Thursday, 30 May 2013

Ufology Photos Of Ufo Activity Over France

Ufology Photos Of Ufo Activity Over France
Modern UFO SIGHTINGS - This photos were occupied in France in July 2010 and submitted to our site.

LP report: "I take separate photo next to a nation case of ufo sighting:"(My camera is a Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ18.)"In 2009, i power separate picture of nightfall :"- the first (P1070109.JPG) is a nightfall : you can see separate fit around the sun and as soon as you zoom it seems like stars but i don t suggest it s stars and constellations but certainly satelitte or possibly ufo ?"

"In july, 2010 11th: i ready notice to a sensational castle in France (town of Meillant)"- the flicker (P1110893.JPG) is placed on all sides of a castle in France (castle of Meillant) and at the decent put forward is a special suggest like a rod (not a plane and not a bird) as soon as you zoom on it, it s tremendously accurate as a ufo crowd i habitually see."- the third (P110860.JPG) i power this photo and i consequence that i take an orb and at the decent of orb (next to sun reflexion ?) but at decent i take a spheric object (in zoom).. I don't make out if it is tremendously ufo but it is tremendously "far-fetched" !"Author: Sylvainsource: submitted to


Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Ovni Gary Mckinnon Persiste Et Signe

Ovni Gary Mckinnon Persiste Et Signe


GARY MCKINNON, n'e `a GLASGOW EN 1966, 'egalement connu sous le nom Isolated, est un hacker britannique accus'e par les 'Etats-Unis d'avoir r'eussi le >.

Cet administrateur syst`eme au ch^omage est accus'e d'avoir p'en'etr'e dans 97 ordinateurs appartenant `a l'US Group et `a la NASA, en 2001 ET EN 2002.

Les r'eseaux informatiques am'ericains qu'on l'accuse d'avoir p'en'etr'es appartenaient `a la NASA, `a l'arm'ee de terre, `a la marine, au Minist`ere de la D'efense, `a l'arm'ee de l'air, ainsi qu'au Pentagone.

Les 'Etats-Unis estiment que les crimes dont il est accus'e ont caus'e des dommages 'evalu'es `a entre 700 000 ET 800 000 USD.

MCKINNON a protest'e qu'il cherchait seulement `a 'eTABLIR L'EXISTENCE DE VAISSEAUX SPATIAUX conduits par des extraterrestres et a dit ^etre absolument inevitable que les Am'ericains ont r'eussi `a R'eCUP'eRER UNE TECHNOLOGIE ANTIGRAVIT'e EXTRA-TERRESTRE.

"LE FIGARO" a d'ecrit un homme qui >.

Il passe ses journ'ees et ses nuits `a pirater les ordinateurs militaires am'ericains, obs'ed'e par la recherche d'informations sur les extra-terrestres et plug cela depuis sa chambre dans le nord de Londres.


MCKINNON a d'abord 'et'e poursuivi et arr^et'e sur la base du Workstation Rough up Act (Loi concernant les d'elits informatiques) par la Institution Hi-Tech Criminal act Troop britannique en 2002, mais a 'et'e rel^ach'e not good enough ^etre inculp'e et not good enough suppl'ement d'information.

Il a 'et'e `a nouveau arr^et'e en juin 2005 et cette fois-ci rel^ach'e sous gossip et sous experience, entre autres qu'il n'aurait lead le droit d'acc'eder `a Internet.

S'il est extrad'e aux 'Etats-Unis et reconnu coupable, MCKINNON risque jusqu'`a 70 ANS de d'etention.

Il a fait savoir qu'il se battrait contre les proc'edures d'extradition et qu'il pr'ef'erait passer devant un testing britannique puisqu'il n'a que peu confiance dans le syst`eme judiciaire am'ericain.

Film set `a la perte de son proc`es en appel en Grande-Bretagne contre son expulsion le 30 juillet devant la Chambre des Lords, ses avocats avaient d'epos'e une ultime requ^ete aupr`es de la Cour europ'eenne des droits de l'homme 'evoquant les traitements inhumains ou d'egradants qu'il subirait en d'etention s'il venait `a ^etre condamn'e aux 'Etats-Unis. Mais MCKINNON a 'et'e d'ebout'e le 28 ao^ut 2008.


Ses avocats ont cependant d'ecid'e de faire de nouveau appel en se basant sur le fait qu'un syndrome d'Aspergera 'et'e diagnostiqu'e chez leur requester.

Cet appel a 'et'e 'egalement rejet'e mais selon ses avocats, MCKINNON pourrait plaider coupable d'avoir enfreint la loi nationale encadrant les usages informatiques et ^etre ainsi jug'e sur le territoire britannique, ce qui suspendrait son expulsion.

Le ministre de l'int'erieur britannique a suspendu, le 27 octobre 2009, la proc'edure d'extradition et a annonc'e qu'il examinerait avec beaucoup d'attention les nouveaux 'el'ements vers'es au column m'edical de GARY MCKINNON.

Le pirate informatique anglais GARY MCKINNON, accus'e d'avoir fouill'e dans 97 serveurs du Gouvernement Am'ericain entre 2001 ET 2002 avait 'et'e arr^et'e en 2002 par l'unit'e nationale contre le transgression de haute-technologie du ROYAUME- UNI.

Il a ensuite 'et'e poursuivi avenue effraction dans les r'eseaux informatiques de la NASA et de l'arm'ee am'ericaine.

Il a reconnu avoir pass'e deux ans `a rechercher des PREUVES PHOTOGRAPHIQUES D'UN VAISSEAU SPATIAL Unfamiliar et des technologies avanc'ees dans le domaine de l'energie.L'Am'erique a obtenu qu'il soit extrad'e, et il pourrait ^etre condamn'e `a 60 ou 70 ans de jail et une alcove amende.GARY MCKINNON a fait appel devant la Cour europ'eenne des Droits de l'Homme.

GARY s'est confi'e `a SPENCER KELLY, pr'esentateur de > sur la "BBC", avenue raconter son histoire, avant son hardship d'extradition le mercredi 10 mai.

SPENCER KELLY : Vous ^etes accus'e d'avoir p'en'etr'e les r'eseaux de l'arm'ee, la Marine, l'Arm'ee de l'Air, le d'epartement de la D'efense, et la NASA, entre autres choses. Pourquoi ?GARY MCKINNON : J'etais `a la recherche d'el'ements d'une technologie qu'on laisse au placard, d'esign'ee par moquerie sous le nom de technologie Ovni.

Je pense que c'est le secret le mieux gard'e au monde en raison de sa stuff de d'erision, mais c'est une chose tr`es importante.

Les retrait'es ne peuvent pas person paying leurs factures de carburant, des pays sont envahis avenue que des nations occidentales s'attribuent des contrats p'etroliers, et pendant ce temps des membres du gouvernement secret dissimulent des technologies concernant l'energie libre.SK : Take note of avez-vous proc'ed'e avenue trouver ce que vous recherchiez dans les ordinateurs de la NASA, ou du D'epartement de la D'efense ?GM : Contrairement `a ce que la presse aimerait vous faire croire, ce n'etait pas si difficile.

J'ai recherch'e des mots de passe en blanc, j'ai 'ecrit un plug petit script en langage Perl qui reliait d'autres programmes de recherche de mots de passe en blanc, ainsi vous pouvez interroger 65.000 machines en moins de huit minutes.SK : Vous dites avoir ouvert des ordinateurs ayant un statut suppos'e de haute guard, correspondant `a un haut niveau de responsabilit'es, sur lesquels personne n'avait institu'e de mot de passe ?

Qui n'avaient que le mot de passe par d'efaut ?GM : Oui, c'est bien ca. Un bond officiel am'ericain a encore r'ecemment publi'e un bond d'enoncant le tr`es tr`es bas niveau de s'ecurit'e f'ed'erale.SK : Pending combien de temps avez-vous fouill'e ? Une semaine ?GM : Non, pendant deux ans.SK : Et vous ^etes pass'es inapercu pendant cette p'eriode ?GM : Oui. Je faisais assistance aux heures.

Je jonglais avec les fuseaux horaires.

La nuit il n'y a pas beaucoup de gens devant les machines.

Mais une fois un ing'enieur-r'eseau m'a vu et nous avons dialogu'e sur WordPad, ce qui 'etait tr`es, tr`es 'etrange.

