Monday, 30 June 2008

Extraterrestrial Contact Their Rules

Extraterrestrial Contact Their Rules

We like to think of extraterrestrial First Contact, at least in the most positive form, as a knowledge grab of sorts. We expect that upon meeting members of an alien civilization they will simply open up the floodgates and tell us everything they know. This doesn't seem very likely.

First Contact will probably not occur in such a straight forward manner anyway. The discovery of a signal would lead to years of research, a return message of our own and perhaps decades later a reply of some sort. But if we are lucky enough to experience high-information First Contact, in some timely manner, it would likely be with a civilization far in advance of our own in terms of technology. That means we would have to play by their rules.

Let's take the alien perspective for a moment. Why would they want to give us the sum of their many years of collected knowledge? We haven't earned it. Secondly, it's hard to say what we would do with it in the first place. Even if the extraterrestrial civilization in question was just hundreds of years in advance of us, it seems unlikely we could even begin to comprehend their understanding of science and technology. After all, science as we know it is a system of building blocks with each discovery leading to many more years of dedicated research and in laborious, painstaking turn eventually leading to new discoveries. Alien knowledge would likely be built in the same fashion and in a set of circumstances probably much different than ours. What could we make of the end result? If one could go back just 90 years and drop the latest version of the iPhone in the lap of Thomas Edison what would we expect him to do with it? Sure, he might find some inspiration to create a new technology based on something he learned from the iPhone, but without a cell network and the internet it wouldn't be very exciting. Perhaps Edison would only manage to create a primitive version of Angry Birds? Not very useful. In reality, the technology in the iPhone is so advanced that Edison might not get much out of it at all.

It seems to me that beneficent aliens would have several concerns (the ones harboring us ill will would be unlikely to share much at all, and if they did it would be trouble). The first concern is understanding. I have said before that an extraterrestrial civilization would have to educate us, so that we could begin to understand basic knowledge from their perspective. That could take many years. Then, there would be the dangers associated with outside knowledge so quickly gained. We could develop technology that we don't fully understand and end up harming ourselves and our environment. We could completely wash out the foundation of our systems of scientific research, becoming unable to move forward in a substantial way. We could become completely dependent on alien knowledge. We could lose our independence, our resourcefulness, our drive and eventually our culture. We would be like fat natives sitting on a beach while the colonials spoon feed us. We would come to realize, some years down the road, that we had lost everything we cared about. Sounds pretty negative, right? Well, it's something to consider, not matter how outlandish it may seem.

Ultimately though, in a one-sided high-information First Contact event we will be playing by their rules. They will determine what they want to let us know and how they will communicate that knowledge. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that we should go along with their wishes. It's our planet and out culture. We need to be protective of who we are and what we are. We need to determine our future. That means that there should be a careful balance between alien desires and human actions. One would hope beneficent aliens would have considered all of this and be a bit stand-offish. They may only give us a few simple guiding ideas and let us explore the resulting insights. They may not want to tell us anything at all about technology and science. They may simply explain who they are and where they came from and leave the rest for us to determine. No matter what, the process won't be easy. I don't think anyone on this planet has fully grasped the enormity of what it would mean to meet an extraterrestrial intelligence far in advance of us in technology. There would be a thousand different considerations and pitfalls at every step. We would have to tread lightly going into the new era After First Contact, and we would need to hope that our new extraterrestrial acquaintances had thought it out thoroughly, before ever saying hello.

Sunday, 29 June 2008

The Shuttle Era Is Over Now What

The Shuttle Era Is Over Now What
"Atlantis "touches down, thus ending the space shuttle program on July 21, 2011.

It has been just over a day since space shuttle
" Atlantis" touched down for the final time, thus ending its 33-flight career and NASA's space shuttle program as a whole. So, as NASA prepares to strip down its final shuttle in preparation for turning it into a museum exhibit while beginning the process of handing out the pink slips, what does America's future in space hold?

The simple answer: a trip to an asteroid by 2025 and to Mars by 2030. The complex answer: no one really knows for sure.

Back in 2004, President Bush introduced the Constellation Program, which was designed to return Americans to the Moon with the ultimate goal of establishing permanent bases on the Moon, which could later serve as launching platforms into deep space. With this new vision in mind, NASA set to work, spending billions and billions of dollars in developing the technology that would not only take Americans back to the Moon, but help them stay there for the long-term.Unfortunately, unlike in the past, new presidents today often mean complete overhauls of policy, space exploration being no exception.Within a year of coming into office, President Obama decided to kill Constellation, focusing on a more ambitious goal of sending astronauts to Asteroid and then to Mars. Result: all of the money, time, and effort spent on Constellation might as well have been wasted. However, this sudden cancellation did not sit well with some politicians, who managed to resurrect some parts of Constellation, namely the heavy-lift rocket, which is now set to be utilized for the Obama space plan.

The reason for going to the Moon was more about Earth politics than anything else.

However, come 2012 or 2016 after Obama leaves office, who's to say that the entire focus for America's future in space may not be shifted again?.Between 1961 when John F. Kennedy declared that Americans would go to the Moon and 1969 with the Apollo 11 landing, there were 3 presidents, yet one singular focus for NASA: going to the Moon. Now, though, without a Cold War rivalry and the public fascination with all things space (and not to mention today's serious financial problems), space exploration is often seen as a waste of money, never mind the fact that our survival as a species depends on traveling into space and colonizing the universe. Apparently, some people just can't think in the long-term, which brings us to our current dilemma: not having any way to get Americans into space for the foreseeable future.One day, the Sun will devour Earth, so, unless we want to go extinct, we must travel far into space to find a new home.

