her to intrusive procedures. They administered some drops in her right eye and placed an odd instrument into her left ear canal. She remembered seeing electronic instruments inside the van as well as automatic rifles. She also recalls that these men admonished her not to speak about her experiences. She did not see the little Gray during this period, nor does she remember exactly how she was placed back in position by our truck.

We had additional regression sessions with Leslie Freeman, a psychologist and hypnotherapist who works with our local MUFON group in L.A. Details of what came out of these sessions are too numerous to recount here.

I have had others report missing-time experiences in the Tikaboo Valley. My impression is that this has nothing to do with test flying discs from Area S-4. Something alien resides in this section of Nevada and has found an interest in visitors who come to watch the skies around Area 51.

Saturday, 31 January 2015

Loring Afb Youngster Tells Friend That His Father Knew About The Sighting

Loring Afb Youngster Tells Friend That His Father Knew About The Sighting
Posted: December 26, 2007

HBCC UFO Research Note: I would like to request that if any ex-service men or woman have any information about the Loring AFB UFO Incident from back in 1975, would they please contact me at HBCC UFO Research. Thank you. Brian. Date of incident: 1975

Message: Hey Brian, just wanted to respond to that Loring AFB incident 1975 Article. She was asking about if anyone knew about it well I kind of do. I lived in Caribou, Maine, which was about 10 miles or so away and visited the base quite frequently. My friend whom I hung around with his father was in the Air Force and worked on the base. He (my friend) told me that his father saw a UFO on the base and told me about the lights and all of that. So, I told him I did not believe him so he got his father outside and I asked him and he hesitantly said no kind of laughing it off. And his son kept on him saying tell him the truth because he the father was always telling him about it. Even his sisters were saying that he saw it so that's all I know about the incident. Thanks.

Thank you to the person for relating this to me.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Ufos In Art History

Ufos In Art History


This is a very small sample of extraterrestrial "visitors", depicted by artists of different time periods, from around the world.

Two cave paintings from Tanzania. Both are estimated to be up to 29,000 years old. The one on the left is located in Itolo, and depicts several disc shaped objects. The other painting is from Kolo, and it shows four entities surrounding a women. There is also a entity looking down from inside some sort of box or object.

This cave painting, from ca. 10,000 BC, is from Val Camonica, Italy. It appears to depict two beings in protective suits holding strange implements.

7,000 B.C. - The Lolladoff plate, discovered in Nepal, appears to show a hovering disk-shaped object in the center, and a small being beside it. The circular pattern is reminescent of the spiraling movement of consciousness - Golden Ratio - Sacred Geometry of Creation.

7,000 year old petroglyph discovered in the province of Quer'etaro, Mexico in 1966. There are four figures with outstretched arms, below a large oval object, radiating what appear to be beams of light.

6,000 BC from Tassili, Sahara Desert, North Africa.

From Sego Canyon, Utah. Estimated to 5,500 BC.

Strange suited figure found in Kiev. It dates to ca. 4,000 BC.

Three Wandjina petroglyphs from Kimberley, Australia.

They are estimated to be 5,000 years old, and are believed to represent alien beings.

This intriquing ancient work of art from Ecuador, appears to be a man, or similar being, in a type of spacesuit. It is displayed beside a modern astronaut to demonstrate the remarkable similarities.

Sculptures from the ancient Incas, who were much more advanced than other similar civilizations of their time and area. Displayed are two flying saucers. The Inca civilization was in close contact with aliens. Their advanced mathematics, astronomical charts and calendars are attributed to extraterrestrial visitors.

This wonderful piece of ancient Egyptian art clearly shows an alien. Some have speculated for many years about the roles extraterrestrials played in history, such as in the time of ancient Egyptians. Now we know.

It is believed that aliens visited this planet long ago, helping advance civilizations, and steering human history. If Moses received the ten commandments from aliens, then many points of the bible, and other religions of the past, can easily be explained. This painting is from a wood drawer, kept at Earls D'Oltremond, in Belgium.

From the works of Admiral Blaeu, in "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum", the first true modern atlas, written by Abraham Ortelius and originally printed on May 20, 1570. This painting documents an encounter that happened when, while at sea, Dutch ships sighted two disk shaped objects hovering in the sky.

This illustration is from the 12th century manuscript, 'Annales Laurissenses'. It documents the siege on Sigiburg castle in France, in the year 776. The Saxons had surrounded the French, and were about to breech the castle, when 'flaming shields' appeared and hovered over the church. The Saxons, thinking the French were being protected by these beings, fled in terror.

Old Chinese illustration from ca.1400 A.D.

This is an artistic reproduction of a relief found in a labyrinth on the island Jotuo in Toengt'ing lake


The Crucifixion
' - painted in 1350, depicts a small human looking man looking over his shoulder, at another UFO in pursuit, as he flies across the sky in what is clearly a space ship. The painting hangs above the altar at the Visoki Decani Monestery in Kosovo, Yugoslavia.

A french picture from the Literature "Le Livre Des Bonnes Moeurs", by Jacques Legrand, a book of French works from 1388. Some speculate that the object was a balloon, but during that period in time, there were no such devices yet.