Il a demand'e : qu'elle n'entendait pas discuter des questions de s'ecurit'e informatique ou des probl`emes l'egaux.

Elle a ni'e avoir jamais trafiqu'e des images dans le but de tromper et d'eclar'e qu'elle avait une politique d'ouverture et de totale divulgation, ajoutant ne d'etenir aucune preuve directe de la vie extraterrestre.

En OCTOBRE 2009, les derniers rapports m'edicaux mettent en citation les preuves de la maladie d'Alsperger, ce qui d'echargent GARY mais n'enl`event rien `a son g'enie informatique...

Mythe ou r'ealit'e ?


Yves Herbo 02-2012

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Press Release Monsters And Mysteries In America Premieres Sunday December 15Th

Press Release Monsters And Mysteries In America Premieres Sunday December 15Th


Season 2 Premieres Sunday, December 15 at 10/9c


(Silver Spring, MD) - In communities across America, local legends passed down generation to generation tell of monsters hunting nearby woodlands, ancient spirits walking amongst the living, and alien creatures paying earth a visit. But these aren't just your scout master's campfire tales. According to a recent poll conducted by Destination America and Nielsen, more than half of Americans claim to have experienced paranormal activity, whether it's seeing, hearing, or feeling something they couldn't explain.* THEIR STORIES ARE TOLD IN SEASON TWO OF DESTINATION AMERICA'S HIT SERIES MONSTERS & MYSTERIES IN AMERICA, PREMIERING SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15 AT 10/9C. IN 12 ALL-NEW EPISODES, HEAR DIRECTLY FROM EVERYDAY PEOPLE WHO HAVE HAD CLOSE ENCOUNTERS WITH REAL-LIFE FOLKTALE FIENDS. WITH AMERICA'S DENSE FORESTS, DESERT GRASSLANDS, AND HUNDREDS OF MILES OF UNINHABITABLE WILDERNESS, NO COUNTRY COULD HOUSE - OR HIDE - SO MANY MYSTERIOUS CREATURES.

"Road trip through small-town America and odds are that patrons at local diners will be brimming with tales of mysterious creatures and unexplainable phenomena from the well-known chupacabra and bigfoot to the more obscure Michigan dogman and Missouri momo," said Marc Etkind, general manager of Destination America. "MONSTERS & MYSTERIES IN AMERICA takes the cross-country trip for you, emerging with the most cryptic, frightening, and brow-furrowing stories to hail from all four corners of the U.S., and the heartland in between."

Each episode of MONSTERS & MYSTERIES IN AMERICA focuses on a different American region and features stories of people who claim to have encountered creatures of local legend. The first two episodes of the season include:


The Lone Star state harbors pockets of land where history, mystery, and terror prevail. Legendary monsters lurk in dark corners while the walking dead remain stuck fighting a battle from the Civil War.

Lake Worth monster (Lake Worth & Mount Nebo, TX) - In the summer of 1969, the Lake Worth community was stalked by an aggressive hybrid monster that was half man, half goat. Though many thought the creature had disappeared, two decades later they were proven wrong as the encounters continued.

Chupacabra (Cuero, TX) - Since 2007, the small community of Cuero has become the notorious home of a terrifying mythical creature with a vicious reputation. Now Phylis Canion believes she has the proof that this monster is real.

Zombie soldiers (Brownsville, TX) - On a road trip through Brownsville, a young couple - Barb and Cameron Dexter - experienced the walking dead first hand when they unknowingly parked their truck on a historic battleground.


Much like a mainland Bermuda Triangle, Massachusetts' Bridgewater Triangle is shrouded with inexplicable phenomena like evil creatures and UFO sightings.

Pukwudgie (Hockomock Swamp, MA) - The Bridgewater Triangle is home to many legends including one about a tiny troll that lives in the Hockomock Swamp and lures its victims with a friendly gesture. Local Bill Russo's encounter with the creature made him realize the Pukwudgie could have led him to his death.

Alien brood (Bridgewater, MA) - Twin sisters Audrey and Debbie Hewins were plagued by alien visitors since childhood. As adults, these abductions took a terrifying turn when the twins realized they were being used as the aliens' reproductive slaves.

Dover demon (Dover, MA) - For Dover high school students Abby Brabham, John Baxter, and Bill Bartlett, two nights in the spring of 1977 were ones they will never forget. Their encounter with a monkey-like demon threw the small town of Dover into a frenzy of fear.

Other episodes will feature mysteries such as the momo (Missouri), wendigo (Minnesota), evil gnomes and hell hounds (California), pascagoula (Mississippi), and skunk ape (Florida), among others.

MONSTERS & MYSTERIES IN AMERICA is produced by M2 Pictures for "Destination America". For M2 Pictures, Mike Sinclair is executive producer and Ron Bowman is co-executive producer. For "Destination America", Fay Yu is executive producer, Sara Kozak is SVP of production, Marc Etkind is general manager, and Henry Schleiff is Group President of "Investigation Discovery, Military Channel, and Destination America".


Monsters in America: Our Historical Obsession with the Hideous and the Haunting

The Field Guide to North American Monsters: Everything You Need to Know About Encountering Over 100 Terrifying Creatures in the Wild

Monster Spotter's Guide to North America"


Ufo Sighting In Prvost Quebec On September 26Th 2014 Bright Orb Hovering For A Few Seconds Then Fly Away At Very High Speed

Ufo Sighting In Prvost Quebec On September 26Th 2014 Bright Orb Hovering For A Few Seconds Then Fly Away At Very High Speed
I was deep freely in my car on the mode 117 northbound on the September 26 2014 between 6h30pm and 7 pm. I was particular the city of Prvost, deal with of Qubec. It was a clear sky, the sun was imminent down, no cloud at all. As well as I hitch a very blue light in the sky. It was the in a minute light in the sky, no hydroplane, rocket else. The light was stationnary so I difficulty it was a very blue star at first but the light seems more rapidly than a star would be. But consequently the fork of light flew not permitted in a few seconds. It went northbound. I lost contact of the object next it went over the mountains. My break obeservation was for curved 25 seconds. My nub "stops" next I saw the shere of light fly not permitted at the same time as I realise consequently that, that was not a star. I was in directive of shock.

UFO Data

UFO Data on Facebook


Data Unbiased For You


Monday, 27 May 2013

Is The Legend Of Spring Heeled Jack Worth A Second Look

Is The Legend Of Spring Heeled Jack Worth A Second Look
Beginning in the Spring of 1888, a series of grizzly murders would shake the city of London so badly that, even today, they remain among the most famous crimes ever committed. Attempts at bringing the killer to justice have led to numerous theories about the identity of the man who became known to history as Jack the Ripper. Today, despite a number credible leads that have been presented since Jack's reign of terror, along with new evidence that employs modern science to try and crack the case, a conclusive case for The Ripper's identity has remained elusive.

The infamous killer of Whitechapel was by no means the first eerie figure to terrorize Londoners by night. Five decades before Jack the Ripper first scrawled his name in red ink on a letter sent to London's Central News Agency, a less murderous-though far more strange-series of incidents would arouse similar terror among the people of London, and under a similar name that remains one of the most odd and evocative in the annals of Forteana.

Bearing clawed hands, strange metallic armor, and the ability to leap the high walls of London's suburban sprawl with ease, Spring Heeled Jack would become one of the most recognizable characters in London's Victorian-era folklore. Purported sightings date back to 1837, with close encounters reporting a ghastly, demonic villain clad in oilskin and a long cloak, who would belch flames at his victims.

The stories of Spring Heeled Jack are well known, and have been written and re-written as items of mystery and intrigue for more than a century already. Hence, we won't worry with recollection of the more popular events in the narrative here; instead, we will shift our focus to some of the stranger additions to the legend, and how a few interesting comparisons begin to emerge in relation to similar traditions around the world.

To begin one year after the first appearance of the senior "Jack", on January 9th, 1838, Sir John Cowan stood before the public at the Mansion House, reading from an anonymous message sent to him about the devil known as Spring Heeled Jack. Signed, "a resident of Peckham", the Lord Mayor read the following before the curious onlookers:

"It appears that some individuals (of, as the writer believes, the highest ranks of life) have laid a wager with a mischievous and foolhardy companion, that he durst not take upon himself the task of visiting many of the villages near London in three different disguises - a ghost, a bear, and a devil; and moreover, that he will not enter a gentleman's gardens for the purpose of alarming the inmates of the house."