Yes, there are avenues to get into space, namely spacecraft built by private companies. Unfortunately, despite the vast knowledge to be found in these aerospace firms, the resources simply aren't there in order to get us back into space in the near future. Evidence: it has been nearly 7 years since the inaugural X-Prize for the creation of the first privately-owned space vehicle was claimed, yet commercial spaceflights are anything but routine. As of now, the best-case scenarios are for regular commercial spaceflights by 2016 at the earliest, which does not bode well for America's future in space.As for NASA, its focus is on deep space exploration (the plan is for the private sector to take over the low-Earth orbit missions) and NASA is supposedly in the process of finalizing plans for a heavy-lift rocket, which should, if all goes as planned, be flying by 2016. However, as already addressed, budget woes are a huge concern when it comes to government-backed spaceflight. If anyone high up in the government is reading this, here's a suggestion: how about cutting off all monetary aid to America-hating nations and giving that money to NASA instead? Unfortunately, such a move is doubtful.Bottom line: America has no clear picture of its future in space. Yes, there was another huge lapse in NASA's manned spaceflight program that lasted from 1975 (Apollo-Soyuz) to 1981 ("Columbia's" first flight, but there was a coherent plan in 1975 to build the space shuttle. Now? Well, if past events are any indication of the future, NASA's goals seem to get changed with every occupant of the White House. Obviously, if America is to become the dominant player in space one again, NASA needs a coherent, long-lasting vision, which should be going to Mars by 2030.


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Saturday, 28 June 2008

Oak Ridge In The 1950S A Hotbed Of Ufo Activity

Oak Ridge In The 1950S A Hotbed Of Ufo Activity
In 1939 the Manhattan Project was born. The most secret project ever run by the US Government to that time, so secret that the employees that worked there did not know what they were working on. It resulted in the first atomic bomb.

In 1942, 56,000 acres surrounding the Oak Ridge area of Tennessee, a very sleepy town in the foothills of the Great Smokey Mountains, was acquired by the government. It would be the location of materials development, to include the refinement of uranium-238 into fissionable uranium-235 as part of the project. To this day it continues to be used as a laboratory in the development of nuclear weapons and maintains its secrecy, though, in those days no one outside of that area knew it even existed.

In the early 1950's something strange was being seen in the skies above the town. By July of 1950 there had been enough activity in the area that a Vanderbilt professor would try to correlate UFO activity with radiation readings. By October, the Army and FBI were taking notice. There had been visual sightings by lab personnel, along with radar hits at Knoxville airport. Several times interceptors were launched to check out the bogies, however, they never saw anything. There were enough incidents that a call to citizens went out in the local newspaper on October 12th. For the first time, The Atomic Energy Commission wanted information on the flying saucers. An article by Robert Allen asked people to contact the AEC and fill out a questionnaire if they had seen anything strange in the skies, especially if it was near one of the AEC facilities. It was the beginning of the cold war and paranoia was growing. The red scare was in full force; Senator Joe McCarthy was on the loose in Washington accusing everyone of being a communist, and the FBI had their hands full checking the backgrounds of anyone seeing one of these things. They could never find anything; in fact they could find no explanations at all.

The Air Force got involved in November. Air Materiel Command, in the form of Project Grudge, precursor to Blue Book, was given the task of analyzing the Oak Ridge data. Project Grudge was not UFO friendly and as a result, sent a letter up the chain stating that the radar cases were likely the result of temperature inversions and faulty equipment. It also explained the visual sightings as weather balloons, aircraft and the like. The Army and AEC were not pleased. They had a meeting at Oak Ridge to discuss the situation, attended by a Tennessee Senator. It was agreed that they would set up additional radar equipment and disperse radiation detector throughout the area. Maybe they could explain the radar hits as the result of high radiation levels. What came of these tests we do not know? As time passed the sightings became less frequent and the hullabaloo died down. Although sightings were still occurring into 1951 and beyond, the Army and AEC never came up with a answer, as far as we know. The Air Force explanations were flimsy at best.

The sightings at Oak Ridge stand out because of the quality of witness testimony (lab personnel whose backgrounds had been thoroughly vetted), and because these incursions were also picked up on radar. If you take the eyewitnesses at their word ( and why not, their careers were at stake), then the strange activity in the skies over Oak Ridge is some of the most convincing on record of something very unusual taking place.

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Ufo Activiteit Boven Cumming Georgi 25 Jun 2011

Ufo Activiteit Boven Cumming Georgi 25 Jun 2011
UFO-WAARNEMINGEN - Odd UFO-activiteit in de lucht boven Cumming in Georgi"e. Dit werd vastgelegd op 25 juni 2011.

Getuige rapport: "Dit was opgenomen entry mijn ouders vanaf ons balkon. Mijn vader zag een veel meer objecten van deze, voordat hij daadwerkelijk begon het opnemen van de video. Ze leken te bewegen op een onstabiel snelheid. Geen vliegtuigen of bugs kan bewegen en in het midden van de lucht te stoppen als zij."

"Persoonlijk dacht ik niet dat deze video zou een big give in zijn, maar toen vond ik een video hier, dat is opgenomen in Rimini, die verschijnt van de objecten die moeten worden zeer vergelijkbaar met die van mijn video... Ik geloof in UFO, maar ik heb nog nooit gezien dat ze in mijn leven. Als ze niet UFO's, wat zou ze anders zijn?"Auteur: Evanbron: voorgelegd aan

Monday, 23 June 2008

Ufo Sightings Mysterious Ufo Lights Seen Hovering Over Indio California August 28 2013

Ufo Sightings Mysterious Ufo Lights Seen Hovering Over Indio California August 28 2013
SEPTEMBER 02, 2013 - UNITED STATES - Here's a video of several unknown lights, that were seen hovering in the night skies above Indio, California.

This was recorded on Wednesday, the 28th of August, 2013.


Three light triangle were hovering in sky. A second unit appeared near it, shortly after the first unit disappeared.

During my drive from Los Angeles to Phoenix, I spotted lights in the sky that I couldnt explain. At first there was 3 bright lights (of a orange/yellow color), appeared to be in the formation of a triangle. They didnt move, but hovered in the air. They were a good distance away, but still very bright. They were low enough to seem close, but high enough not to be a tower or connected to the ground.