Entitled "The Miracle of the Snow", this painting from 1388-1440, by Masolino Da Panicale, currently resides at the church of Santa Maria Maggiore, in Florence, Italy. It shows two 'humans' in a circle type cloud, hovering above the disciples. This could easily be interpreted spiritually, or, something more extraterrestrial, like them looking down from a hovering UFO.


Saturday, 24 January 2015

Ufo Sighting In Lindside West Virginia On October 18Th 2013 Object Made A Long Arc Directional Change

Ufo Sighting In Lindside West Virginia On October 18Th 2013 Object Made A Long Arc Directional Change

I was leaning outside my window (smoking) watching leaves flutter in the sky (from an updraft) when I saw an object as bright as venus moving into my line of sight, moving westward. I could not tell the elevation. It was relatively cloudless so there was nothing to scale. I watched it as it flew in an arc like direction and vanished over the treeline to the south (SSE possibly). I heard no sound at all from it. It was quite bright. Whether it was glowing or if it was reflecting the sun, I could not tell. It was only in my sight for about 10 seconds. Approximately 15 seconds later I saw a Piper Cub type plane flying in a westerly direction. The object I saw appeared to be at a higher altitude than the plane. I could hear the prop sound of the plane very clearly. It was moving pretty fast to cover such a span of skyline in a matter of a few seconds. At first I thought it was a plane, but it was too quiet and too fast. I also thought it was a satellite as I've seen them reflect the sun as they pass over.


Credit: MUFON

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Thursday, 22 January 2015

Ufo Sighting In Clay New York On March 18Th 2015 Looked Out Window For Slim Chance To See Aurora Borealis Saw Instead A Ufo Gliding Pretty Low And Slow

Ufo Sighting In Clay New York On March 18Th 2015 Looked Out Window For Slim Chance To See Aurora Borealis Saw Instead A Ufo Gliding Pretty Low And Slow
I was watching T.V and it was the night of which there was supposed to be a huge aurora borealis show over even the northern most of the US. So at 12:00AM Wednesday, March 18 2015 (00:00 military time) I turned off the T.V. and tried to look out various windows in hopes of seeing some of the aurora borealis. Instead, out of the second story window, almost directly above the house tops across the street (I live in a house complex) I saw a pink-ish, yellow-ish, white-ish glowing disc shaped object. It looked like your classic UFO but I quickly thought to myself, it can't be a UFO it's got to be a plane there's just no way. But I kept staring at it trying to figure out what it looked like and everything, to kind of try and prove to myself that it was just a plane. But it didnt make sense that there was no noise, it was bigger than a traditional plane, lower than a plane should be, and definitely didn't look like any plane or other flying vehicle I've ever seen before. I then hurried to grab my phone and try to take a video of it, but oddly enough it did not show up on the video, instead exactly where the UFO I saw with my naked eye, was a blurry weird kind of reflective like thing showing up on the video. I then just stared at it with my naked eye and kept recording to the best of my ability without looking at the phone, because I wanted to observe the UFO to the best of my ability and couldn't view it through the video. The UFO looked as if it was glowing, and very slowly pulsated between glowing a very light pink to a light yellow to a white, it would change colors visibly about every 5-15 seconds. It seemed as if it was staying at the same altitude, but it was moving kind of in an elliptical line around my house (from the view I had of it for the quick minute or 2 I had sight of it) not really a straight line, it seemed very close in distance (around a mile away or so would be my guess) and very low in altitude (right above the tree/house line) it went from the right side of my view to the left (sorry, I don't know my directions and do not currently have a compass to provide you with which geographical direction it was moving in) and was consistent in size as it moved across (which is why I say it moved in an elliptical motion rather than a straight line). To the left of my house is a small hill, in which the UFO eventually flew behind the tree line of the hill as it moved to the left side of my view/house and I lost sight of it. The entire duration of which I was able to view the UFO was about 12:03AM to 12:05AM (00:03-00:05).

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Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Area51 Aliens

Area51 Aliens
SHORT UFO FACT: [VEGANS is relatively peaceful and gentle humans descended from refugees from the '"Lyran Wars"', who work closely with other refugee-colonists now living in the Pleiades, Wolf 424, and elsewhere. Often described as "DARK SKINNED ORIENTALS" similar to the native residents of the nation of India (EVADAMIC).]


SHORT UFO FACT: [VEGANS, HUMANOID-TYPE. We're basically going to break up the Vegan genotypes into only two categories. One is humanoid and one is nonhumanoid and these are appearances only, not genetic structures. What we have described to you previously as Vegan is of the humanoid type. Generally you're going to find in the humanoid group that the eyes are very striking. The average eye of the standard Vegan humanoid group has a very large, dark pupil and iris. The eyes are generally a little angled but still large, and they retain a lid. So it's not like the Zeta, who appear not to have a lid. If they walked down your street they would be very unusual looking, but you would not necessarily think they were alien. They would definitely attract your attention; you might think they had some type of birth defect. ]

REA 51 13


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Extraterrestrial Memes In Search Of Another Earth Tatooine Like Planets Could Host Life

Extraterrestrial Memes In Search Of Another Earth Tatooine Like Planets Could Host Life
JUNE 14, 2013 - SPACE - Luke Skywalker would be proud. Planets like Skywalker's fictional home of Tatooine in the "Star Wars" movie series might have more potential for habitability than planets in other systems, research suggests.