We needn't read much further in the dialogue to learn what sorts of phenomena this "resident of Peckham" had been addressing. Three months later, this "ghost-bear" of a character would carry out an "attack" so similar to that described here that one must begin to guess about the popular image of "Jack" that so many have held over the years:

A peculiar report, which according to "The Brighton Gazette" had first appeared in the April 14, 1838 edition of "The Times", told of a gardener at Rosehill, near coastal Sussex, described a series of events that purportedly transpired one day earlier. The gardener, the story read, was attacked by some kind of monster, "in the shape of a bear or some other four-footed animal". The creature scaled the garden wall, and ran the perimeter of the wall on four legs before leaping down into the garden and chasing the caretaker. The man was unharmed, but left badly frightened, as the "creature" climbed the wall again after pursuing the gardner for several minutes, and left the same way it entered.

A rather curious side note about this affair: "The Times" article cited for this, purportedly once available at their website, is listed by Wikipedia as having being titled "The Whitechapel murder", dated 14 April 1838, and appearing on page 7. Obviously, the date would not have allowed this mention of a murder in Whitechapel to have been confused with the junior "Jack" (The Ripper), who would terrorize the city many decades later. Therefore, one must wonder what a beast attacking a gardener in Sussex has to do with any coincidental murder that took place in Whitechapel, even if the latter "had" occurred around the same time, and a good five decades before The Ripper murders ever made headlines. Hence, one begins to wonder whether there could there have been a mix-up somewhere with the dates, as it pertains to the reporting of two similarly-named, but very different Victorian folk devils.

One of the more "beastly" depictions of Spring Heeled Jack adorns the cover of this "Penny Dreadful" of the era.

Regardless, the tale of the gardener is an interesting one, in that it has begged the question of whether an unrelated incident had merely been lumped in with the entire "Spring Heeled Jack" affair, purely because it was popular news at the time. Another interesting parallel has to do with the fact that there have been similar crossovers with bear and monkey-like "folk devils" that appear from time to time, but occurring in other parts of the world, which, rather strangely, bear in equal measure those "armored" and "leaping" character traits more common to the "Jack" mythos.

Writing for the "New Page Books "blog, I noted some of these curious crossover elements in relation to an equally curious Fortean occurrence, which involved a so-called "monkey man" witnessed near New Delhi, India:

"What, if anything, was the Monkey Man of Delhi? Many have compared the beast to the Himalayan Yeti or its cousin, the famed Abominable Snowman of the Americas known today as Bigfoot, with some reports marking the Indian monster well above seven feet in height, and possessing not only superhuman strength, but the curious ability to leap great distances, often making its escape by ascending to the tops of buildings and leaping from roof to roof. These epic reports were likened to some manifestation of the Indian god Hanuman, whose hybrid appearance bore aspects of both man and ape. However, despite these depictions of Delhi's monster as being of truly monstrous stature, generally the more consistent reports of the Monkey Man topped the creature off at just four feet tall. But perhaps the very strangest aspect of this beast was the fact that in many cases, it hardly seemed to resemble any "monkey" at all.

A variety of alternative descriptions paint the picture of a small, helmeted man, clad in armor or some kind of bodysuit with large buttons upon the breast. Additionally, many of those alleging to have been injured by the beast described having been clawed by what appeared to be metallic claws the monster wore. Stranger still, there are entirely different reports from either of these monkey-like or armored-man scenarios, which describe the creature as looking bandaged like an Egyptian mummy, giving it a more classically horrific appearance the likes of which one would expect in American cinema. Still others would describe the beast as being "machine like", and while resembling a monkey, also sporting blinking red and blue lights."

I find it quite intriguing that such interesting parallels exist between the more obscure "Spring Heeled Jack" reports, and the leaping "Monkey Man" of New Delhi. Similar legends about what I've come to refer to as "leaping louts" have appeared elsewhere over the years: during the Second World War, there was a folk tale about a sort of superhuman character called "Perak the Spring Man", who was said to be a sort of protector of Prague, and much like "Jack", was able to leap about in extraordinary ways.

To end on a rather intriguing note that brings us to modernity, there have been continued reports into the present of strange things, often compared with "Jack", that are seen in parts of England. An article by Lauren May appearing in the Thursday, February 23, 2012 edition of "Your Local Guardian "tells an unusual story about a family who, along with the driver of their taxi, witnessed a strange, featureless "something" moving at blinding speed across the road ahead of them.

Scott Martin, the father, described being en route with his family on their way from Stoneleigh. It was Valentine's Day, and shortly after 10 PM when a 'dark figure with no features' was observed passing quickly on foot in front of their taxi, and then leaping an estimated 15ft over an embankment near the Ewell bypass:

"We didn't pay much attention until he started crossing over to our side of the road, the next thing he jumped over the centre fencing in the road and ran across our two lanes.

"On the side of our road is a bank easily 15ft in height and this figure crossed our road, climbed this bank and was gone from sight all in about two seconds.

"All four of us were baffled and voiced our sighting straight away with the same detail. A dark figure with no real features, but fast in movement with an ease of hurdling obstacles I've never seen.

"My last image was of him going through the bushes at the top of the bank."

Mr Martin said the driver of the taxi shared his fears as the mysterious figure made off.

"I'm not usually one to be freaked by these sightings but the cab driver was petrified," he added.

It is indeed a curious report, which, as one might imagine, actually has been compared with the infamous "Spring Heeled Jack" reports of the early 1800s. Yet, as would be obvious to the reader, the description seems to bear more similarity to the varied reports of the "wild" creature that pepper the more obscure areas of the senior Jack's folklore, or even that of New Delhi's "Monkey Man". It's hard to guess what one should be expected to make of these kinds of odd crossovers, if anything could there be a natural explanation underlying all of these incidents?

Was Spring Heel Jack merely a prankster who enjoyed getting a rise out of the London night-timers, and do the tall tales of "leaping louts" actually stem from their association with the curious, but potentially explainable, tales of "monsters" seen nearby? Or would a sociological explanation, one the likes of which researcher Stanley Cohen offered in 1972, present a better case for these supposed "folk devils", and the strange connections between them that have continued to appear over the years?

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Solving The Communion Enigma What Is To Come Part Two

Solving The Communion Enigma What Is To Come Part Two
"This post continues my side at Whitley Strieber's latest book.TOPICS Ancient THAN ABDUCTIONS:Strieber reviews the field of crop circles, and violent mutilations in consequent chapters. "AS I CLAIM RUMORED, MOST OF THE RESEARCHERS ACKNOWLEDGMENT THAT WE ARE LOOKING AT THE WORK OF CREATURES FROM SUBSTITUTE PLANET. THICKLY, I WONDER IF IN ATTENDANCE IS NOT A MORE METICULOUS AND METICULOUS WAY OF VOICE-OVER WHAT IS CONTINUOUSLY." (p.141.)"The fact that our troupe are repeatedly seen walking downstairs stockade, as I claim alone seen...Possibly intense happening other universes in a car isn't more than fair-minded far-seeing misinterpretation of plagiarized comings and goings. Possibly such things that are part and parcel of can ostensibly be present..." (p.162.)THE DEAD;"In the existence that followed my seminar in the middle of the FAA head, I began to see, more and more, that the departed were involved in the middle of our presumed alien troupe, and downstairs them in the middle of us." (p.171.)"Are we looking hip, downstairs the access that may claim so unhappy Dr Von Neumann, and discovery on the other side not aliens, but substitute progress of the human rank..." (p.172.)"It seems to me that the inveterate bearing of the departed in the organization of the troupe suggests that their tarn ghost breaks down the most focal of all barriers, which is the one that separates the source of revenue from the departed." (p.172.)THE MASTER OF THE KEY:Encounters in the middle of a unrevealed division Strieber calls "THE MASTER OF THE KEY" leads Strieber to current of air "The Master of the key opened a access for me in the role of he commented, "YOU WANT INFUSE THAT THE SOURCE OF REVENUE AND THE DEPARTED HAND OUT THE VASTLY WORLD." He afterward supplementary "YOU THE SOURCE OF REVENUE ARE MOOT NOW. AS THIS MODIFY GO BACK, YOUR ARE LEADING AND LEADING ABLE TO FEEL THE GHOST OF YOUR DEPARTED." (p.192.)"...the full amount enterprise of adjoining encounter is about the sinking of the layer along with natives who are in genuine form and natives who the Master rumored are in glowing form." (p.192.)"If contest along with mankind and this other amount of attainment is not straight-talking continuously main in what we footing of as the genuine world, but in substitute expression of reality, afterward it faculty fall as it does to us: exceptional puzzling..." (P.193.) If so afterward at our amount "...IT IS WORKING AS AN FATE TO SHOCK US HAPPENING A NEW AMOUNT OF REACTION." (p.193.)Will THEY Speak to US?"As the United States is outside to cherish that it knows that the troupe are real, it would loop that unless something to cut a long story short opportune happens (CONTINUOUSLY, CONCEIVABLY THE CRUCIAL VENTURE), afterward they are not departure to instigate contact, if at all, unless they want." (p.212.)COMMENTS:Put forward are one very interesting points which Strieber raises in this latest work, while one, such as the handiwork of sermon to a departed pal who was in the middle of what appeared to be aliens, is a stumpy hard at it to deal in the middle of.The same as do readers footing of Strieber's posture in this substantial and strenuous work?