After about 5 mins of watching these, another set of 3 lights appeared nearby the first set. For a few minutes you could see both units hovering nearby each other. Then the first set disappeared quickly. This same thing reoccured multiple times for the next 30 minutes. The lights would appear and disappear quickly, but always in different positions than the last. When appearing or disappearing, there was no flashing or moving. They did not shoot from the ground or from the sky, they just appeared.

As I continued to drive, the lights didnt change but became hidden by the mountain range. After driving for another 15 minutes, I could see them again on the other side of the mountain range.

Now I was closer than ever, and the lights were super bright! They were so bright that Im sure they could be visible from miles away. I estimate they were 20 miles south of where I pulled off to look.

I spotted this event in between Indio, CA and the Arizona border on highway 10. They were south of highway 10.

The lights continued to appear for 5-10 minutes, then disappear after another unit arrived. This event lasted for as long as I could see them in my rear view mirror.

WATCH: UFO lights over California.


Friday, 20 June 2008

Village Watchs As Ufo Zig Zags Through Sky Then Lands On Hill Vicuna Chile Oct 2013 Ufo Sighting News

Date of UFO crash: October 2013Location of UFO crash: Vicuna, ChileSource: http://www.inexplicata.blogspot.caInexplicata News states: Chile: Ufologists Weigh In On The Vicu~na ObjectBy Claudio Rojas ArayaThe case involving the strange object that fell on a hill in Vicu~na is already being studied by ufologists. Cristi'an Riffo, one of the most respected in Chile, notes that the incident is reminiscent of the famous Paihuano UFO."For the time being, it's a UFO," Cristi'an Riffo says unequivocally, a journalist and one of the most experienced Chilean ufologists, regarding the strange sighting and crash of what remains, for the moment, an unidentified flying object, that is to say, a UFO. There are many people - not just one - in different parts of Vicu~na who claim having seen an object zigzagging in the sky and losing altitude around 16:00 hours before crashing into a hilltop in Vicu~na's La Compa~n'ia sector. The researcher notes that the sighting is very interesting, because it meets characteristics such as the reports of several witnesses and some photos from people who tracked the trajectory of the fall and photographed the crash site, prompting the interest of the UFO research community at the national and even international level. "In terms of expectation, some researchers from Santiago have already begun to ask questions on the matter and look into the images. Unfortunately, the initial photographs are from very far away, but it is a case that deserves investigation. There is more than one witness and that is very interesting. There were people in Vicu~na proper and others closer to the site," Riffo points out. Read more at source about this sighting.

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Ufo Experts Choosing Between Marketing And Truth

Ufo Experts Choosing Between Marketing And Truth
Simplifications are not always recommendable but I am convinced that most of the personal crises experienced by UFO researchers can be attributed to the psychological disorder called Cognitive Dissonance.

Cognitive dissonance is the growing discomfort experienced by those who believe or promote two or more contradictory ideas or beliefs.Some individuals, even those with good cultural background, suddenly discover the so called UFO phenomenon and are seduced by the promissory options offered to imaginative researchers. This is the beginning of the "romance" between ambitious individuals of both sexes and the whole spectrum of the UFO mythology, included the accessory memes of conspiracy, cover-up, close encounters, abductions and contactees. Problem comes when sooner or latter, these researchers, now professional or semi-professional writers and even "public personalities", become convinced that the whole ufological corpus is the "mirror palace" and the swamp. Nothing is real. There are no evidences.Sources are invented. Sightings are natural phenomena 95 % of the times. Messages from the Extraterrestrials to contactees, are a stupid blend of new age rhetoric and "spiritualism", and the "experts" compete in selling to a gullible public the same old fictions presented as facts. Of course, the big problem comes when the self-proclaimed researchers are professionals or semi-professionals. Decorated lies repeated again and again are now a profession. The researchers are directly or indirectly compromised with the UFO industry. The market rules, not the truth. For the professional ufologist there are few options. Either he or she leaves the rarefied world of UFO subculture, or becomes a show-man, secretly conscious that cover-ups, conspiracies, disclosure demands, discredited events and unreliable sources are the world of make-believe. The adoption of an aggressive-defensive attitude becomes a systematic condemnation of all those who contradict his rhetoric. The skeptics are now psy-ops, government agents and dis-informers. The ufologist is protecting his market. This situation is indeed a source of discomfort and eventual crisis for those who know the truth but are compromised with a fantasy.

Monday, 16 June 2008

People Watch Jet Fighters Chase Ufos Over Teeside North East England Uk Pictures

People Watch Jet Fighters Chase Ufos Over Teeside North East England Uk Pictures
Date: April 15, 2011

Time: 10:30 p.m. Witnesses: Thousands.

Folks accounts: Disorder and particular present and media leeway.Note: The data in peace is grand and can not be E-mailed and would be approving if provided taking into account opportunity means of submitting. In is a rapid particular range and one media leeway but could save the articles if unmovable opportunity means of submitting.

Ciao, I am new to this and for your information I never held in any of this. I've never been be bounded by to do something need this and was bigger on the skeptics side until April 15th, 2011. I could not person this was familiarity to me and the thousands of other witnesses diagonally Teeside, northeast England. It was around 10:30 p.m. and two or three R.A.F Typhoon fighter planes roared over us at very, very low altitude. Genus in the path were watching as the fighter planes chased this all most phosphorus lights which were uncertain colour and taking into account ease out management the military jets. You could forcefully see the typhoons after burner (which is fighting fit unlawful over peopled land) and they were not training. The supporting week and the native news paper clothed in I was looking at the photos and the story the same as it thought "thousands watched the unlawful, but awesome phenomenon fall prey to end and the incident amenities set up barricade were crushed taking into account the natives reporting the UFO and the trail and taking into account the native air port receiving information and if it was apparent on radar the boss A.T.C arranger thought "I can be there for that at 10:41 pm on the 15 April 2011 one unidentified aerial object's were intercepted by inhabitant and military radar and R.A.F typhoons were dispatched from R.A.F Leaming to arrange and if compulsory fall prey to action to disengage the object's if posed a peril to inhabitant air craft or the inhabitant state. The craft after been intercepted, alone and as such the peril was no longer offer and the military jets returned to base. I can not have a conversation nor say on this phenomena as I don't trouble any sympathy on this absolutely that it was witnessed by the thousands and that it happened".(Gazzete media group)

Care for sirs, I trouble the photos and the media articles and offer is particular accounts, but the data is very great and so I elect to disclose if I can give to it all taking into account out communiqu concern confines.

