The Important Twelve documents yield not been documented; that is, their provenance hasn't been array in a way that authenticates them.Polluted or real, the MJ-12 papers yield in use assured key ufologists (Stanton Friedman for one) for a curve outside the phenomenon. And MJ-12 is without a doubt external to the UFO mystery.Ufologists who see the documents as the smoking gun of government hide (the Considerable Watergate that Friedman alleges) miss the grade, as fix.Whether or not MJ-12 existed or exists, that verdict does not pick at the UFO enigma; it thoughtfully provides circumstantial evidence that UFOs (or flying saucers without a doubt) yield been captured and heavy-handed by the government of The Together States. It doesn't go to the center of the UFO mystery: what are they, and why yield they dated up in Earth's skies, for various time previous the government that appears to sustain their secret(s).Ufologists (make happy Friedman) yield been abstracted by folks MJ-12 documents. If ufologists can't column they are a hoax or real, what chance do they (ufologists) yield in solving the UFO riddle?How is it not feasible to path down the foremost of the documents if they are a blow up by one private or a few who complete them up to mislead the UFO community?Are the hoaxers that powerful that they yield been able to discharge the FBI and theoretically shrewd ufologists (make happy Friedman, Group of students, Clark, Randle, Maccabee, et al.) for all the time when their appearance?If the documents are real, how is it that no one has been able to definitively write down them? The UFOs themselves are harder to survey, so if the MJ-12 papers discharge foundation, how further harder mettle it be (and has been) to survey what UFOs are?The inspect of UFOs, as a psychologist sees it, is an trip from reality - flatten for folks who shoulder that UFOs indicate a mega-reality.The inspect of MJ-12 is an trip, as a psychologist sees it, at home reality: the trip from real reality to a manufactured reality, one complete to make-believe a private is affair amid assured thread of real life but who has without a doubt run off at home a musing world that has vacuum to do amid the reality of common being.MJ-12 is a alternative route, and has been a alternative route, but it continues to consume ufologists, who won't, or can't, perpendicular the thing that MJ-12 purports to deal with: UFOs.
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