This is artist Lynette Cook's rendition of a binary star

system. Researchers now say these alien planets

could be habitable. Lynette Cook

Tatooine's dual suns might actually help prevent damaging solar winds from bombarding planets in their system, allowing for a wider "Goldilocks zone" of habitability, Joni Clark, an undergraduate at New Mexico State University, said during a poster session at the 222nd meeting of the American Astronomical Society last week.

"(The stars) calm each other down," Clark told of her new work that expands on earlier studies examining binaries. "It's like a really good marriage. They vent to each other, and they're not focused on anything else. They slow each other down and that causes increased magnetic protection of the planets."

When the stars in a binary are somewhat evenly matched in mass, they can enter into a synchronized dance that keeps solar winds to a minimum.

The stars also need to fully orbit one another within 10 to 30 days to expand the habitable zone. If they drift too far apart, it could put a significant gravitational strain on the orbiting planets. The magnetic fields of the planets aren't necessarily boosted in these kinds of binary systems, Clark said, but they don't have to deal with as much solar assault.

Water worlds and rocky planets could form in areas of the system that might not be habitable without the double star interaction.

"It also leaves the potential open for smaller planets that have less magnetic field protection to remain habitable because in a sense they don't have to protect themselves from as much as they would in a single star case," Clark said.

Clark found that some "p-type" planets (that orbit both stars in a binary system) receive 0.7 percent less flux from solar wind than Earth depending on their position in the solar system.

"Potentially, p-type binaries could have more potential for habitability," Clark added.

In these systems, it's also possible that habitable alien planets could exist as close-in to their stars as Venus is to the sun.

While planets that circle both well-matched stars in a binary system might have an easier time, not all binaries create this extended oasis.

Planets that only orbit one star in a binary can have it rough. If a planet orbits the secondary star in a system, it could get a double dose of solar aggression from stars that are too far apart to synchronize.

Planets that orbit primary stars in a binary, however, basically behave as any planet would in a single star system, Clark said. - NBC NEWS.

Friday, 16 January 2015

Ufos One Year At A Time 1972

Ufos One Year At A Time 1972
Pasadena, California Helicopter Crew Encounter UFO in 1972


Al Matisoff

My date and times are approximate. I was assigned as a Police Helicopter Observer with the Pasadena Police Department and flying night patrol. The pilot was Pat Spafford. In the northeast area of Pasadena, very close to the foothills, we observed what appeared to be a Military Sikorsky helicopter hovering very low over a residential area. The helicopter was turning its landing light off and on. As we got closer, it gained elevation and started heading westbound. Being curious we started to follow it.

We were approximately at 1,000 ft. AGL. The military helicopter then appeared to lose altitude quickly as if it was going into auto rotation. Then about 300 meters past it, we saw what first appeared to be a large object looking like bunch of big balloons tied together. The object was going at our exact airspeed, which was about 60 mph. The object was round and appeared to be rotating. I saw no lights on it. Pat began yelling over the intercom that he was seeing a UFO. I immediately shut off our running lights so I could activate our "night star" search light.

The running lights were shut off because there would be too many amps going through the system with all the lights on and pop a breaker. Shutting off the running lights to power up the searchlight was S.O.P. (Standard Operating Procedure) Pat questioned what I was doing, and when I told him I was going to "light it up", he said, "No," and turned the running lights back on. We had a short argument about doing this or not, but he got the final word because he was the pilot. We watched the object for a few minutes and it flew abeam us going west. We then noticed that there was some fog coming in the L. A. basin, which was a signal for us to fly back to Bracket Field in Pomona, where we hangared the helicopter so as not to get caught in the fog. As we approached the west end of the city near the Rose Bowl, this object gained speed and in just a few seconds accelerated towards the L. A. skyline and disappeared out of sight. The speed it went was faster than supersonic. We were both amazed at how fast it accelerated.

We came back to the hangar and immediately started making calls. Pat called LAX to see if they had any such object on their radar. He got a "negative" from them. I called JPL in Pasadena to see if they had any kind of experiment going on and they said no. I was taken back by the response I got from them because the person I spoke to sounded like this was an everyday occurrence. We both wrote an incident report and turned it in.

I kept this to myself until one day, about 2 weeks later, the Police Chief saw me in the hallway and yelled, "Hey Al, did you see any more giant Frisbees?" Since that time I have told this story to people but never made a big deal about it. I also never found out if anyone forwarded that report or investigated it further. I left the PD in 1979 to join the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Dept. Just thought I would tell this story to someone who would enjoy hearing it. Pat Spaffor passed away some time ago, but I'm sure there are plenty of people that will remember that story from the old days.

ie." Normally explained away as space debris, or a satellite, most Ufologists think that this is a real UFO.