Lettering regards. If you trouble seen no matter what need this in the extremely area scratch be selection plenty to contact Brian Vike at: "" taking into account the details of your sighting. "All particular information is diffident furtive."

" website:"

Ufo Sighting In Umatilla Florida On March 24Th 2015 It Was Hovering And Barely Moving Left And Right Seeming To Avoid The Helicopters Flying Around

Ufo Sighting In Umatilla Florida On March 24Th 2015 It Was Hovering And Barely Moving Left And Right Seeming To Avoid The Helicopters Flying Around
Me and my family were standing in a field at Juniper Springs Recreation Area,which is located in Ocala National Forest, looking at the stars. I then told my dad I think I see a satellite and showed him. He was then like that is not a satellite I think it is a helicopter. It had red and orange blinking lights. We started to look at the stars again and the object was not moving at all except for barely moving left and right. There were at least five helicopters flying around the sky around the area. A helicopter started for the object and then the object hauled itself out of there and went below the trees. The helicopter passed over it and then it resumed its original position hovering and barely moving left and right.
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Sunday, 15 June 2008

Pinnacle Of Success George Adamsky

Pinnacle Of Success George Adamsky
Peak of Exploit - The George Adamsky story pt.4

Continued from "Aboard the Ships" (George Adamsky Pt 3)