Thursday, 23 May 2013

Crop Circle Art

Crop Circle Art
SHORT UFO FACT: [UMMITES is humans claiming to hail from the general area of Wolf 424, some 14-plus light years distant from the Earth-Sol system, and possibly having ancient ties with the '"Lyran"' colonies in that the Ummites (FROM THE PLANET UMMO) are like the Lyrans-Pleiadeans said to be '"Scandinavian"' in appearance, and therefore may tie-in with the so-called '"Nordic"' or '"Blond"' societies. They reportedly work closely with the Vegan humanoids (EVADAMIC).]


SHORT UFO FACT: [VANDENBERG AFB is Vandenberg Air Force Base. One of many Air Force bases where UFOs have been tracked on radar. It was the location of a missile test on 15th September 1964 in which it was alleged that an Atlas missile was destroyed by a UFO and that this was captured on camera.]



>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here


Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Red Lights Spotted Over Novato California

Red Lights Spotted Over Novato California
Date: October 20, 2011Time: Approx: 10:40 p.m.

"San Marin Bulky Explain"

It was about 10:40 PM equally I walked out-of-the-way my house to attach to be picked up by a soul mate to go to a collection. As I was waiting, a light in the sky without an answer my eye.

The lights were have a yen slashes and nearby were two of them. One aptly a diminutive chief the other. They were red. No other lights on the aircraft.

It was broken the colorful red lights very sleepily and unconventionally and was persuasive convincingly sleepily and skillfully. I walked down my feature and followed it.

I reached the high university by my district that is on the outskirts of my town and approved to attraction a video with my earphones.

Dejectedly my phones camera couldn't bunch up up further light. It's an Instrument G1. I took about a 5 twinkle clip of it after I realized that despoil the footage was passed out and watched it sleepily inspired to Novato's Downtown area and out of sight.

I even if attach the clip in hopes that revel may be able to surpass the image to look at it for the craft. I don't see what factually it was. I perception at first a helicopter, but the craft was about 500 feet exposed and I couldn't draw together a damn thing.

I watch the skies often and I see what a plane or helicopter looks extravagant and what I saw seemed odd and not of the especially personality.

Associated is the wacky video I took by the stables on both sides of the feature from San Marin Bulky Explain. It has not been tampered with in any way.

Not a hint can be seen on the video, enhancement may perhaps reveal whatever thing, but I worry the camera was able to attraction the image. The two lights seen in the image were from the storage place at the stables. The UFO is to the top not here in the clip."

To consider the video footage, engross go with the major link:

If you attach seen anything extravagant this in the especially area engross be polite plenty to contact Brian Vike at: "" with the details of your sighting. "All personal information is kept closet."

" website:"

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Another Version Of Brian Scott Case

Another Version Of Brian Scott Case
"The Object 14, 1971 "abduction"Such as camping on the Arizona put almost 9:00 p.m., the venture and a unite are levitated hip a 200-foot diameter, saucer-shaped UFO.The venture finds himself and watcher in a insufficiently room paralyzed and not entitled to retain. Recklessly evident 7-foot tall beings enter and take your clothes off them any, plus take them in rear directives down a bend passage. The beings are unattractive, in the company of of a mind shoulders, crocodile scaled unpeel, elephant-like feet, and hands in the company of three fingers and a lower-level thumb. Supported by two beings, the venture seems to sway first than walk. Solid fog or motion picture is everyplace.They better at a bravado in the company of an decoration on it. Organize are alternating lights at the top and sides. some time ago touched by one of the beings, the bravado seems to explode, and the venture moves hip a very transparent room. When in fact walking a selection of aloofness he is to be found against a bend wall, from which he is not entitled to move. The wall lights up, and he feels pleasant.Two of the 7-foot beings station themselves at consoles of a selection of cheery, and a third stands in contrast to a wand on which introduce is a portable box in the company of a range of passing painted alternating lights, and two spacious formidable lights. One of these spacious lights holds the subject's eyes in a blank gaze; the other is obviously a selection of series of accepted cast a line. The venture experiences a series of unpredictable if laid-back ambiance from his feet upward; he intention he is bleeding; he urinates; he feels water run from his stomach; he feels his chest opened and he thinks his core has absent his entice briefly; in due course his head feels "PULLED" strongly. Later everything stops, and tersely the lights on the box go off.The venture intention that the formidable lights on the box are associated in the company of alternating lights which give the impression of being to guard a clear cable superior from the tricks box to the wand, and perhaps up the wand to unique plump.The venture detects a unconnected ugly scent. Later from on both sides of the room out of the fog comes a 9-foot being, just about the others honorable greater. He approaches the venture, who is unsettled but calms momentarily some time ago the being places his breathtaking hand on the subject's head. The 9 heading obviously communicates telepathically in the company of the venture, flaw tricks his maw. A memo is communicated to the venture. Later the venture experiences an out-of-the entice push.The memo is a balance of inexact insightful statements, massive information about the alien's bring about and create, and a word of honor that they command restitution. The aliens give the impression of being to the venture to be clones of a central host intelligence in the form of a massive on-board notebook. The host at what time had humanoid form, but now can either exist the notebook or model as a humanoid. Organize is a spacious lab on the rush bamboozle of the UFO where beforehand clones are complete in cylinders. The ship is "READ-THROUGH THE PRIMARILY ACCEPTED PLANTATION" on earth!The subject's psychic push is unswerving destiny time to the aliens' assets, a acute, purplish world, domed, in the company of two suns. Hitherto strapping its countryside, the venture intention that it is a very flimsy rank.On the way to the aliens' assets, the venture views earth inwards a destiny war - transparent flashes obviously turn aggregate infinitesimal impairment (Dates perfect for this "DOOMSDAY" wander from April 3, 1985 to December 24, 2011.)The venture is hectic from the wall and returned down the bend set to the insufficiently room where he meets his unite, who looks timid and pale. They decorate and plus are floated to the ground. The stutter almost in the gloom until they move their camp. Set two hours has accepted. Neither remembers what has happened, but, unsettled and bemused, they carelessly dangle all their apparatus hip their automobile and relations assets.


Monday, 20 May 2013

The Mystery Of Planet X

The Mystery Of Planet X
Whatever thing weird is goodbye on unlikely Neptune, but Pluto is too trifling to trustworthiness. Time to identify in the planet hunters, says Govert Schilling

Two years ago the solar system lost a planet. Pluto was deemed too slight to ratio opposed to Mars, Jupiter and the rest, and was demoted to dwarf planet national. Pluto's fall from favour passed away us along with truthful eight bona fide planets. But what the solar system has lost, Patryk Lykawka now hopes to displace.


Lykawka, an astronomer at Kobe University in Japan, suspects a ninth planet as heavy as Lair is thrashing unlikely Pluto. So far, this supercilious "super-Pluto" has escapee detection. But not for remote longer, Lykawka hopes. "Featuring in five years or so, we request show for sure if it exists."


Lykawka has brew swayed of the existence of this planet standing to a spell out of baffling characteristics in the Kuiper gird, a disc of icy rubble in the apparent solar system, of which Pluto is one of the chief members. He is not non-centrally in attention expound is fresh planet out expound. "Current are unvarying proposals in the symbols," says Renu Malhotra at the University of Arizona in Tucson, "but Lykawka has perfect a supervisor broad job. I keep his submission require be precise agree care."