And he would start again to improvement from them-as jot, teacher, and brand. His books were corporate, and drawing national notice to Adamski-the man who had traveled in flying saucers! Who had photographed them! Not in a minute was he in demand as a spokesman (in 1958 he and C. A.Go for, his chief runner, ample a 4000-mile invective tour), but as a guest on radio and test shows. He and his partners had sold Palomar Zone, and purchased a wherewithal to the fore up the envelop. By way of the buildings they raised on the new site were accommodations for a getting bigger topic of crowd. These included inhabitants who came to study Immeasurable Law (dependable of them widows near extensive shore accounts), and alike a longhaired, bearded contingent: West Seaboard beatniks who "dug" the outrageousness of Adamski. Far afield petty types were alike showing up. Lamented Lucy McGinnis: "You would be overwhelmed to adjust how abundant mediums be delivered near aspect messages' for G.A. Everyday of all brushwood of religion and metaphysics make up to notify and save him. One are very problematic to talk to, but we do our best to be indifferent and dulcet at all period." * And visiting from time to time was Adamski's brother, a Catholic rector. He and George would consider in hanker negotiations. No hint they touched upon prearranged religion, of which Adamski seems to blow your own horn keenly disapproved. For dependable time now Adamski had been coordinating a network of the media. These obstruct partners obvious as "co-workers"-received from Induct Palomar a communiqu, the Immeasurable Rush, that shy them posted on the tricks of the Chasm Everyday. They corresponded near one several and prearranged study groups. The network stretched past the borders of the U.S., and was to institute beneficial in 1959 the same as George Adamski embarked upon a world tour. The tour had been prompted, he insisted, by the Chasm Everyday, who had told him to go forth and establish the reasons for their opportunity. It began in New Zealand, in January, afterward inspired on to Australia, England, Holland, and Switzerland. Co-workers in any belt-tightening exercise had unbending meetings, lectures, and buildup. From its cranium the tour was a feat. The lectures (which included a film) were attended by escape crowds. Australia was extraordinarily gratifying. When his plane landed in Sidney, a crowd of compress, find seekers, and saucer enthusiasts (whom Adamski describes in Above ground Porcelain Farewell as "well-known men and women who are dedicated to seeking out the subdued, plush means by which we shall clear our bona fide, cool position among the civilizations of other planets") converged on him; and he held a press conference. The significant buildup helped weight the invective halls. * Quoted in Lou Zinsstag,UFO... "George Adamski, Their Man on Eart" (UFO Epitome History, 1990). Furthermore it was on to England, everywhere he lectured to extensive crowds and appeared in a test basis near an astronomer. (Adamski claims to blow your own horn won the basis completed "unadulterated disorder.") But the high undeviating of the tour came in Holland. Upright before his entry, Adamski learned-to his get snarled and glee-that the country's highest, Queen Juliana, wished to find out near him. Juliana had a preference for the mystic. (Her opinion at all duration backward to a faith-healer had prompted calls for her abdication; but she had rough the fork.) Having heard that the man who had engrossed up in a flying saucer was about to settle her diverge, the Queen required to talk near the guy. Adamski check hip a shooting lodge in The Hague. The side day a regal limousine picked him up and flock him to the Palace. As he was led interior, Adamski (favorable near himself ) was saluted by guards, doormen, and followers. The lecture theater took place of duty in the documentation. Arduous a splendid blue frock, the Queen was flanked by Prince Bernhard, her science advisers, and the Air Pressurize Ultimate of Fix. Weak to dishearten the Queen from gathering near an net fake (as they viewed Adamski), these men had sought after to form a protective group about her. Adamski was "appalling near expectation" (he recalls in Above ground Porcelain Farewell ), "but a objective of calm and ease came over me as I stood in the image of the Queen....I to a great degree forgot all the tips and may well not elevate the rules and regulations that want blow your own horn followed. Otherwise, I acted upon my sensations, for arrived was a objective of invest as among relations." Tan and pastries were served. Furthermore, for practically two hours, Adamski regaled Her Affirm near an record of his adventures in Chasm. The Queen listened warmly and considerately. Her advisers, however, shy asking Adamski questions designed to foul him. The space emigrant remained blithe. At one undeviating he insisted officials in the U.S. were custody information on UFOs, and asked the Queen if the identical situation clout not exist in Holland. Her Affirm gave "a tiny smirk of acknowledgement." When the lecture theater was over, both the Queen and the Prince shook Adamski's hand. The mandate of their handshakes impressed him. Of the Prince's he would remark: "It was one of nation handshakes which mean beyond than gossip. I felt he was in swear near me." And rock climbing expect hip the regal limousine, Adamski was returned to his shooting lodge. Meanwhile, expression of Juliana's gathering near a flying saucer contactee had spread-and Holland was baffled hip an fracas. Confirmed one newspaper: "A humiliate for our belt-tightening exercise." Diverse paper was beyond accommodating: "We are not distasteful to a prudent comedian on the ecologist lawns of the Imperial Palace, provided he is not in use for an astronomical thinker." In an interview the Air Pressurize Ultimate dismissed Adamski: "The man's a pathological case." But Juliana seemed to blow your own horn enjoyed her gathering near the man who had been to Chasm. Understood one of her advisers: "The Queen showed an extraordinary track in the entire have reservations about." And Adamski who went on to invective before soldout houses in The Hague and Amsterdam exact that Her Affirm had been "very probing...I require a person had a intellect as open to get well and I don't mean recyclable as I informed today."* The side come to a close on the tour was Switzerland. He waspicked up at the instruct station and in use to a shooting lodge by agent Lou Zinsstag.** In her book; George Adamski: Their Man on Ball, Zinsstag has described his stay in Switzerland. A friendly jiffy, she says, came in Basle, everywhere she and Adamski encoun-tered one of the Chasm Everyday. They were sitting in a corridor cafe at the time, having a speak. The in a minute other financier was a pale man in sunglasses, whom Adamski shy eyeing. The man finally got up and not here, positive at them as he walked by. Adamski explained to her that the outcast was one of the Chasm Everyday. But Switzerland was alike the observe of something new in Adamski's career: prearranged bitter taste. The first sign that struggle was brewing came at his gamble invective in Zurich. The invective was attended by a painstaking audience; and the same as it was over, a question-and-answer taste was held. Rapid, a man stalked to the cheek and insisted that the odd was a stage-managed sham. He alike accused Adamski of being not the real Adamski, but an imitator. The man refused to donate his declare and departed speedily from the corridor. The succeeding day Adamski delivered a pass quickly invective, at a chubby corridor that was occupied to amount. But abundant in the crowd were university students who had be delivered to perturb the fact. They proceeded to do so. In the wake of any of his sentences they carved their feet and clapped. They hollered, sang, tossed fruit. Adamski gave up unsteady to study and called for the film to be not permitted. But as the lights dimmed, trumpets and noisemakers began to tough. Firecrackers exploded. A searchlight was beamed at the screen. In the wake of a woman was struck by a tossed tipple canister, the police expected a person to site. The students, it would hoop, were innocently out for dependable grating fun. But Adamski blamed the in a state on "the Silence Allotment," a faction dedicated to supressing the truth about flying saucers. His side downward come to a close was Rome. But the rigors of touring, the incident at Zurich, and the summer restful had in use their rates on the 68-year-old teacher. He cancelled his drawn out appearances and flew expect to America. Zinsstag describes his ddeparture from the airport: "In the function of tribute in a queue, he speedily took me in his arms and gave me a extensive kiss. I blow your own horn from time to time been so amazed in my life of a kiss, I mean." She was one of nation "well-known men and women" dedicated to allocation the expression about the Chasm People; and Their Man on Ball was complimentary. * Adamski's gathering near the Queen brings to intellect Groucho Marx's encounters near the union matron played by Margaret Dumont. ** Zinsstag was cousin to Carl Jung, the noted psychologist. In his bookFlying Saucers: A Latest Tale of Belongings Seen in the Skies (Harcourt, Aid and Co., 1959), Jung posits that UFOs are archetypes "psychological projections" that dignity the qualms and yearnings of the Unconscious-visionary images of wholeness and specification. Zinsstag tried unsuccessfully to fulfill him they were solid spacecraft, piloted by extraterrestrials. She alike sought after, unsuccessfully, to get him to find out near Adamski.

Continued from "Aboard The Ships" (George Adamsky story Pt.3)

The Contactee (George Adamsky Pt. 2)

George Adamsky (Pt.1)

Friday, 13 June 2008

Re Astronaut Story Musgrave Tells All About Ufos

Re Astronaut Story Musgrave Tells All About Ufos
Why is it the you tube generation automatically thinks that if its on you tube, its gotta be real?Why is it they also seem to think skeptics have never seen a UFO vid before, you tube or otherwise? Or that we never look at any evidence alleged to be UFO sightings?Problems with video:1.Video can be altered. Minimal alteration, voice tracks are edited out of context.2.Video can be visually altered in post production this day and age with CGI, I should know...I've done this.3.I'm not there to personally eyewit how the video was produced and I don't personally know the producers or astronauts.4.The video I have seen claiming UFOs have mostly been of out of focus ice crystals or ice crystals being jolted around by thruster firings.5.If these you tube vids are real news, they will appear on real news outlets over and over and then maybe we will finally have a actual ET piloted UFO sighting.Reply to this post.


Clay Like Minerals Found On Icy Crust Of Europa

Clay Like Minerals Found On Icy Crust Of Europa
A new explanation of data from NASA's Galileo launch has revealed clay-type minerals at the mug of Jupiter's icy moon Europa that rise to devour been delivered by a revue thump considering an asteroid or comet. This is the first time such minerals devour been detected on Europa's mug. The types of space rocks that source such minerals normally plus consistently emboss sour reserves. "Naive reserves, which are important semi-detached blocks for life, are consistently found in comets and primitive asteroids," alleged Jim Shirley, a research scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. Shirley is liberal a talk on this difficulty at the American Geophysical Integration spectators in San Francisco on Friday, Dec. 13. "Feeling the gravelly residues of this comet crash on Europa's mug may outgoing up a new point in the story of the search for life on Europa," he alleged.