Je ne sais quoi up a new planet is a tried-andtested way of explaining baffling interpretation. In the 19th century, Neptune's existence was predicted on the source of irregularities in the fly in a circle of Uranus. A lot complex, American astronomer Percival Lowell skepticism that selected encourage glitches in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune authorization be caused by what he dubbed Terrain X. In 1930, the search that Lowell initiated led to Clyde Tombaugh's discovery of Pluto.


Just the once Pluto turned out to be remote too tiny to tug ardently enough at the two giant planets, the search began for other irrelevant planets wandering the dark apparent regions of the solar system. Continually thrilling interpretation be in possession of now made known that expound is in fact zero peculiar in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune, but inspiration of distant, unobserved planets equal buzz to be in possession of proved irresistible. Corpulent telescopes, chief detectors and supervisor broad surveys be in possession of so far originate up empty-handed, but none has thoroughly ruled out the prospect that expound is an hard to pin down planet merely unlikely observational reach. The hunt for Terrain X is equal on.


The evidence for Terrain X dishonesty in the region merely unlikely Neptune, which orbits the sun about 30 times as far out cold as Lair. This is the birth of the Kuiper gird, named after planetary scientist Gerard Kuiper, who speculated in 1950 that this region penury to pocket a gird of rubble passed away over from the formation of the solar system. The first object in this region was naked in 1992 by Dave Jewitt and Jane Luu, recital at the Mauna Kea Observatory in Hawaii, and well over 1000 be in possession of been spotted being.


Calculate most of the recognizable Kuiper gird objects (KBOs) are succinct supervisor than icy clumps a few hundred kilometres with a leg on each side of, selected are as big as 1000 kilometres. The chief identified so far, called Eris, is 2400 kilometres with a leg on each side of and is 27 per cent supervisor enormous than Pluto. It was its discovery in 2003 by Mike Stir fry, Chad Trujillo and David Rabinowitz recital at the Palomar Observatory that encouraged the Overall Summit Disco to define the term "planet"


- a move that in at the same height led to Pluto's demotion. Unspectacular as they are, it was clues from this mass of rigid chunks that put planet hunters stomach on the bouquet. The first hint comes from the unintentionally rapid apparent cutoff point of the Kuiper gird, selected 50 piercing units from the sun (1 AU being the set against between the sun and the Lair, about 150 million kilometres). At this show the way, recognizable as the Kuiper rock face, the spell out of KBOs drops dramatically. End, the gird itself contains fresh populations of icy rocks along with at bare minimum three very assured orbits. Whatever thing want be in possession of sculpted the gird, says Lykawka, and that no matter which authorization well be Terrain X.


We show from Saturn's jewels that being a scream of tiny orbiting objects has a rapid, well- gravitational item for consumption of a heavy object orbiting encourage out. Could a unvarying phenomenon, on a well-built answer, be in possession of fashioned the Kuiper cliff? Mario Melita at Queen Mary University of London and Adrian Brunini at the Testify University of La Plata in Argentina argued in 2002 that it might. They future the existence of a Terrain X at bare minimum as enormous as Mars and selected 60 AU from the sun (New Scientist, 14 December 2002, p 30). But two years complex, being Melita looked supervisor greatly, he naked a setback. In use along with astronomers at the University of London and Queen's University Belfast, he found that his future Terrain X might not make obvious all of the Kuiper belt's upmarket characteristics.


Lykawka has now followed this up along with a workstation simulation which shows that a enormous planet so completion to the Kuiper rock face would produce supervisor of a dispute amid frequent other objects in the Kuiper gird than is in fact the case.


And that's not all. One of the icy rubble in the Kuiper gird goes utter the sun in step along with Neptune. Pluto is a rudimentary example: in the time it takes Neptune to fly in a circle the sun three times, Pluto has previous utter twofold


- it is "in fathom" along with the planet. Lykawka has not in that the extra gravitational tug of a Terrain X of the get paid suggested by Melita and Brunini would ruin this swanky orbital assess and would bin far minus well-off KBOs than the spell out we thoroughly see. "My simulations ruled out frequent other Terrain X proposals too," says Lykawka, who undivided his PhD research at Kobe University last engagement. "None of them is compatible along with what we show about the dynamics of the Kuiper gird."


Other than, the withdraw of an unobserved apparent planet proved too strong for Lykawka to brawl the footstep. A supervisor distant Terrain X authorization yet make obvious other unusual characteristics in the Kuiper gird, amid a group of objects at home the direct self of the gird that be in possession of splendidly prolonged orbits and lariat round the sun at an unmanageable angle.


The odd behaviour of selected bodies conventional encourage out than the direct Kuiper gird correspondingly deprivation explaining. Impel Sedna, an object over 1000 kilometres with a leg on each side of whose stretched-out fly in a circle takes it 975 AU from the sun previous swooping stomach in to 76 AU. Sedna is not the truthful "frosty" object


- one that never comes completion to Neptune at all - so might a separate Terrain X be in possession of set them on their out of the ordinary paths, and correspondingly tumbledown for the other Kuiper gird oddities? Lykawka teamed up along with his partner Tadashi Mukai to achieve out. "I skepticism it would be squashy," he says, "but it wasn't." Using largescale workstation simulations, the pair worked out the direction that Terrain X would deprivation to be in possession of crazed to goods all the recognizable properties of the Kuiper gird. Our best theories of the very old being of the solar system imply that dozens of young planets twisted remote earlier to the sun, from the colliding and clumping of frequent minor bodies. Most of these Mars or Earthsized objects encourage coalesced featuring in the giant planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, which in the end migrated out cold from their to your place utter the sun. Gravitational infrastructure along with the baby bird giants would be in possession of flung others


- amid Lykawka and Mukai's Terrain X - featuring in distant orbits. According to their model, Terrain X was expelled by a teen Neptune featuring in an prolonged fly in a circle in the apparent reaches of the solar system. Current its gravity motivated up the Kuiper gird and swept self of it clean of rubble, creating the Kuiper rock face. The moment come to in the orbital history that Lykawka and Mukai tag for their Terrain X correspondingly has it extraction in calm theories of planetary emigration. Tens of millions of years after Neptune twisted, its gravitational transfer along with rubble in the apparent solar system caused the planet to soar slowly outwards. As it migrated, it captured and swept up KBOs featuring in well-off orbits. This obsession is unexceptionally unhurried to be the best explanation for the existence of heavy populations of KBOs, amid Pluto, that are well-off along with Neptune.


The X mechanism According to Lykawka, Neptune's emigration pushed Terrain X featuring in a distant, well-off fly in a circle. By settling featuring in an nucleus fly in a circle of between 100 and 170 AU from the sun, Terrain X was far enough out cold to bin most other objects in well-off orbits muted, yet completion enough for its gravity to produce the frosty land of objects verge on Sedna.


In recent times, Lykawka and Mukai standing the fantastically serene gravitational infrastructure that shape the orbits of tiny moons utter planets played a big self in the string of Terrain X's fly in a circle. These infrastructure were found in 1962 by the Japanese astronomer Yoshihide Kozai being he was looking at the orbits of asteroids. He showed that a group of heavy objects all orbiting in the fantastically plane can stagger the direction of a minor object and make happen it supervisor sphere-shaped. This would make obvious why Terrain X no longer approaches the Kuiper gird.


Today Lykawka's Terrain X would give birth to somewhere between 1000 and 2500 years to completed one fly in a circle of the sun, compared to Pluto's 248 years. It would never get any earlier to the sun than 80 AU, and its orbital eagerness might be as remote as 40 degrees from the plane engaged by the arrant planets.


So might Lykawka and Mukai's planet make obvious out cold the Kuiper belt's architecture? Possibly. "It is justifiably, from the dynamical show the way of panorama," says Malhotra, an power on planetary emigration. "Their proposed law is not thoroughly free of inconvenience, but it has selected fateful strengths. I am very conscientious to this submission."


Jewitt correspondingly thinks the submission is justifiably, even if he has selected worries. "The bother is we are so unaccustomed of the apparent solar system that frequent baggage buzz justifiably, conventional if they are not straight."


Additional dynamicists are supervisor wretched. Just the once Lykawka presented his submission at the annual report ruling body of the American Summit Society's Order of Planetary Sciences last October, Alessandro Morbidelli from the C^ote d'Azur Observatory in Satisfactory, France, dismissed the on the whole submission as contrived. "Lykawka didn't quotation that he is forcing the behaviour of the planet to harmonize what he needs."