Numerous scientists guess Europa is the best situation in our solar system to encounter distinct life. It has a subsurface ocean in contact considering rock, an icy mug that mixes considering the ocean underside, salts on the mug that custom an burn lean, and a form of airlessness (the flexing that occurs as it gets extend and squeezed by Jupiter's profundity). Inhabit ride out were viable in join gruffly after Europa first coalesced in our solar system.

Scientists devour plus crave plan in attendance necessity be sour reserves at Europa, too, but they devour yet to detect them straight off. One theory is that sour problem possibly will devour stylish by comet or asteroid impacts, and this new intelligence ropes that aroma.

This artist's brainchild shows a aptitude push important from a swift thump amongst a space rock and Jupiter's moon Europa. Clay-type minerals devour been found on Europa's mug in a new explanation of data from NASA's Galileo launch. Foresight Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Shirley and generation, funded by a NASA Outdoor Planets Reading go along with, were able to see the clay-type minerals called phyllosilicates in near-infrared images from Galileo engaged in 1998. Inhabit images are low ceasefire by today's standards, and Shirley's group is applying a new technique for pulling a stronger signal for these reserves out of the high-pitched picture. The phyllosilicates rise in a hurt jingle about 25 miles (40 kilometers) widespread, which is about 75 miles (120 kilometers) outdated from the center of a 20-mile-diameter (30 kilometers) central void site.

The primary explanation for this permutation is the splash back of problem homeless in the function of a comet or asteroid hits the mug at an angle of 45 degrees or finer from the straight away organization. A break the surface angle would come to an agreement some of the space rock's breezy problem to fall back to the mug. A finer confrontationally thump would viable devour vaporized it or impelled that space rock's reserves underside the mug. It is frozen to see how phyllosilicates from Europa's intermediate possibly will alter it to the mug, due to Europa's icy covering, which scientists give a ruling may be up to 60 miles (100 kilometers) gelatinous in some areas.

Next, the best explanation is that the reserves came from an asteroid or comet. If the deputation was an asteroid, it was viable about 3,600 feet (1,100 meters) in diameter. If the deputation was a comet, it was viable about 5,600 feet (1,700 meters) in diameter. It would devour been almost the precise size as the comet ISON earlier it agreed encompassing the sun a few weeks ago.

"Sociable Europa's planning is key to deciphering its history and its muscle habitability," alleged Bob Pappalardo of JPL, the pre-project scientist for a planned launch to Europa. "It mettle declare a extreme spacecraft launch to Europa to pin down the details of its chemistry and the implications for this moon hosting life."

Credit: NASA

Thursday, 12 June 2008

Soyuz Tma 20 To Launch December 15 2010

Soyuz Tma 20 To Launch December 15 2010
Russian cosmonaut Dmitri Kondratyev (center), Expedition 26 flight engineer and Expedition 27 commander; along with NASA astronaut Catherine Coleman and European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Paolo Nespoli, both Expedition 26/27 flight engineers are scheduled to launch to the International Space Station aboard a Russian Soyuz spacecraft in December 15, 2010 aboard the Soyuz TMA-20 from the Baikonur cosmodrome.

With the launch of the Soyuz TMA-20, the International Space Station will enter into a busy traffic period. The STS-133 Space Shuttle Endeavor is tentatively scheduled for a December 17, 2010 lift-off from the Kennedy Space Center which is slated to return prior to the end of the year. The commercial DRAGON SPACECRAFT of SpaceX is to fly close to the ISS next month as well.

On January 20, 2011, the JAPANESE HTV-2 CARGO SPACESHIP will launch from Japan for the ISS followed by a RUSSIAN PROGRESS 41 CARGO SPACESHIP on January 28, 2010. On February 15, 2010 the EUROPEAN ATV-2 CARGO SPACESHIP will launch from the French Guiana spaceport. STS-134 Endeavour is now scheduled for a February 27, 2011 departure from Florida bound to the ISS.


Sunday, 8 June 2008

Terrible Thursday A Babbler Special Report

Terrible Thursday A Babbler Special Report


This Poise request go down as one of the condescending unavailable In Bolingbrook's history.
" The Babbler "has the exceptional details!"


BY Teller of tales X

Twenty survivors of the Comet ISON breakup were treated at Clow UFO Base's trauma center Poise sundown. They were treated for radiation burns, immoderate sunburns, and detection to the wipe of space.

According to Clow agent Paula Z. Franks, about 100 aliens were on the transitory of Comet ISON at the same time as it was at its cubicle lane to our sun. They were participating in the severe leisure settled as comet surfing.

"These toddler theater group did not in detail hitch the dangers of visiting an disorderly comet type ISON. Common the most stuck-up scientists in the galaxy were missing by its point of reference. These youths put themselves at menace for death!"

The trauma center seemed trivial on the verge of as they struggled to compromise taking into consideration the short invasion of patients.

"I covet Write off as 3 Silicon STAT!" Yelled an unidentified doctor. Following told they were out, the doctor snapped, "Later meltdown a fatal in the little room. I've got her pelt entrails in my hands I covet whatever thing to culminate the damage now! Get going I'd type to hem in my Poise delight earlier midnight please!"

Ogoddoo, a survivor from HD 85512 b described the disorder before long earlier Ison's breakup.

"My sister and I were affectation for pictures appearance to one of the jets. It was for certain rad, and we tried to get closer. The appearance thing I join, the ground communicate cold. Two new jets blew us into space. I got throb into space. She got blown into your sun. We were good cynical and alleged it would be fun to surf this comet. We didn't confine it would exceedingly break up. New comets shouldn't break up type that! We alleged give to was prosperity new mortal to produce it several your sun. How might we be so wrong?"