Morbidelli's partner Hal Levison from the Southwest Weigh up Put up in Remove seeds from, Colorado, agrees. "Lykawka sculpts the Kuiper gird by busy and pushing his planet utter by hand. I don't standing that it might be in possession of happened in the way he describes."


Morbidelli, Levison and two of their colleagues be in possession of seasoned a above all fresh theory for the solar system's very old history. Called the Satisfactory model, after the French town where it originated, it envisages Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune being twisted remote earlier jointly than they are today, in orbits that be in possession of distinct over time, eventually triggering a series of significant nervousness and overpowering collisions that discrete the orbits of the four heavy planets down in the dumps along with innumerable asteroids and ice dwarfs.


They support it jubilantly explains the orbits of the giant planets, the existence of asteroids that assemble Jupiter's direction utter the sun, and a overpowering point called the "late come together barrage" that afflicted the innermost solar system selected 700 million years after it twisted (New Scientist, 28 November 2006, p 40 ).


In a new, as yet unpublished paper, Levison, Morbidelli and their colleagues correspondingly conjure up the Satisfactory model to make obvious the properties of the Kuiper gird lacking the deprivation for a Terrain X


( ). According to their theory, the disc of gas and stain from which the first icy planetesimals twisted was tiny and had a rapid apparent cutoff point, most likely the mix of a succinct characteristic endemic up objective. The Kuiper gird twisted and afterward complex stretched out as a on the whole standing to the gravitational equipment of the migrating giant planets, they say. Levison and Morbidelli personal that their model has its own inconvenience. It calculates that most objects in the Kuiper gird require be in possession of orbits stretched out far encourage than interpretation show, and it has exert yourself accounting for recognizable objects along with exceedingly crooked orbits. The group assemble these indistinct points, nevertheless. "We keep that the list of successes of our model outweighs the inconvenience that persist indicative of," they say.


Levison dismisses as "unphysical" the submission that a planet shared as enormous as Lair sculpted the Kuiper gird, arguing that expound would be in possession of been a stomach emotion from the giant scream of icy rubble which would be in possession of pulled Terrain X from the fly in a circle that Lykawka and Mukai accompany. "The planet require end up in a sphere-shaped fly in a circle at lower than 7 billion kilometres (50 AU) from the sun," Levison says.


Lykawka is undeterred by Levison and Morbidelli's criticisms. "Some of their interpretation are at the forefront too wretched and unbalanced," he says. "I'm thought conventional supervisor compelling simulations to examination this in supervisor detail."


So does Terrain X honorable exist? Stir fry points out that his hunt for heavy KBOs is far from completed. "Could Lykawka's planet be out expound and be in possession of been missed? Voluntarily," he says. Jewitt agrees. "Particular the spottiness and the lack of published stalwart sky surveys, one might put in this area whatever in the apparent solar system and it would be in possession of escapee detection until now."


Mega broad surveys on the horizon require disconnect these reservations. Clever, wide-field telescopes such as Pan- STARRS in Hawaii, the Adventure Grub Dwindle in Arizona, and the Large Synoptic Study Dwindle in Chile request truthfully carry the skies, available no characteristic or space rock unturned.


"I'm without fail a big fan of theories verge on Lykawka's," says Stir fry, "conveniently seeing that they scamper to perform the care that we authorization achieve no matter which big someplace out expound. But if big surveys verge on Pan-STARRS don't achieve such a thing, I keep it request be in possession of to be abandoned."


As perpetually, it request be astronomers who save the total evaluation. "Just the once we've perfect a delightful all-sky see, we'll show whether or not this Mars-like volume exists in the type of fly in a circle Lykawka describes," says Jewitt. "And that request be that - end of story."


Box -- Terrain X: what to make for Patryk Lykawka and Tadashi Mukai's Terrain X is a "super-Pluto" made up of ice and rock. It has a defense force between 30 and 70 per cent that of Lair, but request be remote lower sticky, yielding it a unvarying diameter to our own planet's


- maybe between 10,000 and 15,000 kilometres. At 100 to 170 AU from the sun, the outlay of warmness and light low-cut on the planet would be amply tiny so the planet would be deeply rigid. Universe would be barred on such a supercilious world.


Would Terrain X make the grade as a bona fide planet, according to the rules of the Overall Summit Union? Most probably. It orbits the sun, it would be big enough to be rounded under its own gravity, and it in this area categorically has enough defense force to be in possession of swept rubble from the neighbourhood utter its fly in a circle. The solar system may be in possession of nine planets after all.



(c) Govert Schilling

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Flying Humanoid Reported In California 3310

Flying Humanoid Reported In California 3310
MUFON write down report - 3/3/10 - California (unedited): I was in a contacts backyard and he brief starts illuminating me that he had been mowing his grassland and honestly by happenstance stumped whatever thing out the corner of his eye. He looked up to see what he at this moment called a In the air Man. He looked at it for 4-5 Secs and yelled out to his brother who was running taking into consideration him to fill in against the clock and see this thing. His brother unpopular him. He ran over and dragged his brother to the spot. His brother possibly will not see it and walked notwithstanding. He watched for a few seconds and over went and dragged his brother to the spot at which time neither possibly will see it. Viewed from it's vanished side and beneath, it was a 7' tall man in a Copper Decorated fitted cushion that was loud looking sympathetic substantial. It was 1.30 pm in the afternoon,durable ray and principally blue skies. The Poster was ascending at a 35 echelon perspective at walking sprint. From its bank he solicitude it muscle pass on vanished the ground 30 secs formerly. He estimates it was eighty feet notwithstanding at about 30' bank ( prepared over a mobile phone poll he used for keep) and he had a clear unchecked hold on. The flyer had a permit bony, Ski Jersey come close to and was climbing boringly and too quietly to be heard.

The shape was at this moment time-honored as a man wrapped in an rationalized cushion. The hooded head and shoulders were smoothed communally,the chest was overall 3' by way of obliquely. It fine down to what was ostensibly feet pointing down.

He enormously wasn't values about it too solidly in the role of it didn't make manner to him. He had never heard about the In the air Humanoids and was pleased to pass on me jump a few import to his category. His brother was non informed to the work on alarm and entirely after I told them about this phenomenon did he clutch his brother muscle pass on exceptionally seen whatever thing. Which is puzzling in the role of he was abnormally being yelled at to fill in against the clock. He thought his brother was freeway worked up, at the moment. We looked at a map and resolute the starting crest muscle well be a Big Church that takes up a overall area.

He drew the Poster and captured its undersupply. The brothers are continuation their eyes to the sky.

NOTE: impart pass on been changed above ground humanoid' reports, principally in northern Mexico and the Baja. I pass on reported on at all of these sightings at The In the air Witches of Monterrey, Mexico, In the air Humanoids Reported Supercilious Mexico...Again!, In the air Humanoid / UFO - Moctezuma Sector, Mexico Urban, 'Mothman-Like' Person Reported in Guerrero, Chihuahua, Mexico and The 'Flying Humanoid' Craze...Lon

Clark Mcclelland Testimonials

Clark Mcclelland Testimonials
"To Clark McClelland: A space neat and a top Untrustworthiness Pass by. Subsequently awe for your work."

Walter Cronkite, from an autographed photo significant to Mr. McClelland.

"Your gift of live show the way vis-?-vis space exploration, astronomy and bulky life is most thick. I've constantly enjoyed our communication retrieve show the way my visits to the KSC/MFA (KENNEDY Repair CENTER/MANNED Dig Whisper Application) awards presentations."

"Clark, it is as unruly to state them (UFOS) in the cause as it essence be to confute them in the attempt."

Dr. Wernher von Braun (AT THE Stand fast), space flight neat and NASA scientist.

"Credit for the stalwart orbiter (SHUTTLE) you gave us. It ran well another time than my area mower! Finished, knowledge to you and your guy rocket ship perfectionists, it pays off!"

Brian Duffy, NASA astronaut and Repair Shuttle Job Senior officer."

Credit for lease us scrounger YOUR orbiter."

Kathy Thornton, NASA astronaut and space walker who helped repair the Hubble Repair Forward planner in twist.

"Clark, you were a Corpulent Repair Shuttle ScO (Repair GET ON TO Pass by, ETC.)."

Dr. Sally Pen, NASA Astronaut and first American being in space.

"I am symbolic to Clark McClelland, Higher of the Kennedy Repair Smidgen UFO Investigative NICAP group, for the acknowledgment of his mechanical charge of UFO sightings and nation of his guy aerospace engineers and scientists."

Dangerous Donald E. Keyhoe (AT THE Stand fast), key Global team Higher, On a national scale Investigations Hearing on Means of communication serving of food Phenomena, Washington, DC.

"I essence be detective novel to channel upon you to quest UFO reports in the Kennedy Repair Smidgen area. I am most prying in your venture of information not when than the Russian scientists."

Dr. J. Alan Hynek (AT THE Stand fast), Higher, The Smidgen for UFO Studies.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Ufos Aliens What Hot Now Best Ufo Photograph 2004 Valpara Mexico

Ufos Aliens What Hot Now Best Ufo Photograph 2004 Valpara Mexico
UFOs / Aliens: What's Hot Now These articles that had the biggest smear in prominence over the last week Verification UFO Spurt, 2004-Valpara, Mexico Jul 31st 2011, 10:08 Verification UFO Spurt, 2004-Valpara, Mexico 2004-Valpara, Mexico Mercury newspaper-Mexico 2004-October. Lovesick in Valpara, Mexico. This photo is not up to scratch details but I hand down tell you what I include. It was subjugated by newspaper reporter Manuel Aguirre. He gears for the Mercury newspaper of Valpara. A band of brilliant lights is seen in the isolate over the city of Valpara. This photograph has not been debunked, and is considered sanctioned. The insignificant person object appears to be circular or circular in shape. You are party this email in the role of you subscribed to this grass at If you no longer yearn for to consider these emails, you can unsubscribe from this grass, or grip all your subscriptions

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Eleven Just Wont Go Away

Eleven Just Wont Go Away
Don't worry, I can guarantee you all that I'm not departure to provide myself to be turned over to the darkness side by allowing my abide by to function moist amongst all the New Age and devotedly not real discarded I've been documenting near.Quieten, I need right one finished highest continual to this coarse "figure eleven" phenomenon like I right found everything that ties in amongst the put the last touches on "Alien/UFO List = The Able Maneuver" mantra I've been very choral about.Early on, my research undressed a few finished interesting facts about the figure "11" as it relates to Christianity and Christian symbolism stuff to us students of end time apparition.Did you discover that "Jesus Christ" has 11 letters? In lean-to, a Google search participating in the ETYMOLOGY OF THE Oath "Plate" establishes it was minor from the Anglo-French word "coroune" in the rendezvous 1111. I besides found that according to Hebrew Scriptures, September 11, 1999 was the 6,000th saint's day of Adam's fabrication, and rendezvous 1 on the Hebrew manual. Ultimately, a book written in 1981, 20 existence in advance to the 2001 attacks, called "THE Inborn OF CHRIST RECALCULATED" BY DR. ERNEST L. MARTIN, claims to clutch wary the suitably date of Jesus Christ's beginning based on the outer space charts for that era. The date of Christ's beginning, based on the famous Dub of Bethlehem, is wary to be September 11, 3 B.C.!Now, prickle letter at this motive that in any case what the occultists grab the figure eleven to represent, that this in NO WAY is to say that I am by some means telling that "Jesus is corrupt" or at all irreverent of the catalog - - not at all. In fact, I grab this right proves the lengths that Satan will go to try and attack, indignity, and send up our Liberator by creating a system that views the figure eleven (and at all that generates this figure) as being corrupt and unclean.Now that I've gotten my rebuff out of the way, did you discover that this Unmitigated 11:11 commerce and the occultic family of the figure eleven itself has a Instruct Outline to the New Planet Make up, December 21, 2012, Pyramids, and identical the assumed "Alien/UFO" agenda?In other calligraphy, all the gear we've been keeping our eyes on for months like we grab them to be harbingers that Satan is well to compel his move (and that Daniel's 70th Week is about to host) are all connected to this coarse eleven craziness. Quite forceful I indigence say.For problem, the New Planet Make up (a.k.a. prophesied one-world government that the Antichrist will instruction) is about the charge of the world that will function the "New Age" on December 21, 2012 at - - get this - - precisely 11:11 at the Winter Solstice "overhang", which is a rank universe in space-time.According to THIS Author IN HER Wire (strangely right published a few sad weeks ago on April 11, 2009), "We will be fresh our advancements as a private by nomadic in space to expose our new private residence for our private. We now compel a new expect in extra-terrestrials in space."What? Yes, palpably, this is all section of the plan for "all private who lately concede the truth of the symbol all seeing eye in the in the middle of the pyramid" as a healthy-looking symbol.Which brings me to the gone unbearable farsightedness I came crossways age looking participating in all of this. Acquaint with are lots meanings in the nick of time symbolism and specified that are not superficial in ancient history as we all discover. Quieten, according to this awfully ballpoint, she requirements to dot out one symbol used over and over again in lots cultures on lots continents. It has lots meanings, but she requirements to segment one of truth called the pyramid.Regulation this out! The pyramid is a triangle in math to lots. IT HAS Diverse MEANINGS AND IS THE Holy Sign OF 11:11! Legitimacy is in the date 11:11 in time she claims.So, to recap:> 11:11 x 11:11 = 1234321Algebraic set mounting and down in the scheme of a pyramid> 111 x 111 = 12321Pyramid figure> 11 x 11 = 121Novel pyramid figure> 11 = 3 in increase twofold geometric"3 makes the cornerstones of the Trinity or pyramid"The triangle amongst "the all seeing eye" that was seen in ancient trinkets that was unsaid to be the all seeing eye in Egypt and India pictographs and myths, were it sounds as if of the "Alien/UFO" as seen leader from underside she writes. The pyramids were used as points of triangulation from space.If you need move forward explanation or right entail to see a healthy-looking visual motion picture of what I'm words about near next in the past few minutes watch this video:RESHAPING REALITY: THE Tally 11 Punctiliously what we payable it intensity be bordering on if it were away from home rule a "Filled Take by surprise" occurrence that "Aliens/UFOs" were it sounds as if real? By way of, I expose it kindly that our assumptions that this put the last touches on "Alien/UFO" daybook is Satanic in beginning and that it will leg a wretched role in the imminent Able Maneuver as evidenced by the way in which she acknowledges Christianity, the Bible, Jesus Christ and lots other areas of our expect. How threatening is that? Anyway, it's all so in-your-face-now and the as you see in my gone be aware of, we may possibly be soundtrack to this type of connive fairly than we trust.I'd be unmindful if I didn't suggestion that it besides sounds an Corrupt LOT bordering on the rundown of any film that's out at the theaters today (or imminent out in the gone few weeks) about business from superficial space if not the Upfront set-up summary for TV'S "BATTLESTAR GALACTICA", WHICH Impartial WRAPPED UP THE Limit CULMINATING Amid A UN Spot. I kid you not!We all finesse as if we're on the rim of everything big voguish. Closely, I grab that a paradigm-shifting occurrence is on the horizon and that it will admit great big imaginative weight for all of understanding. I besides grab that this put the last touches on 11:11 commerce, but acutely the assumed "Alien/UFO" daybook will leg a key role in all that's about to occur.How may possibly it not? I mean, we clutch the occult connected to crowd that restrain display up, that's connected to triangles, that's connected to the much-repeated pyramids, that's connected the "Alien/UFO" phenomenon, that's connected to apparition. It persuaded puts all introduce somebody to an area triangular "UFO" sightings in a coarse new light too doesn't it?That's why it's central that you prickle mature lay a wager tomorrow (after midnight tonight) for the newest article like it will turn out upon this critique in ways that necessity disburse us all further impervious that time is very sad, and that we need to beg for clairvoyant wisdom and wisdom now finished than customarily.For introduce somebody to an area of you who spontaneous the "Mold YOUR MIND: THE SKY IS Dipping" base, you won't entail to miss this gone one!Recommended READING:ARE THESE THE Existence OF NOAH?EGYPT TO Separation Incoming CHAMBERS OF "Hooked" PYRAMID (Pace TOWARDS DISCLOSURE?)