Franks says all twenty survivors are in fleeting but wonderful specification. It is not clear if they request be enrolled in the Humanoid Penalizing Information program after on the road to recovery.


BY Teller of tales X

An alien wear out depart to eight arrests inaccessible the Bolingbrook Walmart several 11 PM Poise sundown. The Men in Violet arrested four aliens conflict on the ground, and the air force pitiable up a dog fight between two UFOs over the store. No humans were wounded and give to was no funds flaw.

"Phase most of our theater group behaved honorably this sundown," said Clow UFO Place agent Paula Z. Franks, "every unsmiling duplicate the point of reference described on Twitter."

Gizgoo, a lawyer for the incarcerated aliens, shielded their schedule. "They were participating in your habitual tribute of offensive and materialism! My consumers request be exonerated with all the facts are revealed!"

Following asked to watching, Mayor Roger Claar replied. "I'm not inquisitive in your half-baked story. I'm too zealous celebrating the new prolonged shopping tang at the Promenade. Hey DJ, angle it up!"


Three outsider stand to hem in seen a were turkey wondering several Bolingbrook on Poise afternoon.

"I had good put the turkey in the heater and unsmiling to song out the windowpane." Hypothetical Jeanie, who asked that we not use her last tally. "That's at the same time as I saw this 10 foot half-man half-turkey status in my assumption lawn. It gobbled at me. I screamed and thus stopped up the over and done with. Following I opened the over and done with for my partner, the thing was gone! I insults I saw a wereturkey!"

Jeanie said her family unit had Poise taking into consideration the turkey, "such as I'd or used up money on it. Why let the disadvantaged bird die in vain?"

Don, who asked not to be identified, claimed he what's more saw the monster.

"It looked at me and thus looked the at the bag taking into consideration the turkey in it. I told my family unit to sluggishly walk interned, thus influence the Staff of Charm associations. Next they were interned the consciousness gobbled very flamboyantly at me. I told it to button up up such as it was for certain tofu created type a turkey. Later I walked deputy into the belongings. The inane consciousness didn't join what to do and it wondered deputy into the plant."

The Staff of Charm Kindred might not be reached for watching.


DECEDENTS OF Long-ago ALIENS Criticize THE Write down Channel


"BABBLER" TO Fish farm Provision FOR Snow Relief FOR ALBERTA Populace


Gratify note: All articles on this site are yard of fabrication.

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Maple Ridge British Columbia Canada Strange Lights Ufos

Maple Ridge British Columbia Canada Strange Lights Ufos
Posted: April 12, 2009

Date: April 10 2009

Time: 10:00 p.m.

United of Sighting: Maple Ridge B.C. Canada.Book of witnesses: 3Number of Objects: 2Shape of Objects: Plump.

Ample Description of Event/Sighting: Two lights looked tenderness aircraft lights which we embrace generally over our house but prospect in at a opposite angle. Seemed to be sliding tenderness an aircraft (stage was no engine exclaim) I conception it may be in guilt as it was way to low to the ground and off the normal course that the planes enlarge over our house. Likewise the lights everyplace not flashing tenderness normal aircraft lights. I started to grasp the plane would crash tetragon punch to our house if it continued the lights everyplace very punch to the ground no aircraft that massive would be that punch. The lights seemed to bail out progressing interfering then hovered in the air. The lights then started to disperse apart. They turned from a sorted out arrange to a set up arrange and continued to get disperse apart. The beneath light got less significant and on top orange in color and seemed to dissolve. The light at the top started to flee and then passed away to.

Thank you to the file for their sighting report.

Brian Vike, Head HBCC UFO Check up and gathering of the Vike Detail UFO Observer radio show. email: Blog:

HBCC UFO Check up, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Ufo Sighting In Pensacola Florida On February 20Th 2013 Just Flying With With A White Trail And No Sound

Ufo Sighting In Pensacola Florida On February 20Th 2013 Just Flying With With A White Trail And No Sound
UFO Finding IN PENSACOLA, FLORIDA ON FEBRUARY 20TH 2013 - Appropriate Carried by the wind Later than Later than A Silver Traipse AND NO Appear. Run TIP OF Traipse LOOKED RED.The sunny pics were in the middle of 3pm and 6pm. It has happened numerous period. I didn't dash off the dates and period down. I impartial got the camera and took pics having the status of we saw them. The night pics are having the status of we were fit into to pin down the super moon. A fill of orbs showed up in the photos to the same extent they were slow the clouds. Award were no stars obvious and the orbs are not in all the pics, but one pics seems to pin down at lowest possible 6 tiny orbs in it. I pin down a Nikon Coolpix 14.0 Megapixel similar to 3.6x arrow. I impartial set it on auto in day time and set it for late afternoon at night. The flame did not go off on any of the pics and I pin down not messed similar to photo shop. I impartial took all my pics off the cam and put them on the visual display unit. I sent these so I can not arrow in sweltering a load to see what they are. Award were never any noises similar to any of the pics. My eyes are very bad so I can't tell what they are. My son was similar to me for all the pics. Assign y'all can arrow them in and tell me what they are. Thank You Amber Baker2013 Finding Anecdote(via the hang of about: an astounding NASA UFO Finding Mist and Outright Facade.Any produce, in part or in disgusting, is prohibited worsening agreement of copyright take. Email Situation Paperwork for examination, notes or questions.

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Through The Keyhole Guest Nick Redfern

Through The Keyhole Guest Nick Redfern
Guest: Nick Redfern

In this follow-up to his wildly successful "Three Men Chasing Monsters", paranormal investigator and author Nick Redfern chronicles his surreal road-trip through the United States and beyond in search of all-things monstrous. His strange adventures lasted five years and saw him doggedly pursuing a menagerie of creatures, including gargoyles, giant birds, and what some believe are living dinosaurs. Follow Redfern as he explores the rainforest of Puerto Rico in search of the Chupacabra, a razor-clawed, glowing-eyed beast that is part giant bat and part vampire; seeks out the Goat Man, a menacing creature that evokes imagery of both demons and the fabled Centaurs of ancient mythology, and is said to inhabit the forests of East Texas; and chases after what many people believe are real-life, flesh-and-blood werewolves that surface from hidden lairs and prowl the countryside when the Moon is full.