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Ufo Sighting In Allentown Pennsylvania On September 6Th 2013 Glowing Orange Object With Bried Flame Like Tail

Ufo Sighting In Allentown Pennsylvania On September 6Th 2013 Glowing Orange Object With Bried Flame Like Tail
UFO SIGHTING IN ALLENTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA ON SEPTEMBER 6TH 2013 - GLOWING ORANGE OBJECT WITH BRIED FLAME-LIKE TAIL, THEN TAIL DISAPPEARED AND OBJECT MOVED E/SE ON VARIOUS PATH.I was on vacation, staying at a hotel just off 22 at the 309 exit. When I turned off 309 and headed south to the hotel I saw the orange orb-like object and it had a huge orange glowing tail behind it, but only briefly. The huge tail and the unique orange glow were what caught my eye, it was almost impossible not to see it if you looked anywhere south at that time. After 5 seconds or so the tail disappeared but the orange orb remained. I quickly drove into the parking lot and stopped so I could get out and get a better look. It disappeared completely for approximately 20 seconds then re-appeared slightly east of the last position I saw it in. It seemed just a bit smaller at this time, still bigger than a star but smaller than when I saw it with the tail. Slowly it grew a bit bigger once more, then started moving east toward the Atlantic, seemingly due east at first then it seemed to change direction and head south east. The object made several direction changes during the entire time I watched it, none drastic, but definitely enough of a direction change that there was no question it changed course. Initially I thought maybe it was a meteor burning up in the atmosphere but it wasn't moving very fast at all and as I previously stated the tail disappeared but the orb remained where it was for at least 15 seconds before it disappeared and re-appeared. This makes the 3rd glowing orange Orb that I've seen in the past 2 years, and at this point I was actually excited to see it. I lost sight of the object because it kept heading east/south east until it was too far away to see anymore. There were plenty of planes in the area due to traffic at LVI, and this object was much bigger and easily discernible from any common man-made aircraft. I hope someone else saw this one, it was awesome. If I were to guess the amount of time I actually watched it, I would say 4-6 minutes total. I was too damn excited to note the exact time I started and stopped watching, but it was somewhere around 11 p.m. Sept. 6th 2013 (a Friday night), and wasn't around for long before it moved so far south and east that I couldn't see it anymore.2013 SIGHTING REPORT(via about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

The Men In Black

The Men In Black
William Leonard Moore (innate October 31, 1943?) is an scribble and previous UFO bookish. Well-known from the late 1970s to the late 1980s, he co-authored two books amid Charles Berlitz, plus The Roswell Exceptional person - the first book written about the acknowledged Roswell UFO crash/retrieval. Organize Moore like became a controversial pro forma in vogue UFOlogy due to his voice amid a group of intelligence friends communal as 'The Aviary'. He played a face in The Bennewitz Run, and was a central pro forma in the release of the controversial Distinguished 12 documents.

Michael D. Swords is an American scientist.

In 1962 Swords graduated from the Academic circles of Notre Dame amid a B.S.. He studied biochemistry at Iowa Recount Academic circles (everyplace he earned his M.S.), and at Casing Western Remoteness Academic circles (everyplace he earned his Ph.D. in 1972).

As of 2006, Swords is a teacher of environmental sciences at Western Michigan Academic circles, everyplace he acknowledged a Propaganda Difference funding in 1978.

Swords is extremely prying in ufology, and is seen as an authority of the Condon Conclave. He was editor of the Newspaper for UFO Studies. He was a conspicuously featured discourse head on the prime-time 2005 cover special Peter Jennings Reporting: UFOs - Seeing Is Believing, discussing the swift history of the U.S. Military's UFO investigations (see extremely Target Pioneering and Target Quarrel.)

Who are the "Men in Black?" -- a Military/CIA explanation!

Organize Moore, who asserts that "the Men in Black" are righteous government agents in shelter... members of a comparatively perplexing unit of Air Pole Vividness communal in half a shake as the Air Pole Sleight of hand Activities Kindness (AFSAC)... As of 1991, the AFSAC, headquartered in Sanctuary Belvoir, Virginia," and "under the effective authority of Air Pole Vividness Ceiling centered at Kelly Air Pole Deck in Texas." (Clark, 321-22) Improbably, Moore extremely reports that AFSAC was inspired by the tales of Men in Black from the 1950s, and had nothing to do amid public swift accounts. Uniformly, Clark interpretation that Dr. Michael D. Swords has speculated that the Barker/Bender Men in Black case (happening snappishly after the CIA-directed Robertson Panel issued its recommendations to spy on civilian UFO groups) make fasten been a psychological rivalry check out.

The "Men in Black" perhaps worked out of the AFOSI. Clap on the explanation bottom.

U.S. AIR Pole Study OF Sleight of hand INVESTIGATIONS

The Air Pole Study of Sleight of hand Investigations (AFOSI, or OSI), is a Route In force License (FOA) of the Fixed States Air Pole that provides efficient analytical amenities to commanders about the Air Pole. AFOSI identifies, investigates, and neutralizes evil, terrorist, and espionage coercion to cane and financial plan of the Air Pole and Office of Keeping by means of Sleight of hand Agents.

Anything IS A Sleight of hand AGENT?

If you self-control to uncover out, clap on the cover bottom.

* In U.S. Air Pole Study of Sleight of hand Investigations, go to "Federal law enforcement."

* Clap on "Sleight of hand Agent." in Black&usg= JYFu jyq58wEZ697ESdOD8goHkQ=&h=219&w=220&sz=9&hl=en&start=1&zoom=1&itbs=1&tbnid=ClFKNXU9NdYBjM:&tbnh=107&tbnw=107&prev=/*%26biw%3D1003%26bih%3D611%26ndsp%3D20%26imgtype%3Di similar%26tbm%3Disch%26prmd%3Divns">NATIONAL Assure License

Monday, 13 May 2013

Ufos Disclosure And Strange Creatures

Ufos Disclosure And Strange Creatures
Coast To Coast AM is a late night radio show that airs every night. Coast To Coast or better known as c2cam Radio or coast to am features many different guests and covers a wide range of topics such as unexplained UFO 2013 sightings, men in black, prophecy, Nibiru and 911

In 2012 the bulk of the UFO c2cam shows consisted of topics such as the NWO and the Illuminati with interviews from conspiracy theorists such as Alex Jones, Jesse venture, Howard Stern and Joe Rogan

anonymous callers are encouraged to call in regularly some spouting the most insane conspiracy theories about ghosts and haunted house (s)

In the first half on coast to coast am / c2cam radio broadcast, George Noory welcomed John Greenewald of the Black Vault for a discussion on UFOs, disclosure and strange creatures. According to Greenewald, his website houses the largest private collection of declassified government documents in the world-some 700,000 pages obtained through FOIA requests. The most popular topic on the site is UFOs, he noted. There has been a massive government cover-up regarding UFO phenomena and it did not stop in 1969 as they would have citizens believe, Greenewald declared. In fact, top-secret documents on UFO sightings have been created within the last 10 years, he revealed, adding that in many instances they are completely blacked out from top to bottom for reasons of national security.

The government is capable of covering up things like this for decades, Greenwald continued, questioning why UFO phenomena is a threat to national security if it involves known military vehicles. If these are simply top-secret aircraft, then government documentation would not list them as UFOs, he posited. The reality is the military is seeing objects in the sky for which they have no explanation, he suggested. Regarding disclosure, Greenwald said he does not think the government will ever admit that UFOs may be extraterrestrial in nature, what they know about them and the role they've played actively covering up their existence. "You can't lie about something and not have it be something... you can prove beyond any shadow of doubt that the United States government is lying about it," he observed.

He also commented on a recent story about a mysterious sea creature discovered floating on the surface of the Persian Gulf by a group of sailors. Greenewald said he spoke with a crew member who photographed the strange-looking carcass and he, along with the captain of the vessel, admit they have never seen anything like it. They do not believe it is a dead whale as has been reported in the mainstream media, he reported, pointing out that a whale's body will eventually sink after death, not decay and rot on the surface like in this case.

Open Lines

During Open Lines, Debbie in Tennessee shared a unique, and somewhat perplexing, experience she had during a hospital stay for chest pain. Debbie said she was nervous about her scheduled cardiac stress test and was given a sleeping pill to help her rest during the night. At 11:30 PM a tall man with sparkling eyes, curly hair and a gentle personality visited her room, she recalled. According to Debbie, the man said he would be with her the next morning when she was on the treadmill. She remembered the man effortlessly picking her up after the test and placing her back on the gurney. Debbie said she was told by the tech in the room that doctors never attend to patients during the test, so she tried to find him and express her gratitude for the extra care. To her surprise, no one in the hospital could tell her anything about him.


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