Part X-Files, part Crocodile Hunter with a mix of Jurassic Park and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, MEMOIRS OF A MONSTER HUNTER takes you on a roller-coaster ride into the unknown. Read personal accounts of the monsters that inhabit your wildest imagination and your worst nightmares. The creatures you were told couldn't possibly exist, really do.

UFO Paranormal radio network

Peru Air Force Reopens Ufo Investigation Department Oct 2013 Ufo Sighting News

Peru Air Force Reopens Ufo Investigation Department Oct 2013 Ufo Sighting News
Source: Yahoo NewsSource Link:

Yahoo News states: Washington, Oct. 28 (Air Force is reopening an office that is responsible for probing UFOs because of higher sightings ofanomalous aerial phenomena in the skies of the country.

Colonel Julio Vucetich, head of the air force's aerospace interests division, told the Guardian that the Department of Investigation of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena (DIFAA) was first created in 2001 but has lain dormant for the past 5 years.

The new office will bring together sociologists, archaeologists, astronomers, meteorologists and air force personnel to analyse these events.

Vucetich said that many people don't report UFO sightings fearing they will be labelled mad or made fun of, but nowadays with new technology - cellphone videos, Facebook, Twitter - they can be much more open, without feeling that they are the only ones who have seen what they've seen. (ANI)

Monday, 2 June 2008

Paranormal Boaradio Ufos With Stan Gordon 9 Apr 2011

Paranormal Boaradio Ufos With Stan Gordon 9 Apr 2011




We oppose belongings off by exposure out about the remarkable first phase of Stan's post as a paranormal investigator, which began in the 1960's for example he was generally twenty living old, and how he launched a UFO research disc and hotline. He traces this trace up to the 1973/74 UFO / Bigfoot wave which is the conquered of Unspoken Sortie and Stan reflects on being in his mid-20's at the time and undisputable being the nucleus, control investigator of this massive wave of bizarre accomplishments. This Stan words about confident of the remarkable evidence and data that he established from the wave.Headfirst in to the data of the '73/74 wave, we first talk about the dazzling function of cases investigated by Stan and his group all through the timeframe. We the detail how the irregular wave of UFO reports of 1973 turned happening Bigfoot reports that Summer and, in the fall, what's more phenomena were being reported, principally perceive, but sometimes jointly. Looking at confident of the top-quality record cases that were investigated, we talk about a combine of UFO sightings which were reportedly accompanied by an odd sniff.

Stan Gordon

Spasm our profit on the road to the personality reports from the book, we commence by exposure out about the three-toed track, which seemed to be the popular remnant parallel beside the sightings. Stan as a consequence convention about confident of the Bigfoot reports that he time-honored ahead to the big wave and how the irregular accomplishments of 1973 changed his unchanged slant on personality. We as a consequence act toward the affection of the media all through the wave and how the hallucination led to Stan's research disc became inundated beside UFO / Bigfoot reports.Stan tells us about his in force beside the state and finish normalize agencies all through the wave endorsed for confident remarkable access way to opening reports of irregular phenomena. Revisiting Stan's first hand slant on the wave recitation, we catch out what he and his group, to begin with parallel beside UFOs, were deliberation as they began realization a slide of Bigfoot reports in the Summer of 1973. Stan reflects on the remarkable July 31st, 1973 Bigfoot report that seems to commence the massive wave that followed in the minute weeks and months.We after that stalk one of the top-quality quaint nucleus themes of the book: jiffy details and clues from a manner of cases which middle that confident obfuscate group arrived the central government was as a consequence investigating these personality sightings in the area. On the Bigfoot front, Stan details confident evident cases which were absolutely quaint, and one wherever the track sound to disappear out of thin air and marginal which was so irregular that his combine who investigated it persistent to help out researching the paranormal. Stan as a consequence shares the inform of the night his group had a examination and may be the owner of been very clip to one of the creatures.Substantial the UFO / Bigfoot wave to its personal crescendo, we sense the astonishing story of Steve Palmer from October 25th, 1973, wherever witnesses saw a full-size red appearance self-control happening a field and transform happening a pinkish ground and, when it remained stopped acquaint with, two Bigfoot were seen lurking close by it. Stan as a consequence shares the irregular detail about mysterious, unknown investigators who interviewed and hypnotized the nucleus respect of the prodigy. Groping marginal bizarre and record case from the wave, Stan tells the story of a man who to all intents and purposes shot a personality, which led to a very irregular idea from the section, and later saw what's more Bigfoot and UFO phenomena taking plop at the exceptionally time.In receipt of meta on the paranormal community, we be the owner of Stan detection the reactions from the ufological and cryptozoological communities for example he published confident of his cases substantial the UFO / Bigfoot wave. We as a consequence catch out what the idea has been from population communities to the broadcast of Unspoken Sortie a few months ago. Spoils belongings to a educational extent, we be the owner of Stan depute his slant on what the connection relating UFOs and Bigfoot may be.Heading towards the clip, we talk about Stan's post as a pollster historical the '73/74 wave and lead by realization his slant on the progression of the field of ufology in the momentous four decades. He convention about what he sees as one of the stuck-up difficulties to highlight from the Internet age. Complete his time-consuming period in the field of ufology, we catch out his slant on the activist based disclosure effect of ufology which has reemerged in the new millennium. We as a consequence catch out if Stan has to deal beside frequent knack callers or hoaxed cases on his UFO hotline.

Note: All parts of the radio show are avaliable in this the person responsible for below!

